AlexDuchnowski / rubiks-cube

A Lean 4 representation of the Rubik's Cube, some proofs about the representation, and a simple solution algorithm.
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Only 2 sorrys left to be proved in "RubiksCubeFunc.lean". #3

Closed chenjulang closed 6 months ago

chenjulang commented 6 months ago

Only 2 sorrys left to be proved in "RubiksCubeFunc.lean".They all seem so obvious but little hard to write it in Lean4. Check link this out and see if you have any clues :""

`import Lean import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Basic import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Fin

open Equiv Perm

section RubiksSuperGroup

instance (n : Nat) : Repr (Perm (Fin n)) := ⟨reprPrec ∘ Equiv.toFun⟩

instance (n : Nat) : DecidableEq (Perm (Fin n)) := λ a b => mk.injEq a.toFun a.invFun b.toFun b.invFun ▸ inferInstance

/- This PieceState structure is used to represent the entire state of both corner pieces and edge pieces.-/ structure PieceState (pieces orientations: ℕ+) where permute : Perm (Fin pieces) orient : Fin pieces → Fin orientations deriving Repr, DecidableEq

-- def ps_mul {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o → PieceState p o := -- fun a2 a1 => { -- permute := a1.permute a2.permute -- orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute.invFun) + a1.orient -- } def ps_mul {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun a1 a2 => { permute := a1.permute a2.permute orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute.invFun) + a1.orient } -- 将上面替换成下面的等价写法,好处:1.可以到处写,lean系统会自动匹配到这个的类型用法。 instance {p o : ℕ+} : Mul (PieceState p o) where mul a1 a2 := { permute := a1.permute * a2.permute orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute.invFun) + a1.orient }

@[simp] -- 这个同时代表了手写证明中的ρ和σ的同态性质 theorem permute_mul {p o : ℕ+} (a1 a2 : PieceState p o) : (a1 a2).permute = a1.permute a2.permute := rfl

-- @[simp] -- lemma ps_mul_assoc {p o : ℕ+} : -- ∀ (a b c : PieceState p o), -- ps_mul a (ps_mul b c) = ps_mul (ps_mul a b) c := by -- intro a b c -- simp [ps_mul] -- apply And.intro -- · simp [Perm.mul_def] -- simp [Equiv.trans_assoc] -- · rw [← add_assoc] -- simp only [add_left_inj] -- exact rfl -- done

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_assoc {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a b c : PieceState p o), -- ps_mul a (ps_mul b c) = ps_mul (ps_mul a b) c -- 一样的,换个位置。 ps_mul (ps_mul a b) c = ps_mul a (ps_mul b c) := by intro a b c simp [ps_mul] apply And.intro · simp [Perm.mul_def] simp [Equiv.trans_assoc] · rw [← add_assoc] simp only [add_left_inj] exact rfl done

@[simp] lemma ps_one_mul {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul {permute := 1, orient := 0} a = a := by intro a simp only [ps_mul] simp only [one_mul, invFun_as_coe, one_symm, coe_one, Function.comp.right_id, add_zero] done

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_one {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul a {permute := 1, orient := 0} = a := by intro a simp only [ps_mul] simp only [mul_one, invFun_as_coe, Pi.zero_comp, zero_add] done

def ps_inv {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun ps => { permute := ps.permute⁻¹ -- 0 1 2 -- 举例:如果原方向增加量orient为(1,2,...),那么逆操作应该是(-1,-2,...) , 也就是(+2,+1,...) -- 比如 a:F { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1=>2,2=>6,3,4,5=>1,6=>5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} -- 那么 -a:F' { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1<=2,2<=6,3,4,5<=1,6<=5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --}

  -- 关键是经过a操作增量后,再经过a'增量,应该为0
  -- 也就是需要满足 ps_mul a a' = {orient:0}
  -- a'.orient ∘ a.permute.invFun + a.orient = 0
  -- 因此 a'.orient ∘ a.permute.invFun = -a.orient
  --  a'.orient = (-a.orient) ∘ a.permute
  -- orient := fun x => - ps.orient (ps.permute⁻¹ x)
  orient := (-ps.orient) ∘ ps.permute

