AlexDuchnowski / rubiks-cube

A Lean 4 representation of the Rubik's Cube, some proofs about the representation, and a simple solution algorithm.
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Doubts about "plus_mul". #4

Open chenjulang opened 7 months ago

chenjulang commented 7 months ago

How is the "orient" defined in a practical sense in "plus_mul"? Clockwise or counterclockwise? Which direction of edge block and corner block is 0,1,2?

AlexDuchnowski commented 7 months ago

Hi @chenjulang, could you send just the code that would be new, rather than a copy of the entire file? Also, if you could translate your variable names and tactics to English, that would be great! I'm hoping to keep the files in one language, so that one doesn't have to switch between languages while reading the code in the repository.

chenjulang commented 7 months ago

Of course! But check this book on Page 222 lemma 11.1.1 and Page 223 Remark 11.1.2 (11.1) Adventures in group theory Rubiks cube, Merlins machine, and other mathematical toys (Joyner, David) (Z-Library).pdf For example , for the corner orientations: vi(gh) = vi(g) + vρ(g)^(−1)·(i)(h) . I tried to translate it into lean4 , but find it a little tricky in lean4. First , check your definition , "(a.orient ∘ b.permute.invFun) + b.orient". In fact, "a.orient ∘ b.permute.invFun" doesn't mean that "b.permute.invFun" acts on "a.orient".

In lean4, only mapping exists !!! "a.orient ∘ b.permute.invFun" is a mapping. If we input i , the result is i mapped by " b.permute.invFun" , gets a result A, and then A mapped by "a.orient", gets a result B.

So i think the correct definition should be like this (although nothing like "invFun" exists at all): def ps_mul {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun a1 a2 => { permute := a2.permute * a1.permute orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute) + a1.orient }

The reason is the following : Firstly , check the "book version" , and remember that we are only trying to use lean code to approximate the definition this "book version" , nothing to be proved. "book version":vi(gh) = vi(g) + vρ(g)^(−1)·(i)(h). 1.First "vρ(g)^(−1)·(i)(h)" means "the invert Action of g" rearrange the order of v(h). "v(h)" is same as "a2.orient" in lean code. 2.If we assume that "the invert Action of g" moves position i to position j, then, if we want to get the j-th component of this vector "vρ(g)^(−1)·(i)(h)", we actually get the i-th component of v(h), same as the i-th component of "a2.orient". In conclusion , the j-th component of this vector "vρ(g)^(−1)·(i)(h)" is the i-th component of "a2.orient".

Now we try to use lean code to get this (Notice!!! In lean4, only mapping exists !!!): 1.First we should know that "Action of g" moves position j to position i . 2.If we input j into "(a2.orient ∘ a1.permute)" , j is mapped by "a1.permute" first , gets i . Then i is mapped by "a2.orient" , and we get the i-th component of "a2.orient". 3.So in conclusion , the j-th component of this mapping "(a2.orient ∘ a1.permute)" is the i-th component of "a2.orient". Same as "book version". 4.So we translate it correctly.

chenjulang commented 7 months ago

All "sorry"s can be proved if we change the definition of "ps_inv" like this !!! : def ps_inv {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun ps => { permute := ps.permute⁻¹ orient := fun x => (- ps.orient) (ps.permute⁻¹ x) } The reason is the following :

  1. To satisfy ps_mul a a' = {orient:0} , we only needs: (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) + a.orient = 0 => (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) = -a.orient => (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) i = (-a.orient) i => a'.orient (a.permute i) = (-a.orient) i 2.So how to describe a'.orient ? 3.In other words , how to describe the n-th component of "a'.orient "? we only know this is correct : a'.orient (a.permute i) = (-a.orient) i 4.So if n = (a.permute i) , i = a.permute.invFun n
  2. a'.orient n = (-a.orient) i = (-a.orient) (a.permute.invFun n)
  3. In lean code , is writen down like this : orient := fun x => (- ps.orient) (ps.permute⁻¹ x)
chenjulang commented 6 months ago

