Alex-hawks / Electric-Expansion

Electric Expansion, Universal Electricity expanded! Adds more cables, energy storage and more!
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Suggestion: Renaming Adv Batbox to Modular Bat Box #24

Open calclavia opened 11 years ago

calclavia commented 11 years ago

Because Basic Components is no more and EE is striving to be more of a universal electrical type of mod, I suggest the Advanced Battery Box to be renamed to Modular Battery Box. This way it sounds more universal, but just a thought, up to you.

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

Or we add in the normal Battery Box?

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

Im with liquid in that we just add the basic box. However, the focus needs to be stability at the moment

calclavia commented 11 years ago

No point of adding the normal batbox. It's deprecated and not supposed to be used anymore. It's only a block available when there's no other batbox available.

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

Or he could make his own basic battery box. After all we do need a better one than bc had. One with updating textures to show the internal change. Even maybe a model to show a battery like shape inside a box, and an external slot that will render a battery in it if someone places a battery in one of the slots.

calclavia commented 11 years ago

What's the purpose of a biasc batbox when the advanced one is the same price and can do so much more and be upgraded? I don't see a point here.

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

The point is an early game and cheap battery box with no upgrades to be upgraded into the advanced one.

nanakisan commented 11 years ago

Both of you have valid argument. However Calcs is a tad stronger. They are the same price when you think on it. If not a tad more expensive. Its not that hard to smelt your ores and make the machines. copper and tin is very abundant if you actually go and look for it. the same can also be said with sheep for insulation.

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

I guess you haven't seen what I do to cables yet then... :D

nanakisan commented 11 years ago

Alex you scare me with the way you worded that. Those poor poor defenseless cables D:

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

they are getting smarter... but the intelligence comes at a cost... :P

nanakisan commented 11 years ago

SO many orphans sacrificed to fuel the cable hive mind.

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

Actually, that was the best description of the intention yet... :P

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

and has given me a good idea on how I will implement this... :P thanks

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

got a twitter account?

nanakisan commented 11 years ago

haha it sould be under @3dsteamworks

I can't use my username seeing as some lovely person.....out of all things is actually using "nanakisan" so UGH

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago

I will load all of Basic Components, after changing it so that I can easily do runtime nerfing of the Basic Components Machines

Alex-hawks commented 11 years ago
