Alex313031 / Thorium-Win

Chromium fork for Windows named after radioactive element No. 90; Windows builds of
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Google voice call & web browser spotify malfunction, #30

Open Username23453 opened 1 year ago

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

1.) When i try to make a call with google voice, it calls out, but i cant hear it dialing or anyone answer, but in brave browser it works fine. It appears that google voice is calling out with thorium & working, but that i just cant hear anything whatsoever. I also want to explain the ramifications of this, when I tried to use it with Thorium. It would call out, & have no sound at all, but when I'd call my own phone, my phone rang, even though i couldnt hear anything on google voice's side. I didnt think there would be an issue with Thorium, so i didnt think about that & assumed the problem was being caused by something else, So I thought the 1st phone # i had called had blocked me. And also if this happens with other people, they may think this too & experience distress, or they may think it's google voice thats the problem, & that will cause them distress, etc, or they may think they have a virus. So its important to fix this issue soon, or maybe just warn thorium users about this. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the thorium experience & appreciate it.

2.) web browser version malfunctions & skips randomly, wont play a song properly, very glitchy. This also can cause other issues with the user, they may think they have a virus or that spotify is the one malfunctioning & not thorium & cause them to go on a wild goose chase, so a warning would be a good idea with this too.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

1.) When i try to make a call with google voice, it calls out, but i cant hear it dialing or anyone answer, but in brave browser it works fine. It appears that google voice is calling out with thorium & working, but that i just cant hear anything whatsoever. I also want to explain the ramifications of this, when I tried to use it with Thorium. It would call out, & have no sound at all, but when I'd call my own phone, my phone rang, even though i couldnt hear anything on google voice's side. I didnt think there would be an issue with Thorium, so i didnt think about that & assumed the problem was being caused by something else, So I thought the 1st phone # i had called had blocked me. And also if this happens with other people, they may think this too & experience distress, or they may think it's google voice thats the problem, & that will cause them distress, etc, or they may think they have a virus. So its important to fix this issue soon, or maybe just warn thorium users about this. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the thorium experience & appreciate it.

2.) web browser version malfunctions & skips randomly, wont play a song properly, very glitchy. This also can cause other issues with the user, they may think they have a virus or that spotify is the one malfunctioning & not thorium & cause them to go on a wild goose chase, so a warning would be a good idea with this too.


Hi, which version are you using now? Is it the avx version, the avx2 version or the sse3 version?

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , I have no idea, but this is all my browser tells me "Version 109.0.5362.0 (Official Build) (64-bit)"

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , I have no idea, but this is all my browser tells me "Version 109.0.5362.0 (Official Build) (64-bit)"


The version released in this repo is the avx version, and the avx2 version and sse3 version are in other repositories.

In addition, please download the latest version and try to see if there are still problems you have encountered. The download address is below.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 ,my browser is now updated to the 109.0.5414.120 version. Spotify & google voice still are malfunctioning. Please link me to the avx2 & sse3, and also, are those two Hibbiki & RobRich's versions?

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 ,my browser is now updated to the 109.0.5414.120 version. Spotify & google voice still are malfunctioning. Please link me to the avx2 & sse3, and also, are those two Hibbiki & RobRich's versions?

@Intellectual234 AVX2 version:

SSE3 version:

The Thorium browser is different from the browser compiled by Hibbiki & RobRich's, but Thorium uses some patches from Hibbiki & RobRich's, for more information about the Thorium browser you can check the readme in the Thorium repo

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83, thanks! before i install avx2 or sse3, I need to know, is it going to delete or reset any of my browser configurations or data?

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83, thanks! before i install avx2 or sse3, I need to know, is it going to delete or reset any of my browser configurations or data?


Installing the avx2 version or sse3 version will not destroy your user data under normal circumstances, but it is still recommended to back up the user data folder.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , are there any OS's or laptops that AVX2 & SSE3 version would have issues running in? before i try them.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , are there any OS's or laptops that AVX2 & SSE3 version would have issues running in? before i try them.


The AVX2 version has some bug reports recently, but they are not completely related to your problem. The reported problems are known to the development team and we will deal with them in the near future.