No sorrys left in "RubiksCubeFunc.lean": `import Lean import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Basic import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Fin import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Equiv

-- set_option maxHeartbeats 800000 set_option maxRecDepth 4000

open Equiv Perm open BigOperators

section RubiksSuperGroup

instance (n : Nat) : Repr (Perm (Fin n)) := ⟨reprPrec ∘ Equiv.toFun⟩ -- 这个实例声明表明对于任意的 n : Nat,类型 Perm (Fin n) 具有 Repr 实例。 -- 在 Lean 中,Repr 是一个类型类,用于定义类型的外部表示形式。它提供了将值转换为字符串的方法,以便在打印输出和调试信息中使用。例如,当你在 Lean 中使用 #eval 命令打印一个值时,它将使用 Repr 实例将该值转换为字符串进行显示。 -- 该实例声明的右侧是一个匿名构造子,它使用了函数合成操作符 (∘) 来组合两个函数:reprPrec 和 Equiv.toFun。reprPrec 是一个内置函数,用于将值转换为字符串的表示形式,而 Equiv.toFun 是一个类型为 Equiv α β → α → β 的函数,它将一个等价关系 Equiv 转换为一个函数。 -- 因此,整个实例声明的含义是,对于类型 Perm (Fin n),我们可以使用函数合成的方式将其转换为字符串表示形式。这意味着在打印输出或调试信息中,Perm (Fin n) 类型的值将以字符串的形式显示。

-- instance (n : Nat) : DecidableEq (Perm (Fin n)) := -- λ a b => mk.injEq a.toFun a.invFun b.toFun b.invFun ▸ inferInstance -- 这个实例声明表明对于任意的 n : Nat,类型 Perm (Fin n) 具有 DecidableEq 实例。 -- 在 Lean 中,DecidableEq 是一个类型类,用于定义两个值之间的可决等价性。它提供了一个决策过程,可以确定两个值是否相等。 -- 该实例声明的右侧是一个 lambda 函数,它接受两个参数 a 和 b,表示要比较的两个 Perm (Fin n) 类型的值。函数体的逻辑如下: -- mk.injEq 是一个内置函数,用于构造一个类型为 a = b 的等式,其中 a.toFun 和 b.toFun 是两个 Perm (Fin n) 类型值的函数表示形式,而 a.invFun 和 b.invFun 是它们的逆函数表示形式。 -- _ 是 Lean 中的占位符,表示需要提供证据的空白。 -- ▸ 是等式推理的操作符,它表示将前面的等式应用到后面的表达式上。 -- inferInstance 是一个内置函数,用于根据上下文中的信息自动推断出一个实例。 -- 因此,整个实例声明的含义是,我们可以通过构造相应的等式来判断两个 Perm (Fin n) 类型的值是否相等。这个等式的构造基于 a 和 b 的函数表示形式以及其逆函数表示形式。inferInstance 函数用于自动推断所需的实例。 -- 这个实例声明的效果是,当你在 Lean 中使用 = 运算符来比较两个 Perm (Fin n) 类型的值时,Lean 将使用这个实例提供的决策过程来判断它们是否相等。 -- #check ▸

instance (n : Nat) : DecidableEq (Perm (Fin n)) := inferInstance

/- This PieceState structure is used to represent the entire state of both corner pieces and edge pieces.-/ structure PieceState (pieces orientations: ℕ+) where permute : Perm (Fin pieces) orient : Fin pieces → Fin orientations -- 这里应该是增加量,不是绝对量 deriving Repr, DecidableEq

-- def ps_mul {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o → PieceState p o := -- fun a2 a1 => { -- permute := a1.permute a2.permute -- orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute.invFun) + a1.orient -- } -- 会不会是在状态a的基础上看的呢? def ps_mul {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun a1 a2 => { permute := a2.permute a1.permute -- 先运算右,再运算左。 orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute) + a1.orient -- ∘是右边的函数作用到左边的对象 } -- 将上面替换成下面的等价写法,好处:1.可以到处写,来代替ps_mul,lean系统会自动匹配到这个的类型用法。 instance {p o : ℕ+} : Mul (PieceState p o) where mul a1 a2 := { permute := a2.permute a1.permute orient := (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute) + a1.orient }

