AlexAzartsev / heroicon

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Get svg data to use with seeder or migragtion? #16

Open scramatte opened 1 year ago

scramatte commented 1 year ago


I'm using your package and I've created a seeder to fill tables. Does it exists a method to get icon svg to be able to use it into migration or seeder?


AlexAzartsev commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately no, but you can write helper function in your seeder to get content of desired icon using file_get_contents, for example:

    public static function icon(string $type = 'outline', string $icon = ''): string
        if ($type !== 'outline' && $type !== 'solid') {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Only solid or outline type accepted");
        if (!empty($icon) && file_exists(resource_path("img/icons/heroicons/$type/$icon.svg"))) {
            return file_get_contents(resource_path("img/icons/heroicons/$type/$icon.svg"));
        $files = glob(resource_path("img/icons/heroicons/$type") . '/*.svg');
        $file = array_rand($files);

        return file_get_contents($files[$file]);

you need to use proper path for you icon set