Alex-D / Trumbowyg

A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor under 10kB
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Emoji plugin with custom images (contains fix for default list showing up in custom list) #547

Closed chriskirknielsen closed 6 years ago

chriskirknielsen commented 7 years ago

Hello there, While working on my project, I sought to add some custom emoji to the editor. Currently, it uses the emojify.js list, I presume? In an effort to improve this, I have changed the code so that you can now specify an array instead of a single emoji code, along with a fix I'll detail below.


I customised the code so that one can specify the custom images for the emoji in an array when instantiating Trumbowyg, like so:

    btns: [
    plugins: {
        emoji: {
            emojiList: [
                [':)', '../img/smileys/smile.png'],
                [':D', '../img/smileys/smile-big.png'],
                [':^^:', '../img/smileys/hehe.png'],
                [':happy:', '../img/smileys/happy.png']

And the changes in trumbowyg.emoji.js are as follows, replacing the block from line 925 to 936:

$.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.emoji.emojiList, function (i, emoji) {
    if ($.isArray(emoji)) { // Custom emoji list
        var emojiCode = emoji[0],
            emojiUrl = emoji[1],
            emojiHtml = '<img src="' + emojiUrl + '" alt="' + emojiCode + '">',
            btnDef = {
                hasIcon: false,
                param: emojiHtml,
                fn: function () {
                    trumbowyg.execCmd('insertImage', emojiUrl, false, true);
                    return true;
        trumbowyg.addBtnDef(emojiHtml, btnDef);
    } else { // Default behaviour
        var btn = emoji,
            btnDef = {
                param: emoji,
                fn: function () {
                    trumbowyg.execCmd('insertText', emoji);
                    return true;
        trumbowyg.addBtnDef(btn, btnDef);

Note: you can still use regular emoji if you use a string instead of an array I imagine there is room for improvement on this. For instance, when adding an emoji after text, it wraps in a new <p> tag, so I might have to dig deeper to understand how Trumbowyg works a bit better.


The fix I mentioned is the following: just like the colors plugin (in this comment), an issue led to the default list being merged with the custom list. Fixed by changing line 912 from: trumbowyg.o.plugins.emoji = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, trumbowyg.o.plugins.emoji || {}); to: trumbowyg.o.plugins.emoji = trumbowyg.o.plugins.emoji || defaultOptions;

Maybe at least the above fix might be worth implementing in a future update? I realise I am proposing an edit that makes the editor a bit more customisable, which might not be great for the lightweightness of Trumbowyg. Anyway, that's just my two cents.

Take care!

Alex-D commented 7 years ago


Can you make a pull request? :)

chriskirknielsen commented 7 years ago

Yes, done with PR #548 👍 (first Pull Request I ever do, I hope that's how you're supposed to do it).

danman1234 commented 7 years ago

It works, but still, after reloadig the apge a couple of sometimes, sometimes the smiley cion disappears then after reloading it aprears:

function handleEmoji()
     img_dir : '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smiley',

$('.trumbowyg-editor').bind('input propertychange', function() {

      btns: [['bold', 'italic','h2'], ['link'],['emoji'] ],
    autogrow: true,
    semantic: false,
    removeformatPasted: true,
    plugins: {
            emoji: {
                emojiList: [
                    [':)', '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smiley/8ball.png'],
                    [':D', '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smiley/8ball.png']




With all smileys before this method it all works and loads, but i dont want to use all smileys

ghost commented 7 years ago

@danman1234 with the "old" method, you can remove some lines of the emojiList array if you want :


With the "new" method, try to remove this first (not needed anymore) :

function handleEmoji()
     img_dir : '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smiley',

$('.trumbowyg-editor').bind('input propertychange', function() {

danman1234 commented 7 years ago

Well nice, but this way the smiley icon is not showing up anymore:


      btns: [['bold', 'italic','h2'], ['link'],['emoji'] ],
    autogrow: true,
    semantic: false,
    removeformatPasted: true,
    plugins: {
    emoji: {
        emojiList: [
           [':)', '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smileys/smile.png'],
            [':)', '<?=HTML_ROOT?>images/smileys/smile.png']