@[simp] -- 这个同时代表了手写证明中的ρ和σ的同态性质 theorem permute_mul {p o : ℕ+} (a1 a2 : PieceState p o) -- 这里可以写,来代替ps_mul : (a1 a2).permute = a2.permute a1.permute := by rfl -- 这里可以写,来代替ps_mul @[simp] theorem orient_mul {p o : ℕ+} (a1 a2 : PieceState p o) -- 这里可以写,来代替ps_mul : (a1 a2).orient = (a2.orient ∘ a1.permute) + a1.orient := by rfl

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_assoc {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a b c : PieceState p o), ps_mul (ps_mul a b) c = ps_mul a (ps_mul b c) := by intro a b c simp only [ps_mul] -- simp only [invFun_as_coe] simp only [] -- 两同类型对象相等,等价于,各分量相等。 apply And.intro · simp only [Perm.mul_def] simp only [Equiv.trans_assoc] -- A.trans B 指的是映射先看A,再看B · simp only [coe_mul] rw [← add_assoc] simp only [add_left_inj] rfl -- ext i -- simp only [Pi.add_apply] -- simp only [Function.comp_apply] -- simp only [Pi.add_apply] -- rw [← add_assoc] -- simp only [Function.comp_apply] -- have h1: (c.permute * b.permute).symm = b.permute.symm ∘ c.permute.symm -- := by -- -- ∘ 先作用右,再作用左 -- -- f.trans g 先作用f,再作用g -- simp only [Perm.mul_def] -- exact rfl -- done -- rw [h1] -- clear h1 -- simp only [Function.comp_apply] -- -- 直接左右相等了。 done

@[simp] lemma ps_one_mul {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul {permute := 1, orient := 0} a = a := by intro a simp only [ps_mul] -- simp only [one_mul] -- simp only [invFun_as_coe] -- simp only [mul_one, Pi.zero_comp, zero_add] simp only [mul_one] -- simp only [Pi.zero_comp] -- simp only [zero_add] simp only [coe_one, Function.comp_id, add_zero] done

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_one {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul a {permute := 1, orient := 0} = a := by intro a simp only [ps_mul] -- simp only [mul_one, invFun_as_coe] simp only [one_mul, one_symm, coe_one, Function.comp_id, add_zero] -- simp only [Pi.zero_comp, zero_add] simp only [Pi.zero_comp, zero_add] done

def ps_inv {p o : ℕ+} : PieceState p o → PieceState p o := fun ps => { permute := ps.permute⁻¹ -- 0 1 2 -- 举例:如果原方向增加量orient为(1,2,...),那么逆操作应该是(-1,-2,...) , 也就是(+2,+1,...) -- 比如 a:F { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1=>2,2=>6,3,4,5=>1,6=>5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} -- 那么 -a:F' { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1<=2,2<=6,3,4,5<=1,6<=5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --}

  -- 关键是经过a操作增量后,再经过a'增量,应该为0
  -- 也就是需要满足 ps_mul a a' = {orient:0}
  -- a'.orient ∘ a.permute.invFun + a.orient = 0
  -- 因此 a'.orient ∘ a.permute.invFun = -a.orient
  --  a'.orient = (-a.orient) ∘ a.permute
  -- orient := (-ps.orient) ∘ ps.permute
  -- orient := fun x => - ps.orient (ps.permute⁻¹ x)

  -- 满足结合律的运算定义是这样的:(a1.orient ∘ a2.permute.invFun) + a2.orient
  -- 要满足ps_mul a a' = {orient:0}
  -- (a.orient ∘ a'.permute.invFun) + a'.orient  = 0
  -- a'.orient = -(a.orient ∘ a'.permute.invFun)
  -- orient := -(ps.orient ∘ ps.permute⁻¹.invFun)