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_left_inv {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul (ps_inv a) a = {permute := 1, orient := 0} -- 比如 a:F { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1=>2,2=>6,3,4,5=>1,6=>5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} -- 那么 -a:F' { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1<=2,2<=6,3,4,5<=1,6<=5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} := by intro a simp only [ps_inv] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [mul_left_inv] simp only [invFun_as_coe,, true_and] exact rfl

/- This sets up a group structure for all Rubik's cube positions (including invalid ones that couldn't be reached from a solved state without removing pieces from the cube, twisting corners, etc.). -/ instance PieceGroup (p o: ℕ+) : Group (PieceState p o) := { mul := ps_mul mul_assoc := ps_mul_assoc one := {permute := 1, orient := 0} one_mul := ps_one_mul mul_one := ps_mul_one inv := ps_inv mul_left_inv := ps_mul_left_inv }

@[simp] lemma PieceState.mul_def {p o : ℕ+} (a b : PieceState p o) : a * b = ps_mul a b := by rfl @[simp] lemma PieceState.inv_def {p o : ℕ+} (a b : PieceState p o) : a⁻¹ = ps_inv a := by rfl

abbrev CornerType := PieceState 8 3 abbrev EdgeType := PieceState 12 2

instance Rubiks2x2Group : Group CornerType := PieceGroup 8 3

abbrev RubiksSuperType := CornerType × EdgeType instance RubiksSuperGroup -- 就是手写证明中的群H : Group RubiksSuperType := Prod.instGroup --???

end RubiksSuperGroup

/- Creates an orientation function given a list of input-output pairs (with 0 for anything left unspecified). -/ -- 应该是为了方便定义每个操作的方向数增加量,然后定义的这两个东西:

def Orient (p o : ℕ+) (pairs : List ((Fin p) × (Fin o))) : Fin p → Fin o := fun i => match pairs.lookup i with | some x => x | none => 0 -- 举例说明: -- 当我们给定以下参数时: -- p = 3 -- o = 2 -- pairs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1)] -- 我们可以调用函数 Orient 并传入这些参数:

-- result = Orient 3 2 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1)] -- 函数将返回一个从 (Fin 3) 到 (Fin 2) 的映射,我们可以通过传递不同的 (Fin 3) 的值来查看结果。

-- 例如,当我们传递 0 作为输入时:

-- output = result 0 -- 函数将在 pairs 中查找键为 0 的元素,并返回匹配的结果。在我们的例子中,pairs 包含 (0, 1),因此函数将返回 (Fin 2) 类型的值 1。

-- 同样地,当我们传递 1 或 2 作为输入时,函数将返回相应的结果 (Fin 2) 类型的值 0 和 1。

-- 所以,根据我们给定的参数,调用 result 函数并传递不同的输入值,我们可以得到以下结果:

-- result 0 = 1 -- result 1 = 0 -- result 2 = 1 -- 这是根据 pairs 中的映射关系得到的结果。

eval Orient 3 2 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1)] -- ![1, 0, 1]

-- 换句话说,首先需要我们提供一组这样的数组:每一项形式为(Fin p)×(Fin o),也就是都是2个分量的向量。 -- 函数结果得到一个数组,有3项,每一项结果x满足:0 <= x < 2 。 -- 得到的数组的每一项值是这样决定的:如果索引能遍历找每一项的第一个分量,找到相同的值,则返回第二个分量,反之返回0。

def Solved : RubiksSuperType := 1

section FACE_TURNS

/- These two functions (from kendfrey's repository) create a cycle permutation, which is useful for defining the rotation of any given face, as seen directly below. -/ -- 应该是为了方便定义每个操作的排列permute,然后定义的这两个东西:

def cycleImpl {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] : α → List α → Perm α | , [] => 1 -- “”指的是第一个元素。可以写成a吗??? | a, (x :: xs) => (swap a x) (cycleImpl x xs) -- “a”指的是第一个元素

def cyclePieces {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] : List α → Perm α | [] => 1 | (x :: xs) => cycleImpl x xs

