AlexDarigan / secureapp

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1. Database (Salt & Digest) #8

Open AlexDarigan opened 2 months ago

AlexDarigan commented 2 months ago


Passwords stored in plain text & Rainbow Table Attack


When passwords are stored in plaintext, then once a database has been compromised, so have all the user accounts. With hashed passwords, the users aren't as compromised as quickly but once one hash is cracked, all copies of that hash are broken as well.


Database &

HTTP request type


Vunerable parameter / behaviour

Passwords are stored in plain text and without a salt

Payload / actions for reproduction

  1. Gain access to a compromised database
  2. Access user accounts using their plaintext details

Code fix

// On Sign Up (also reset password)

  1. Add a unique salt per user password
  2. Append the salt to the password
  3. Hash the password and salt together
  4. Store the hashed password and plaintext salt in the database
 $salt = bin2hex(random_bytes(8)); // Create salt
$hashedPWD = md5($pwd . $salt);  // Hash passw with appended salt

# Stored hashed password with salt
$sql = "INSERT INTO `sapusers` (`user_uid`, `user_pwd`, `salt`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; 
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $uid, $hashedPWD, $salt);

// On Login (also on reset password when checking auth)

  1. Retrieve the hashed password and the salt
  2. Hashed the users submitted password with the salt
  3. Compare the hashed password with the stored password
  4. Login on success
  $hashedPwdCheck = $row['user_pwd'];
  $salt = $row['salt'];
  $userhash = "$pwd$salt";

  if (strcmp($hashedPwdCheck, md5("$pwd$salt")) !== 0){...