  -- 要满足ps_mul a a' = {orient:0}
  -- (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) + a.orient = 0
  -- (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) = -a.orient
  -- (a'.orient ∘ a.permute) i = (-a.orient) i
  -- a'.orient ∘ (a.permute i) = (-a.orient) i
  -- 比如ps.permute = (第1=>2,2=>3,3=>1)
  -- i取第1,则(a.permute i)就是第2
    -- 因此 a'.orient的第2项 = (-a.orient)的第1项
    -- 要想找到 a'.orient的第1项,则反推需要(a.permute i)就是第1,继续反推i取第3才对
  -- 正向检验: i取第3,则(a.permute i)就是第1
    -- a'.orient的第1项 = (-a.orient)的第3项
    -- a'.orient的第n项 = (-a.orient)的第(ps.permute.invFun n)项
  orient := fun x => (- ps.orient) (ps.permute⁻¹ x)

instance {p o : ℕ+} : Neg (PieceState p o) where neg := fun | .mk permute orient => { permute := permute⁻¹ orient := fun x => (- orient) (permute⁻¹ x) }

-- 定义右的逆,证明左也成立:

@[simp] lemma ps_mul_left_inv {p o : ℕ+} : ∀ (a : PieceState p o), ps_mul (ps_inv a) a = {permute := 1, orient := 0} -- 比如 a:F { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1=>2,2=>6,3,4,5=>1,6=>5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} -- 那么 -a:F' { -- permute: Perm (Fin 8) := (1<=2,2<=6,3,4,5<=1,6<=5,7,8) -- 有8项 -- orient : Vector (Fin 3) 8 := (2,1,0,0,1,2,0,0) -- 有8项 --} := by intro a simp only [ps_inv] simp only [ps_mul] -- simp only [mul_left_inv] simp only [invFun_as_coe,, true_and] simp only [mul_right_inv, true_and] -- refine' have h1 : a.permute⁻¹.symm = a.permute := by rfl have h2 : ((-a.orient) ∘ a.permute) ∘ a.permute.symm = (-a.orient) := by exact (comp_symm_eq a.permute (-a.orient) ((-a.orient) ∘ ⇑a.permute)).mpr rfl -- exact -- apply? simp only [Pi.neg_apply] exact rfl

/- This sets up a group structure for all Rubik's cube positions (including invalid ones that couldn't be reached from a solved state without removing pieces from the cube, twisting corners, etc.). -/ instance PieceGroup (p o: ℕ+) : Group (PieceState p o) := { mul := ps_mul -- 第一种运算,记为 mul_assoc := ps_mul_assoc -- 的结合律 one := {permute := 1, orient := 0} -- 的单位1 -- 下面 ?: PieceState p o one_mul := ps_one_mul -- 1 ? = ? mul_one := ps_mul_one -- ? 1 = ? inv := ps_inv -- (?)⁻¹ = ps_inv p o mul_left_inv := ps_mul_left_inv -- (?)⁻¹ (?) = 单位1 }

-- 这里应该是为了简写乘号:,还有逆:⁻¹。 @[simp] lemma PieceState.mul_def {p o : ℕ+} (a b : PieceState p o) : a b = ps_mul a b := by rfl @[simp] lemma PieceState.inv_def {p o : ℕ+} (a b : PieceState p o) : a⁻¹ = ps_inv a := by rfl

abbrev CornerType := PieceState 8 3 abbrev EdgeType := PieceState 12 2

-- 由这样的集合:CornerType,定义了一个群 instance RubiksCornerGroup : Group CornerType := PieceGroup 8 3 instance RubiksEdgeGroup : Group EdgeType := PieceGroup 12 2

abbrev RubiksSuperType := CornerType × EdgeType

instance RubiksSuperGroup -- 就是手写证明中的群H : Group RubiksSuperType := by exact Prod.instGroup -- 应该就是笛卡尔积元素组成的群,第一种运算为:“每一个分量本身的运算,运算结果的某个分量就是这个分量的运算结果”。