` Trumbowyg.emoji.js is changed the way that is witten. not working. Only if i put the whole list of items:


':smile:', ':laughing:', ':blush:', ':smiley:', ':relaxed:', ':smirk:', ':heart_eyes:', ':kissing_heart:', ':kissing_closed_eyes:', ':flushed:', ':relieved:', ':satisfied:', ':grin:', ':wink:', ':stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:', ':stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:', ':grinning:', ':kissing:', ':kissing_smiling_eyes:', ':stuck_out_tongue:', ':sleeping:', ':worried:', ':frowning:', ':anguished:', ':open_mouth:', ':grimacing:', ':confused:', ':hushed:', ':expressionless:', ':unamused:', ':sweat_smile:', ':sweat:', ':disappointed_relieved:', ':weary:', ':pensive:', ':disappointed:', ':confounded:', ':fearful:', ':cold_sweat:', ':persevere:', ':cry:', ':sob:', ':joy:', ':astonished:', ':scream:', ':neckbeard:', ':tired_face:', ':angry:', ':rage:', ':triumph:', ':sleepy:', ':yum:', ':mask:', ':sunglasses:', ':dizzy_face:', ':imp:', ':smiling_imp:', ':neutral_face:', ':no_mouth:', ':innocent:', ':alien:', ':yellow_heart:', ':blue_heart:', ':purple_heart:', ':heart:', ':green_heart:', ':broken_heart:', ':heartbeat:', ':heartpulse:', ':two_hearts:', ':revolving_hearts:', ':cupid:', ':sparkling_heart:', ':sparkles:', ':star:', ':star2:', ':dizzy:', ':boom:', ':collision:', ':anger:', ':exclamation:', ':question:', ':grey_exclamation:', ':grey_question:', ':zzz:', ':dash:', ':sweat_drops:', ':notes:', ':musical_note:', ':fire:', ':hankey:', ':poop:', ':shit:', ':+1:', ':thumbsup:', ':-1:', ':thumbsdown:', ':ok_hand:', ':punch:', ':facepunch:', ':fist:', ':v:', ':wave:', ':hand:', ':raised_hand:', ':open_hands:', ':point_up:', ':point_down:', ':point_left:', ':point_right:', ':raised_hands:', ':pray:', ':point_up_2:', ':clap:', ':muscle:', ':metal:', ':fu:', ':runner:', ':running:', ':couple:', ':family:', ':two_men_holding_hands:', ':two_women_holding_hands:', ':dancer:', ':dancers:', ':ok_woman:', ':no_good:', ':information_desk_person:', ':raising_hand:', ':bride_with_veil:', ':person_with_pouting_face:', ':person_frowning:', ':bow:', ':couplekiss:', 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':cat:', ':dog:', ':mouse:', ':hamster:', ':rabbit:', ':wolf:', ':frog:', ':tiger:', ':koala:', ':bear:', ':pig:', ':pig_nose:', ':cow:', ':boar:', ':monkey_face:', ':monkey:', ':horse:', ':racehorse:', ':camel:', ':sheep:', ':elephant:', ':panda_face:', ':snake:', ':bird:', ':baby_chick:', ':hatched_chick:', ':hatching_chick:', ':chicken:', ':penguin:', ':turtle:', ':bug:', ':honeybee:', ':ant:', ':beetle:', ':snail:', ':octopus:', ':tropical_fish:', ':fish:', ':whale:', ':whale2:', ':dolphin:', ':cow2:', ':ram:', ':rat:', ':water_buffalo:', ':tiger2:', ':rabbit2:', ':dragon:', ':goat:', ':rooster:', ':dog2:', ':pig2:', ':mouse2:', ':ox:', ':dragon_face:', ':blowfish:', ':crocodile:', ':dromedary_camel:', ':leopard:', ':cat2:', ':poodle:', ':paw_prints:', ':bouquet:', ':cherry_blossom:', ':tulip:', ':four_leaf_clover:', ':rose:', ':sunflower:', ':hibiscus:', ':maple_leaf:', ':leaves:', ':fallen_leaf:', ':herb:', ':mushroom:', ':cactus:', ':palm_tree:', ':evergreen_tree:', ':deciduous_tree:', ':chestnut:', ':seedling:', ':blossom:', ':ear_of_rice:', ':shell:', ':globe_with_meridians:', ':sun_with_face:', ':full_moon_with_face:', ':new_moon_with_face:', ':new_moon:', ':waxing_crescent_moon:', ':first_quarter_moon:', ':waxing_gibbous_moon:', ':full_moon:', ':waning_gibbous_moon:', ':last_quarter_moon:', ':waning_crescent_moon:', ':last_quarter_moon_with_face:', ':first_quarter_moon_with_face:', ':crescent_moon:', ':earth_africa:', ':earth_americas:', ':earth_asia:', ':volcano:', ':milky_way:', ':partly_sunny:', ':octocat:', ':squirrel:', ':bamboo:', ':gift_heart:', ':dolls:', ':school_satchel:', ':mortar_board:', ':flags:', ':fireworks:', ':sparkler:', ':wind_chime:', ':rice_scene:', ':jack_o_lantern:', ':ghost:', ':santa:', ':christmas_tree:', ':gift:', ':bell:', ':no_bell:', ':tanabata_tree:', ':tada:', ':confetti_ball:', ':balloon:', ':crystal_ball:', ':cd:', ':dvd:', ':floppy_disk:', ':camera:', ':video_camera:', ':movie_camera:', ':computer:', ':tv:', ':iphone:', ':phone:', ':telephone:', ':telephone_receiver:', ':pager:', ':fax:', ':minidisc:', ':vhs:', ':sound:', ':speaker:', ':mute:', ':loudspeaker:', ':mega:', ':hourglass:', ':hourglass_flowing_sand:', ':alarm_clock:', ':watch:', ':radio:', ':satellite:', ':loop:', ':mag:', ':mag_right:', ':unlock:', ':lock:', ':lock_with_ink_pen:', ':closed_lock_with_key:', ':key:', ':bulb:', ':flashlight:', ':high_brightness:', ':low_brightness:', ':electric_plug:', ':battery:', ':calling:', ':email:', ':mailbox:', ':postbox:', ':bath:', ':bathtub:', ':shower:', ':toilet:', ':wrench:', ':nut_and_bolt:', ':hammer:', ':seat:', ':moneybag:', ':yen:', ':dollar:', ':pound:', ':euro:', ':credit_card:', ':money_with_wings:', ':e-mail:', ':inbox_tray:', ':outbox_tray:', ':envelope:', ':incoming_envelope:', ':postal_horn:', ':mailbox_closed:', ':mailbox_with_mail:', ':mailbox_with_no_mail:', ':package:', ':door:', ':smoking:', ':bomb:', ':gun:', ':hocho:', ':pill:', ':syringe:', ':page_facing_up:', 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':game_die:', ':dart:', ':mahjong:', ':clapper:', ':memo:', ':pencil:', ':book:', ':art:', ':microphone:', ':headphones:', ':trumpet:', ':saxophone:', ':guitar:', ':shoe:', ':sandal:', ':high_heel:', ':lipstick:', ':boot:', ':shirt:', ':tshirt:', ':necktie:', ':womans_clothes:', ':dress:', ':running_shirt_with_sash:', ':jeans:', ':kimono:', ':bikini:', ':ribbon:', ':tophat:', ':crown:', ':womans_hat:', ':mans_shoe:', ':closed_umbrella:', ':briefcase:', ':handbag:', ':pouch:', ':purse:', ':eyeglasses:', ':fishing_pole_and_fish:', ':coffee:', ':tea:', ':sake:', ':baby_bottle:', ':beer:', ':beers:', ':cocktail:', ':tropical_drink:', ':wine_glass:', ':fork_and_knife:', ':pizza:', ':hamburger:', ':fries:', ':poultry_leg:', ':meat_on_bone:', ':spaghetti:', ':curry:', ':fried_shrimp:', ':bento:', ':sushi:', ':fish_cake:', ':rice_ball:', ':rice_cracker:', ':rice:', ':ramen:', ':stew:', ':oden:', ':dango:', ':egg:', ':bread:', ':doughnut:', ':custard:', ':icecream:', ':ice_cream:', ':shaved_ice:', ':birthday:', ':cake:', ':cookie:', ':chocolate