AlexDGr8r / MeteorsMod

Falling Meteors Mod for Minecraft
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Added additional config options: "Minimum Meteor Size To Spawn Nether Portal", "Meteor Impact Explosion Multiplier" and "Meteor Impact Spread". #6

Closed marc closed 10 years ago

marc commented 10 years ago

Added additional config options, with defaults that match the current mod behavior.

"Minimum Meteor Size To Spawn Nether Portal" (default 2) Can disable portal creation by setting this higher than the "Maximum Meteor Size".

"Meteor Impact Explosion Multiplier" (0.0 - 20.0, default 5.0) Allows for more or less powerful meteor crash explosions.

"Meteor Impact Spread" (0 - 8, default 4) Control how much meteor ore is generated on impact.

AlexDGr8r commented 10 years ago

Looks good, I'll run a few tests later to be sure before I merge it. My only concern is how the crater will look when the impact spread is not in accordance with the explosion multiplier. I'll see how things go and report back here.