Alex-hawks / Electric-Expansion

Electric Expansion, Universal Electricity expanded! Adds more cables, energy storage and more!
10 stars 7 forks source link

BUGS OF 2.0.0 #7

Closed Slater022 closed 11 years ago

Slater022 commented 11 years ago

1 / Insulate refinary :

Not enought interesting to build one : wool 1 <-> 1 insulated manualy in machine 1:1 too .... leather 1 <-> 4 manualy in machine : 1:3 WTF ?!

suggestion : increase it to : wool 1:2 leather : 1:6 or 1:5

1.1 Time to process the leather : bug or tooo quicly .... 1.2 Time to process the wool : bug with the process , it process all the stack of 60 (instead of 64 ) wool in one and take a VERY long time , let in the square of primary ressources 4 wool

1.3 when the process is over with the wool the machine is completely freezed and it not work again without destroy and replace.

1.4 SHIFT + click is not working for that machine !!!

2 / connectivity bug :

2.1 All is working well with insulated wire BUT not with uninsulated : 2.2 Connectivity bug with switch wire : ( in the order : switch switch , uninsulated , insulated, switch , & with all materials ! ) 2.3Connectivity with logistic wire : working well with the same material , but no with other materials

3 / Bug name in creative table :


4 / textures missing:

4.1 wire mill when destroyed : 4.2 Same bug with all uninsulated AND insulated wire AND logistic wire ( copper , silver , HV , supraconductor ,tin ) 4.3 transformaters : ( all of them , basic , advanced , elite )

5/ textures bugs : 5.1 multimeter : funny decoration =>

6/ Text missing : 6.1 6.2

7/ performance issues :

7.1 Transformaters : before : after : AND CRASH IF I alt + tab !!!!!!

8/ random Bugs : 8.1 almost 91% of lose of power ^^ Try a little your hidden wire VERY VERY buggy to transport energy ! the result of this : ( copper hidden wire with an advanced battery ( full ) in the right box ) : ( result in the left box , in the right box there was a FULL advanced battery ) .