Alex313031 / Thorium-Win

Chromium fork for Windows named after radioactive element No. 90; Windows builds of
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Without compatibility issue and flags #10

Closed trimechee closed 1 year ago

trimechee commented 2 years ago

Hello, I still prefer to wait for the problem of compatibility with windows 10 to be resolved by default and without user intervention before using the excellent Thorium Browser as my main browser, and I suggest that while waiting for this bug to be resolved that Mr lex make a chromium version with avx or avx2 and fma not very advanced technically and sophisticated, a version has been modified too much in order to avoid compatibility problems, I say that I recently tested a chromium version with avx and fma but not as modifed as Thorium browser and I noticed that the fan of my computer does not turn any more and does not produce any more noise! ​​therefore the version with fma and avx seems to solve the problem of the annoying activation of the fan that's why I suggested that Mr. Alex make a more basic version of Thorium browser in order to solve all the compatibility problems.....

I went to discover the chromium flags and I discovered several superfluous flasg for me and that we can deactivate, by exp Tab Hover Card Images, the NTP flags, mirroring, prerender... I learned about all these flags and my browser works fast and without bugs, I suggest that Tohrium make a special version or add an option to disable, for example, all experimental flags such as experimental javascript, smooth scrolling....thus the notebook battery will be preserved.....thank you

Alex313031 commented 2 years ago

@trimechee The compatibility mode issue has been fixed.

I will not be making changes to the above flags, as the affect on performance is miniscule and some people want them. I use the hover card images and prerendering for example. Neither Chromium nor Thorium should affect your fan speed appreciably, and even if it did, Thorium is more optimized and should use less CPU cycles.

trimechee commented 2 years ago

Great ! thank you very much ! yes i understand , you are right, these flags could be be necessary and the affect on performance is miniscule....

I went to the bios to disable unnecessary options and I disabled Intel AES-NI which is apparently used for encryption and decryption then I tried to open the browser which has avx2 and fma enabled, but the browser doesn't open, however i can open microsoft edge browser, so AES-NI is needed for chromium avx2 and fma to work?

I have already asked the question to another developer but I am asking the question again to have your opinion on this subject please : does Thorium Browser support HEVC? and since avx2 and fma are enbaled in Thorium browser, does their activation lead to overconsumption of electricity and excessive power thus the fan of the computer will run longer and more noisy?

Alex313031 commented 2 years ago

@trimechee Thorium needs AES, as it is a requirement to build with AVX or AVX2. Why did you disable it? AES-NI is a good thing, Thorium uses it to speed up AES encryption and decryption, which is normally done in software and is taxxing on the CPU.

Thorium does support HEVC, but your GPU must support decrypting it.

FMA and AVX have no effect. It is possible that AVX2 might make your CPU hotter, but I doubt that thorium is making your fan run faster. If in doubt, you could use the regular Thorium Win release with just AVX.

trimechee commented 2 years ago

Thank you for these important explanations!

I disabled AES it because summer is approaching and the fan might run at full speed and disturb my comfort lol so I went to the bios to disable all unnecessary things, such as LAN, card redaer, camera, sata odd , secure boot, fast boot.....I already disabled intulie lessergice and superfluous option in wonsows 10 and so I decided to go digging in the bios settings.... if AES-NI is a good thing, if I disable it, Thorium browser will become slower? and does this service require additional power and therefore the CPU temperature will increase a lot?

I use the famous adguard dns, I disabled "dns over https" in Chromium beacause I think the unencrypted dns connection will be faster, but sometimes the browser freezes a bit, so I just disabled the "dns client" service by going to the registry editor "regedit" "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sppsvc",

and i noticed that my connection has become much smoother and faster and the web browser does not freeze, i think that adguard dns uses a lot of anti ad and malware filters which could slow down the browser on my HDD which is 5 years old, but with disabling "dns client" service, my connection becomes faster, so i would like to ask this question please, if i enable secure dns "dns over https" in Thorium Browser, will windows 10 os still continue to cache domain names via dns client service? I ask this question because I would like Thorium browser to avoid using this service which can be important, which is why I hesitate to disable or enable it.....

Alex313031 commented 1 year ago

@trimechee Compatibility issue has been fixed.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Great ! thank you very much :) now we hope that our beloved Thorium Browser will find a solution ti disable completely session store restore to save SSD life and battery 🥇