-- 举例:cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3] -- 进入cyclePieces, 则x即0,xs即[1,2,3] , 然后是cycleImpl 0 [1,2,3] -- 进入cycleImpl,则a即0,x即1,xs即[2,3], 总结果是(0,1) (cycleImpl 1 [2,3]) -- 进入cycleImpl,则a即1,x即2,xs即[3], cycleImpl 1 [2,3]结果是(1,2) (cycleImpl 2 [3]) -- 进入cycleImpl,则a即2,x即3,xs即[], cycleImpl 2 [3]结果是(2,3) (cycleImpl 3 []) -- 进入cycleImpl,则_即3,[]即[],cycleImpl 3 []结果是1,也就是不变。 -- 总结:(0,1) (cycleImpl 1 [2,3]) -- = (0,1) ((1,2) (cycleImpl 2 [3])) -- = (0,1) ((1,2) ((2,3) (cycleImpl 3 []))) -- = (0,1) ((1,2) ((2,3) e)) -- permute的乘法是从右往左算吗?** -- = (0,1) (2,3,1) -- = (2,3,0,1) -- = (0,1,2,3)

-- #eval (cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- 其实就是4循环(0,1,2,3) -- #eval (cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3] : Perm (Fin 12)) (List.range 12) -- #eval (cyclePieces [0, 5, 8] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- 其实就是3循环(0,5,8) -- #eval (cyclePieces [0, 5, 8] : Perm (Fin 12)) (List.range 12)

-- #eval Orient 8 3 [(1, 1), (6, 2), (5, 1), (2, 2)] -- ![0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0] 换句话说,只有1,2,5,6是非零值

--todo --重新附个图 --检查一下这些orient是否正确 --而且方向数的点怎么定义的也要根据下面想一下

def U : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3], orient := 0}, -- 第一是角块 {permute := cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3], orient := 0} -- 第二是棱块 ⟩ def D : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [4, 5, 6, 7], orient := 0}, {permute := cyclePieces [4, 5, 6, 7], orient := 0} ⟩ def R : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [1, 6, 5, 2], orient := Orient 8 3 [(1, 1), (6, 2), (5, 1), (2, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [1, 9, 5, 10], orient := 0} ⟩ def L : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0, 3, 4, 7], orient := Orient 8 3 [(0, 2), (3, 1), (4, 2), (7, 1)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [3, 11, 7, 8], orient := 0} ⟩ def F : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [2, 5, 4, 3], orient := Orient 8 3 [(2, 1), (5, 2), (4, 1), (3, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [2, 10, 4, 11], orient := Orient 12 2 [(2, 1), (10, 1), (4, 1), (11, 1)]} ⟩ def B : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0, 7, 6, 1], orient := Orient 8 3 [(0, 1), (7, 2), (6, 1), (1, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [0, 8, 6, 9], orient := Orient 12 2 [(0, 1), (8, 1), (6, 1), (9, 1)]} ⟩ def U2 := U^2 def D2 := D^2 def R2 := R^2 def L2 := L^2 def F2 := F^2 def B2 := B^2 def U' := U⁻¹ def D' := D⁻¹ def R' := R⁻¹ def L' := L⁻¹ def F' := F⁻¹ def B' := B⁻¹

-- #check Multiplicative.coeToFun

inductive FaceTurn : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | U : FaceTurn U | D : FaceTurn D | R : FaceTurn R | L : FaceTurn L | F : FaceTurn F | B : FaceTurn B | U2 : FaceTurn U2 | D2 : FaceTurn D2 | R2 : FaceTurn R2 | L2 : FaceTurn L2 | F2 : FaceTurn F2 | B2 : FaceTurn B2 | U' : FaceTurn U' | D' : FaceTurn D' | R' : FaceTurn R' | L' : FaceTurn L' | F' : FaceTurn F' | B' : FaceTurn B'

instance : ToString RubiksSuperType where toString : RubiksSuperType → String := fun c => if c = Solved then "Solved" else if c = U then "U" else if c = D then "D" else if c = R then "R" else if c = L then "L" else if c = F then "F" else if c = B then "B" else if c = U2 then "U2" else if c = D2 then "D2" else if c = R2 then "R2" else if c = L2 then "L2" else if c = F2 then "F2" else if c = B2 then "B2" else if c = U' then "U'" else if c = D' then "D'" else if c = R' then "R'" else if c = L' then "L'" else if c = F' then "F'" else if c = B' then "B'" else s!"{repr c}"

