AlexDisler / cordova-plugin-inapppurchase

A lightweight cordova plugin for in app purchases on iOS/Android
315 stars 192 forks source link

feature request: configurable place for manifest.json #268

Open jhoogeboom opened 5 years ago

jhoogeboom commented 5 years ago

It looks like the www folder is hardcoded, projects using capacitor can use Cordova plugins, but it ends up in assets/public. This leads to the plugin not working because it can't find it. Would be cool to make this adjustable to that it can look into the public folder and use the rest of the ionic/capacitor toolchain to put the manifest.json into the right place.


As a workaround I now just copy the file into that assets/www folder as a custom build step in my npm scripts.

biesbjerg commented 4 years ago

I created a symlink (ln -s www public) and checked it into version control, but I agree it would be nice if it looked in public too. I created a ticket a Capacitor repo to have better compatibility with cordova plugins:

bentzibentz commented 4 years ago

@biesbjerg where do you create the symlink?

Tochukwuibe commented 4 years ago

@biesbjerg How exactly did you do the symlink?

oneEyedSunday commented 3 years ago

@Tochukwuibe see this