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8. CSRF on Change Password Page #15

Open AlexDarigan opened 2 months ago

AlexDarigan commented 2 months ago


Cross-Site Request Forgery


A request is sent from the targets browser with an active session and triggers a malicious action.


Change Password

HTTP request type


Vunerable parameter / behaviour

The change password form trusts that any input coming from a request with the same parameters as being valid, making it subject to a CSRF attack where a malicious user could take over a users account by changing their password on them.

Payload / actions for reproduction

  1. Replicate the form
  2. Hide the real 'new password' field for your own version
  3. Send the link to the user
  4. When the user changes their password from the form, you're password is the one that it is actually being saved.

Code fix

Generate a unique CSRF token for each form, store it in the users session and echo inside a hidden form field to send it back to the server on the request being sent.

  <input type="hidden" name="csrf" value=<?php echo $_SESSION['csrf']?>\> 
  <button type="submit" name="reset" value="yes">Reset</button>

  //Generate CSRF token in Here
  if (empty($_SESSION['csrf'])) {
      $_SESSION['csrf'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(8));

if(!isset($_GET['csrf'] || $_GET['csrf'] != $_SESSION['csrf'])) {
    // Assuming form is malicious, so we're logging them out
    header("Location: ../logout.php");