The SSE3 version has not received new bug reports, but this version may be a bit older than the AVX version or the AVX2 version.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , I just tried avx2 & spotify & google voice malfunctions on it, and in regards to SSE3, i cant find a windows installer for SSE3.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , I just tried avx2 & spotify & google voice malfunctions on it, and in regards to SSE3, i cant find a windows installer for SSE3.


oops, I forgot that the SSE3 version also released an update, this is the download address of the SSE3 version of mini_installer

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , @Alex313031 , I have tested the avx & avx2 versions of thorium on windows 7 & spotify & google voice malfunctions with both of them. I have not had the chance to test if sse3 version works or not. But i know something new though, which is that the thorium for linux(To be precise ZorinOS), "thorium-browser_110.0.5481.178_amd64.deb", the newest version for thorium, Link:,

Spotify & google voice work flawlessly on this version & i can even ad block on spotify web browser version. This issue still should remain open though until the sse3 version is tested & the problem is solved. -Thank you.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , @Alex313031 , I have tested the avx & avx2 versions of thorium on windows 7 & spotify & google voice malfunctions with both of them. I have not had the chance to test if sse3 version works or not. But i know something new though, which is that the thorium for linux(To be precise ZorinOS), "thorium-browser_110.0.5481.178_amd64.deb", the newest version for thorium, Link:,

Spotify & google voice work flawlessly on this version & i can even ad block on spotify web browser version. This issue still should remain open though until the sse3 version is tested & the problem is solved. -Thank you.


Does the latest avx version (Windows) still have the problem you are experiencing?

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , a few weeks ago it didnt work, i dont know about now though. I am overwhelmed with things right now, someone should test it out.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

I dont think this is solved with Windows Thorium, @Alex313031?

gz83 commented 1 year ago

I dont think this is solved with Windows Thorium, @Alex313031?


Does the 111 version of chromium have the problem you are experiencing?

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , i think i checked & it still had the problem but i cant remember, I only have ZorinOS right now, so I am not able to test it, but when I was using Thorium for windows, this issue was a real problem, & inconveniencing.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , i think i checked & it still had the problem but i cant remember, I only have ZorinOS right now, so I am not able to test it, but when I was using Thorium for windows, this issue was a real problem, & inconveniencing.


In this case, let's temporarily set this issue to closed status. If you have the opportunity to use thorium on windows and encounter the same problem in the future, you can reopen this issue and report the problem to us.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 , @Alex313031 , I've already reported the problem to both of you & documented it plenty. Perhaps one of you could run a windows 7 in VM & test it,because it never worked for me. I am not in a position to do so right now.

Aedon commented 1 year ago

@gz83 112 has the spotify web player problem described by @Intellectual234 . If it's a playlist it keeps skipping songs, till it reaches the end and autoplays other songs. If it's a single song then it will always plays the first 10 seconds and rest will be silent.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@Aedon , thanks yeah they need to fix this issue. The Thorium version I'm using for ZorinOS though works fine. Who's 112?

Aedon commented 1 year ago

Who's 112?

By 112 I am referring to the version.

Aedon commented 1 year ago

@Intellectual234 It's a grim world we live in; not thorium's fault.

Username23453 commented 1 year ago

@Aedon , thank you, very helpful.

gz83 commented 1 year ago

Do Google Voice and Spotify still have problems? If it still exists, please open the following two pages when the problem occurs, and upload all the content under these two pages to here, so as to locate the problem



@Aedon @Intellectual234

Aedon commented 1 year ago

@gz83 histograms.txt Screenshot 2023-06-03 233427

gz83 commented 1 year ago

There is a suspected exception with the widevine component, I will discuss this with Alex

Alex313031 commented 1 year ago

@gz83 @Aedon @Intellectual234 As Aedon pointed out, some sites require VMP (verified media path) to stream properly on windows. This requires signing. If you remember @gz83 when I messaged you about how I was signing my electron applications with castlabs free service for exactly this reason.

Besides VMP, widevine has 3 security levels. Most streaming sites require security level 2, which thorium does have. Thorium on Linux does not have VMP and is at security level 3, and so some sites don't work, such as Vudu. Other sites, such as netflix, will restrict the resolution (in netflix's case, to 560p) on linux.

Security level 1 requires hardware level CDM support and hardware encryption/decryption of H264/AV1/VP9 content. Examples of things that have this are ChromeOS and recent android phones.

Google is very hostile towards small open source projects when it comes to signing stuff or providing API keys, and getting to sign Thorium would cost alot of money. SO unfortunately I think this is just something we all will have to deal with.

gz83 commented 1 year ago


Please open the chrome://flags page and open the three experimental flags shown in the image to see if it solves the problem you are experiencing.

@Aedon @Intellectual234

Aedon commented 1 year ago

@gz83 The songs now play for 0.5s or so on before skipping like before.

Alex313031 commented 1 year ago

@Aedon @Intellectual234 Can you try the latest M114 release. We enabled a new widevine path.

Aedon commented 1 year ago

Tried, the issue is still there.

MisterLotospol commented 8 months ago

Tried, the issue is still there.

Has this been fixed ?

Username23453 commented 8 months ago

@MisterLotospol , i dont know about google voice, but spotify works great. i have a new/different version though for linux.

MisterLotospol commented 8 months ago

@MisterLotospol , i dont know about google voice, but spotify works great. i have a new/different version though for linux.

A shucks I use windows and tried but still no go for me ...