AlexDisler / cordova-plugin-inapppurchase

A lightweight cordova plugin for in app purchases on iOS/Android
315 stars 192 forks source link

clarification on priceAsDecimal? #262

Open tranclix opened 5 years ago

tranclix commented 5 years ago

What is the format of the value in the priceAsDecimal field? Does it have the currency symbol or currency type in before the numbers? Or is it a simple float type value. Or is it price in micro format (divide by 1,000,000 to get the actual price).

Basically, I need to get prices for two different in-app items, subtract them and then show the subtracted amount as "You Save: USD XX.XX" where XX.XX is the price the user saves if he buys one item over another. For this, I need to the what kind of value is returned in this field.

Any examples or screenshots will be helpful.