--这个好像没必要写耶: -- instance : Mul (RubiksSuperType) where -- mul a1 a2 := { -- fst := { -- permute := a2.1.permute a1.1.permute -- orient := (a2.1.orient ∘ a1.1.permute) + a1.1.orient -- } -- snd := { -- permute := a2.2.permute a1.2.permute -- orient := (a2.2.orient ∘ a1.2.permute) + a1.2.orient -- } -- }

end RubiksSuperGroup

/- Creates an orientation function given a list of input-output pairs (with 0 for anything left unspecified). -/ -- 为了方便定义每个操作的方向数增加量orient,然后定义的这两个东西: def Orient (p o : ℕ+) (pairs : List ((Fin p) × (Fin o))) : Fin p → Fin o := fun i => match pairs.lookup i with -- pairs.lookup用法: -- lookup 3 [(1, 2), (3, 4), (3, 5)] = some 4 -- lookup 2 [(1, 2), (3, 4), (3, 5)] = none | some x => x | none => 0 -- 举例说明: -- #eval Orient 3 2 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1)] -- ![1, 0, 1] -- #eval Orient 3 2 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (3, 1)] -- ![1, 0, 0] -- 换句话说,首先需要我们提供一组这样的数组:每一项形式为(Fin p)×(Fin o),也就是都是2个分量的向量。 -- 函数结果得到一个数组,有3项,每一项结果x满足:0 <= x < 2 。 -- 得到的数组的每一项值是这样决定的: -- 如果索引能遍历找每一项的第一个分量,找到相同的值,则返回第二个分量, -- 反之遍历找每一项的第一个分量都找不到,直接返回0。 -- #eval Orient 8 3 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 0), (5, 1), (6, 0), (7, 0)] -- 比如为了创建这个向量:![1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0], 可以上面这样输入参数。8项分量,每一项为Fin 3,即小于3。

def Solved : RubiksSuperType where fst := { permute := 1 orient := 0 } snd := { permute := 1 orient := 0 }

-- def Solved2 -- : RubiksSuperType → Prop := -- fun x => (x.1.permute=1 ∧ x.2.permute=1 ∧ x.1.orient=0 ∧ x.2.orient=0)

-- inductive Solved3 -- : RubiksSuperType → Prop -- where -- | Solved : Solved3 Solved -- | AllSatisfy : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, (x.1.permute=1 ∧ x.2.permute=1 ∧ x.1.orient=0 ∧ x.2.orient=0) → Solved3 x

@[simp] lemma Solved_iff (x: RubiksSuperType) : (Solved = x) ↔ (x.1.permute=1 ∧ x.2.permute=1 ∧ x.1.orient=0 ∧ x.2.orient=0) := by constructor · simp only [Solved] intro x cases x apply And.intro { rfl} { apply And.intro {rfl} apply And.intro {rfl} {rfl} } · intro hx obtain ⟨hx1,hx2,hx3,hx4⟩:= hx simp only [Solved] congr {exact id hx1.symm} {exact id hx3.symm} {exact id hx2.symm} {exact id hx4.symm} done

section FACE_TURNS

/- These two functions (from kendfrey's repository) create a cycle permutation, which is useful for defining the rotation of any given face, as seen directly below. -/ -- 为了方便定义每个操作的排列permute,然后定义的这两个东西:

-- def cycleImpl {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] -- : α → List α → Perm α -- | , [] => 1 -- “”指的是第一个元素。可以写成a吗??? -- | a, (x :: xs) => (cycleImpl x xs) (swap a x) -- “a”指的是第一个参数

-- def cyclePieces {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] -- 这里如何文字上理解也是个问题,输入旧位置,得到新位置? -- : List α → Perm α -- | [] => 1 -- | (x :: xs) => cycleImpl x xs

def cyclePieces {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] -- 这里如何文字上理解也是个问题,输入旧位置,得到新位置? : List α → Perm α := fun list => List.formPerm list