-- instance : Multiplicative.coeToFun RubiksSuperType := {coe := fun (a : RubiksSuperType) => fun (b : RubiksSuperType) => a * b } --? How do I get the line above to work?


def TPerm : RubiksSuperType -- 这个是在哪里定义的呢?,看定义就知道,因为RubiksSuperType是笛卡尔积CornerType × EdgeType,其乘法就是两个分量分别乘积 := R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' def AlteredYPerm : RubiksSuperType := R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R def MyTestActions : RubiksSuperType := R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R* R

def CornerTwist : RubiksSuperType -- 应该是形容两个不可能的魔方状态:只旋转一次角块,还有只旋转一次棱块 := ( {permute := 1, orient := (fun | 0 => 1 | => 0) }, -- 这种是归纳定义的向量写法,只有0位置为1,其余为0。 {permute := 1, orient := 0} ) def EdgeFlip : RubiksSuperType := ( {permute := 1, orient := 0}, {permute := 1, orient := (fun | 0 => 1 | => 0)} )

section RubiksGroup

-- 魔方第二基本定理直接就定义了~~~其实也不全是,只是两个定义,两个定义需要互推。(要推生成集) -- def ValidCube : Set RubiksSuperType := {c | Perm.sign c.fst.permute = Perm.sign c.snd.permute ∧ Fin.foldl 8 (fun acc n => acc + c.fst.orient n) 0 = 0 ∧ Fin.foldl 12 (fun acc n => acc + c.snd.orient n) 0 = 0} def ValidCube : Set RubiksSuperType := -- 这样的一个集合:所有满足后面这些条件的c { c | Perm.sign c.fst.permute = Perm.sign c.snd.permute ∧ Finset.sum ({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}:Finset (Fin 8)) c.fst.orient = 0 ∧ Finset.sum ({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}:Finset (Fin 12)) c.snd.orient = 0 }

@[simp] lemma mul_mem' {a b : RubiksSuperType} -- {i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8: Fin 8} -- (s : Finset (Fin 8):= {i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8}) -- (notEq: ∀ x∈s ,∀ y∈s , x≠y) : a ∈ ValidCube → b ∈ ValidCube → a * b ∈ ValidCube := by intro hav hbv simp only [ValidCube] -- simp only [PieceState.mul_def] -- simp only [ps_mul] -- repeat' apply And.intro apply And.intro { have h1 : sign a.1.permute = sign a.2.permute := by apply hav.left have h2 : sign b.1.permute = sign b.2.permute := by apply hbv.left simp only [Prod.fst_mul, PieceState.mul_def, Prod.snd_mul] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [map_mul] exact Mathlib.Tactic.LinearCombination.mul_pf h1 h2 } apply And.intro { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} a.1.orient = 0 := by apply hav.right.left have h2 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} b.1.orient = 0 := by apply hbv.right.left -- rw [PieceState.orient, PieceState.orient] -- rw [Finset.sum_add_distrib, h2] simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, Prod.fst_mul,PieceState.mul_def] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, invFun_as_coe, Pi.add_apply, Function.comp_apply] simp only [Finset.sum_add_distrib] rw [h1] simp only [add_zero] -- refine Equiv.Perm.prod_comp -- apply h2 -- rw [Finset.sum_range_succ] sorry } { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} a.2.orient = 0 := by apply hav.right.right have h2 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} b.2.orient = 0 := by apply hbv.right.right simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, Prod.snd_mul, PieceState.mul_def] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, invFun_as_coe, Pi.add_apply, Function.comp_apply] simp only [Finset.sum_add_distrib] rw [h1] simp only [add_zero] sorry }

-- #check Finset.sum -- #check Finset.sum_add_distrib

@[simp] lemma one_mem' : 1 ∈ ValidCube := by simp [ValidCube] apply And.intro { apply Eq.refl } { apply And.intro { apply Eq.refl } { apply Eq.refl } }

@[simp] lemma inv_mem' {x : RubiksSuperType} : x∈ValidCube → x⁻¹∈ValidCube := by intro hxv simp [ValidCube, PieceState.inv_def, ps_inv] -- repeat' apply And.intro apply And.intro { apply hxv.left } apply And.intro { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} x.1.orient = 0 := by apply hxv.right.left sorry } { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} x.2.orient = 0 := by apply hxv.right.right sorry }