_bar:', ':candy:', ':lollipop:', ':honey_pot:', ':apple:', ':green_apple:', ':tangerine:', ':lemon:', ':cherries:', ':grapes:', ':watermelon:', ':strawberry:', ':peach:', ':melon:', ':banana:', ':pear:', ':pineapple:', ':sweet_potato:', ':eggplant:', ':tomato:', ':corn:', ':house:', ':house_with_garden:', ':school:', ':office:', ':post_office:', ':hospital:', ':bank:', ':convenience_store:', ':love_hotel:', ':hotel:', ':wedding:', ':church:', ':department_store:', ':european_post_office:', ':city_sunrise:', ':city_sunset:', ':japanese_castle:', ':european_castle:', ':tent:', ':factory:', ':tokyo_tower:', ':japan:', ':mount_fuji:', ':sunrise_over_mountains:', ':sunrise:', ':stars:', ':statue_of_liberty:', ':bridge_at_night:', ':carousel_horse:', ':rainbow:', ':ferris_wheel:', ':fountain:', ':roller_coaster:', ':ship:', ':speedboat:', ':boat:', ':sailboat:', ':rowboat:', ':anchor:', ':rocket:', ':airplane:', ':helicopter:', ':steam_locomotive:', ':tram:', ':mountain_railway:', ':bike:', ':aerial_tramway:', ':suspension_railway:', ':mountain_cableway:', ':tractor:', ':blue_car:', ':oncoming_automobile:', ':car:', ':red_car:', ':taxi:', ':oncoming_taxi:', ':articulated_lorry:', ':bus:', ':oncoming_bus:', ':rotating_light:', ':police_car:', ':oncoming_police_car:', ':fire_engine:', ':ambulance:', ':minibus:', ':truck:', ':train:', ':station:', ':train2:', ':bullettrain_front:', ':bullettrain_side:', ':light_rail:', ':monorail:', ':railway_car:', ':trolleybus:', ':ticket:', ':fuelpump:', ':vertical_traffic_light:', ':traffic_light:', ':warning:', ':construction:', ':beginner:', ':atm:', ':slot_machine:', ':busstop:', ':barber:', ':hotsprings:', ':checkered_flag:', ':crossed_flags:', ':izakaya_lantern:', ':moyai:', ':circus_tent:', ':performing_arts:', ':round_pushpin:', ':triangular_flag_on_post:', ':jp:', ':kr:', ':cn:', ':us:', ':fr:', ':es:', ':it:', ':ru:', ':gb:', ':uk:', ':de:', ':one:', ':two:', ':three:', ':four:', ':five:', ':six:', ':seven:', ':eight:', ':nine:', ':keycap_ten:', ':1234:', ':zero:', ':hash:', ':symbols:', ':arrow_backward:', ':arrow_down:', ':arrow_forward:', ':arrow_left:', ':capital_abcd:', ':abcd:', ':abc:', ':arrow_lower_left:', ':arrow_lower_right:', ':arrow_right:', ':arrow_up:', ':arrow_upper_left:', ':arrow_upper_right:', ':arrow_double_down:', ':arrow_double_up:', ':arrow_down_small:', ':arrow_heading_down:', ':arrow_heading_up:', ':leftwards_arrow_with_hook:', ':arrow_right_hook:', ':left_right_arrow:', ':arrow_up_down:', ':arrow_up_small:', ':arrows_clockwise:', ':arrows_counterclockwise:', ':rewind:', ':fast_forward:', ':information_source:', ':ok:', ':twisted_rightwards_arrows:', ':repeat:', ':repeat_one:', ':new:', ':top:', ':up:', ':cool:', ':free:', ':ng:', ':cinema:', ':koko:', ':signal_strength:', ':u5272:', ':u5408:', ':u55b6:', ':u6307:', ':u6708:', ':u6709:', ':u6e80:', ':u7121:', ':u7533:', ':u7a7a:', ':u7981:', ':sa:', ':restroom:', ':mens:', ':womens:', ':baby_symbol:', ':no_smoking:', ':parking:', ':wheelchair:', ':metro:', ':baggage_claim:', ':accept:', ':wc:', ':potable_water:', ':put_litter_in_its_place:', ':secret:', ':congratulations