-- -- 只用formPerm可以办到,但是输入时要转一下脑筋: -- def lista : List (Fin 8) := [0,3,2,1] -- 这样写得到的Perm意思是: -- --[0,3,2,1]表示: index输入0,得到3;输入3,得到2;输入2,得到1;输入1,得到0 -- -- 所以要表示[3,0,1,2], 需要输入[0,3,2,1] -- #eval List.formPerm lista

-- 举例说明Perm之间的乘法:,从右往左: -- #eval ((swap 1 2):Perm (Fin 12)) -- 指的是输入index为1,得到2;输入index为2,得到1 -- ![0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] -- #eval ((swap 1 3):Perm (Fin 12)) -- 指的是输入index为1,得到3;输入index为3,得到1 -- ![0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] -- #eval (cyclePieces [1, 2] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- ![0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] -- #eval (cyclePieces [2, 3] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- ![0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] -- #eval (cyclePieces [1, 2] : Perm (Fin 12)) * (cyclePieces [2, 3] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- ![0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

-- 第1大括号"{}"内描述的是:角块 -- permute描述的是位置,orient描述的是方向数。 -- 第2大括号"{}"内描述的是:棱块 -- permute描述的是位置,orient描述的是方向数。 -- #eval (cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3] : Perm (Fin 12)) -- 为了创建位置4循环(0,1,2,3),就像上述那样写。 -- #eval Orient 8 3 [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 0), (5, 1), (6, 0), (7, 0)] -- 比如为了创建这个方向数向量:![1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0]

-- 当然也是可以定义中间层转动,两层同时转动等等... -- ,,, : : : : -- => [, , , ] Orient X X [(, ), (, ), (, ), (, )]

-- (a,b) -- input index a get b , index b get a -- (b,c) -- index b get c , index c get b -- (c,d) -- index c get d , index d get c

-- 这里注释一下下面每个位置对应的块是哪个,比如UFR这样的: -- ({ permute := ![UFL, UFR, UBR, UBL, DFL, DFR, DBR, DBL], -- orient := ![UFL, UFR, UBR, UBL, DFL, DFR, DBR, DBL] }, -- { permute := ![UF, UR, UB, UL, FL, FR, RB, LB, FD, RD, BD, LD], -- orient := ![UF, UR, UB, UL, FL, FR, RB, LB, FD, RD, BD, LD] }) def U : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0,3,2,1], orient := 0}, -- ![3, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7] {permute := cyclePieces [0,3,2,1], orient := 0} ⟩ -- #eval (cyclePieces [0,3,2,1]: Perm (Fin 8)) def D : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [4, 5, 6, 7], orient := 0}, {permute := cyclePieces [8, 9, 10, 11], orient := 0} ⟩ def R : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [1,2,6,5], orient := Orient 8 3 [(1, 2), (2, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [1, 6, 9, 5], orient := Orient 12 2 [(1,1 ), (5,1 ), (6,1 ), (9,1 )]} ⟩ def L : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0, 4, 7, 3], orient := Orient 8 3 [(0, 1), (3, 2), (4, 2), (7, 1)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [3,4 ,11 ,7 ], orient := Orient 12 2 [(3, 1), (4,1 ), (7, 1), (11, 1)]} ⟩ def F : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [0,1 ,5 ,4 ], orient := Orient 8 3 [(0, 2), (1, 1), (4, 1), (5, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [0, 5, 8, 4] , orient := Orient 12 2 [(0, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0), (8, 0)]} ⟩ def B : RubiksSuperType := ⟨ {permute := cyclePieces [2, 3, 7,6 ], orient := Orient 8 3 [(2, 2), (3, 1), (6, 1), (7, 2)]}, {permute := cyclePieces [2, 7, 10,6 ], orient := Orient 12 2 [(2, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0), (10, 0)]} ⟩ -- #eval B^4 = Solved def U2 := U^2 def D2 := D^2 def R2 := R^2 def L2 := L^2 def F2 := F^2 def B2 := B^2 def U' := U⁻¹ def D' := D⁻¹ def R' := R⁻¹ def L' := L⁻¹ def F' := F⁻¹ def B' := B⁻¹

def Corner_Absolute_Orient : CornerType → Fin 8 → Fin 3 := fun x p => x.orient (x.permute.invFun p) def Edge_Absolute_Orient : EdgeType → Fin 12 → Fin 2 := fun x p => x.orient (x.permute.invFun p)