/- Defining the subgroup of valid Rubik's cube positions. -/ instance RubiksGroup : Subgroup RubiksSuperType := { carrier := ValidCube mul_mem' := mul_mem' one_mem' := one_mem' inv_mem' := inv_mem' }

/- Defining the intuitively valid set of Rubik's cube positions. -/ inductive Reachable : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | Solved : Reachable Solved | FT : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, FaceTurn x → Reachable x | mul : ∀x y : RubiksSuperType, Reachable x → Reachable y → Reachable (x * y)

end RubiksGroup

/- The widget below was adapted from kendfrey's repository. -/ section WIDGET

inductive Color : Type | white | green | red | blue | orange | yellow

instance : ToString Color where toString := fun c => match c with | Color.white => "#ffffff" | => "#00ff00" | => "#ff0000" | => "#0000ff" | => "#ff7f00" | Color.yellow => "#ffff00"

/-- 只是将 List 变成Vector-/ def List.vec {α : Type} : Π a : List α, Vector α (a.length) | [] => Vector.nil | (x :: xs) => Vector.cons x (xs.vec)

-- #check List.vec {1,2,3,4,5}

def corner_map : Vector (Vector Color 3) 8 := [ [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec ].vec

def edge_map : Vector (Vector Color 2) 12 := [ [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec ].vec

def corner_sticker : Fin 8 → Fin 3 → RubiksSuperType → Color := fun i o cube => (corner_map.get (cube.1.permute⁻¹ i)).get (Fin.sub o (cube.1.orient i))

def edge_sticker : Fin 12 → Fin 2 → RubiksSuperType → Color := fun i o cube => (edge_map.get (cube.2.permute⁻¹ i)).get (Fin.sub o (cube.2.orient i))


open Lean Widget

def L8x3 : List (ℕ × ℕ) := ( (fun x => (x, 0)) (List.range 8)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 1)) (List.range 8)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 2)) (List.range 8)) def L12x2 : List (ℕ × ℕ) := ( (fun x => (x, 0)) (List.range 12)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 1)) (List.range 12))

def cubeStickerJson : RubiksSuperType → Json := fun cube => Json.mkObj ( ( (fun p => (s!"c{p.fst}{p.snd}", Json.str (toString (cornersticker p.fst p.snd $ cube)))) L8x3 ) ++ ( (fun p => (s!"e{p.fst}_{p.snd}", Json.str (toString (edge_sticker p.fst p.snd $ cube)))) L12x2 ) )

@[widget] def cubeWidget : UserWidgetDefinition where name := "Cube State" javascript :=" import * as React from 'react';

export default function (props) {
  return React.createElement(
      style: {
        display: 'grid',
        gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(12, 20px)',
        gridTemplateRows: 'repeat(9, 20px)',
        rowGap: '2px',
        columnGap: '2px',
        margin: '10px',
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.c_0_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.e_0_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.c_1_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: props.e_3_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: '#ffffff'}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: props.e_1_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.c_3_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.e_2_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.c_2_0}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_0_1}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.e_3_1}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '3', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_3_2}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_8_1}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: '#ff7f00'}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '3', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_11_1}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.c_7_2}}),
    React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.e_7_1}}),
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widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson Solved)

widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson TPerm)

widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson AlteredYPerm)

widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson CornerTwist)

widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson EdgeFlip)

widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson MyTestActions)

/- Useful predicates for the SolutionAlgorithm, as well as for some minor proofs. -/ section SolutionState

def CornersSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => c.fst.permute = 1 ∧ c.fst.orient = 0

def EdgesSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => c.snd.permute = 1 ∧ c.snd.orient = 0

def IsSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => CornersSolved c ∧ EdgesSolved c

instance {c} : Decidable (CornersSolved c) := by apply And.decidable instance {c} : Decidable (EdgesSolved c) := by apply And.decidable instance {c} : Decidable (IsSolved c) := by apply And.decidable

end SolutionState `

chenjulang commented 6 months ago

I made a mistake...Forget it