:', ':m:', ':passport_control:', ':left_luggage:', ':customs:', ':ideograph_advantage:', ':cl:', ':sos:', ':id:', ':no_entry_sign:', ':underage:', ':no_mobile_phones:', ':do_not_litter:', ':non-potable_water:', ':no_bicycles:', ':no_pedestrians:', ':children_crossing:', ':no_entry:', ':eight_spoked_asterisk:', ':sparkle:', ':eight_pointed_black_star:', ':heart_decoration:', ':vs:', ':vibration_mode:', ':mobile_phone_off:', ':chart:', ':currency_exchange:', ':aries:', ':taurus:', ':gemini:', ':cancer:', ':leo:', ':virgo:', ':libra:', ':scorpius:', ':sagittarius:', ':capricorn:', ':aquarius:', ':pisces:', ':ophiuchus:', ':six_pointed_star:', ':negative_squared_cross_mark:', ':a:', ':b:', ':ab:', ':o2:', ':diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:', ':recycle:', ':end:', ':back:', ':on:', ':soon:', ':clock1:', ':clock130:', ':clock10:', ':clock1030:', ':clock11:', ':clock1130:', ':clock12:', ':clock1230:', ':clock2:', ':clock230:', ':clock3:', ':clock330:', ':clock4:', ':clock430:', ':clock5:', ':clock530:', ':clock6:', ':clock630:', ':clock7:', ':clock730:', ':clock8:', ':clock830:', ':clock9:', ':clock930:', ':heavy_dollar_sign:', ':copyright:', ':registered:', ':tm:', ':x:', ':heavy_exclamation_mark:', ':bangbang:', ':interrobang:', ':o:', ':heavy_multiplication_x:', ':heavy_plus_sign:', ':heavy_minus_sign:', ':heavy_division_sign:', ':white_flower:', ':100:', ':heavy_check_mark:', ':ballot_box_with_check:', ':radio_button:', ':link:', ':curly_loop:', ':wavy_dash:', ':part_alternation_mark:', ':trident:', ':black_small_square:', ':white_small_square:', ':black_medium_small_square:', ':white_medium_small_square:', ':black_medium_square:', ':white_medium_square:', ':black_large_square:', ':white_large_square:', ':white_check_mark:', ':black_square_button:', ':white_square_button:', ':black_circle:', ':white_circle:', ':red_circle:', ':large_blue_circle:', ':large_blue_diamond:', ':large_orange_diamond:', ':small_blue_diamond:', ':small_orange_diamond:', ':small_red_triangle:', ':small_red_triangle_down:', ':shipit:'

only then its working, but sometimes when i reload the page, the smily icon is gone. this is something i dont understand. How can i ut a interval to make sure the smiley icon is available, if not keep reloading until it does???? Sometiems i need to reload 5 times then its visible, this is terrible!

And your link also not working:

ghost commented 7 years ago

Use the new method I think (because the old one, use emojify.js, and "parse" the entire page to replace emoji :code: with image)

New newest method just "load" images.

For your bug with the new method, can you check in firebug / console if images are loaded please (to check if its not a image path related problem) ?


danman1234 commented 7 years ago

I did check the path, which is correct, otherwise i would not see the smileys anyway, My pproblem i mentioned are the ['emoji'] in the pane:

btns: [['bold', 'italic','h2'], ['link'],['emoji'] ],

Also, why i cant use the sprite in this way? i cant get the sprite to work. The point is, serverload in many images is not good.

ghost commented 7 years ago