-- #eval Corner_Absolute_Orient U.1 -- #eval Edge_Absolute_Orient U.2 -- #eval Corner_Absolute_Orient F.1

-- #check Multiplicative.coeToFun

inductive FaceTurn : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | U : FaceTurn U | D : FaceTurn D | R : FaceTurn R | L : FaceTurn L | F : FaceTurn F | B : FaceTurn B | U2 : FaceTurn U2 | D2 : FaceTurn D2 | R2 : FaceTurn R2 | L2 : FaceTurn L2 | F2 : FaceTurn F2 | B2 : FaceTurn B2 | U' : FaceTurn U' | D' : FaceTurn D' | R' : FaceTurn R' | L' : FaceTurn L' | F' : FaceTurn F' | B' : FaceTurn B'

inductive FaceTurn_TWGroup1 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | U : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 U | D : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 D | R2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 R2 | L2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 L2 | F : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 F | B : FaceTurn_TWGroup1 B

inductive FaceTurn_TWGroup2 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | U : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 U | D : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 D | R2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 R2 | L2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 L2 | F2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 F2 | B2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup2 B2

inductive FaceTurn_TWGroup3 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | U2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 U2 | D2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 D2 | R2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 R2 | L2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 L2 | F2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 F2 | B2 : FaceTurn_TWGroup3 B2

-- #check FaceTurn_TWGroup1.L2 -- Prop

instance : ToString RubiksSuperType where toString : RubiksSuperType → String := fun c => if c = Solved then "Solved" else if c = U then "U" else if c = D then "D" else if c = R then "R" else if c = L then "L" else if c = F then "F" else if c = B then "B" else if c = U2 then "U, U" else if c = D2 then "D, D" else if c = R2 then "R, R" else if c = L2 then "L, L" else if c = F2 then "F, F" else if c = B2 then "B, B" else if c = U' then "U'" else if c = D' then "D'" else if c = R' then "R'" else if c = L' then "L'" else if c = F' then "F'" else if c = B' then "B'" else s!"{repr c}"

-- def aRubikSuperType : RubiksSuperType := -- ⟨ -- {permute := cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3], orient := 0}, -- {permute := cyclePieces [0, 1, 2, 3], orient := 0} -- ⟩ --举例使用:它会把这个RubiksSuperType类型的东西对比来得到字符串。 -- #eval aRubikSuperType -- #eval toString $ aRubikSuperType

-- instance : Multiplicative.coeToFun RubiksSuperType := {coe := fun (a : RubiksSuperType) => fun (b : RubiksSuperType) => a * b } --? How do I get the line above to work?


def TPerm : RubiksSuperType -- 这个是在哪里定义的呢?看定义就知道,因为RubiksSuperType是笛卡尔积CornerType × EdgeType,其乘法就是两个分量分别乘积 -- 这里实际上是两个分量的ps_mul,要从左往右→运算。 := R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' def AlteredYPerm : RubiksSuperType := R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R def MyTestActions : RubiksSuperType := R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R R

-- 以下两个定义,形容两个不可能的魔方状态:只旋转一次角块,还有只旋转一次棱块 def CornerTwist : RubiksSuperType := ( {permute := 1, orient := (fun | 0 => 1 | => 0) }, -- 这种是归纳定义的向量写法,只有0位置为1,“”意思是其余的,其余为0。 {permute := 1, orient := 0} ) def EdgeFlip : RubiksSuperType := ( {permute := 1, orient := 0}, {permute := 1, orient := (fun | 0 => 1 | _ => 0)} )

section RubiksGroup

-- 魔方第二基本定理直接就定义了~~~其实也不全是,只是两个定义,两个定义需要互推。(要推生成集) -- def ValidCube : Set RubiksSuperType := {c | Perm.sign c.fst.permute = Perm.sign c.snd.permute ∧ Fin.foldl 8 (fun acc n => acc + c.fst.orient n) 0 = 0 ∧ Fin.foldl 12 (fun acc n => acc + c.snd.orient n) 0 = 0} def ValidCube : Set RubiksSuperType := -- 这样的一个集合:所有满足后面这些条件的c { c | Perm.sign c.fst.permute = Perm.sign c.snd.permute -- c.fst指的是角块 , c.snd指的是棱块 ∧ Finset.sum ({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}:Finset (Fin 8)) c.fst.orient = 0 ∧ Finset.sum ({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}:Finset (Fin 12)) c.snd.orient = 0 }

lemma mul_mem'_permuteRemainsSum
(apermute : Perm (Fin 12))
(borient : (Fin 12) → Fin 2)
(h2: Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} borient = 0)
: (Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} fun x ↦ borient (apermute x)) = 0
:= by
  have h1:= Equiv.sum_comp apermute borient -- 常见错误:因为没有输入足够的参数 typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables
  have sumEq2 : ∑ i : Fin 12, borient (apermute i) = ∑ x in {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}, borient (apermute x) := rfl
  rw [← sumEq2]
  clear sumEq2
  rw [h1]
  clear h1
  have sumEq1 : ∑ i : Fin 12, borient i = Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} borient := rfl
  rw [sumEq1]
  exact h2

@[simp] lemma mul_mem' {a b : RubiksSuperType} -- {i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8: Fin 8} -- (s : Finset (Fin 8):= {i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8}) -- (notEq: ∀ x∈s ,∀ y∈s , x≠y) : a ∈ ValidCube → b ∈ ValidCube → a * b ∈ ValidCube := by intro hav hbv simp only [ValidCube] -- simp only [PieceState.mul_def] -- simp only [ps_mul] -- repeat' apply And.intro apply And.intro { have h1 : sign a.1.permute = sign a.2.permute := by apply hav.left have h2 : sign b.1.permute = sign b.2.permute := by apply hbv.left simp only [Prod.fst_mul, PieceState.mul_def, Prod.snd_mul] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [map_mul] -- exact Mathlib.Tactic.LinearCombination.mul_pf h1 h2 exact Mathlib.Tactic.LinearCombination.mul_pf h2 h1 } apply And.intro { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} a.1.orient = 0 := by apply hav.right.left have h2 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} b.1.orient = 0 := by apply hbv.right.left -- rw [PieceState.orient, PieceState.orient] -- rw [Finset.sum_add_distrib, h2] simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, Prod.fst_mul,PieceState.mul_def] simp only [ps_mul] simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, invFun_as_coe, Pi.add_apply, Function.comp_apply] simp only [Finset.sum_add_distrib] rw [h1] clear h1 simp only [add_zero] -- refine Equiv.Perm.prod_comp -- apply h2 -- rw [Finset.sum_range_succ] trans Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} b.1.orient -- apply Perm.sum_comp -- · intro x1 -- simp only [ne_eq, Finset.coe_insert, Finset.coe_singleton] -- · exact h2

  -- todo -- 下面一长串提取出来吧:
  . apply Finset.sum_bijective
    . exact a.1.permute.bijective
    . intro i
      simp only [Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton]
      have hhh (x:ℕ): x < 8 ↔ x = 0 ∨ x = 1 ∨ x = 2 ∨ x = 3 ∨ x = 4 ∨ x = 5 ∨ x = 6 ∨  x = 7
        := by
        obtain _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ := x <;> simp
        -- change 8 ≤ n + 8
        exact le_add_self
      have hhh1 : ∀ x : Fin 8, x = 0 ∨ x = 1 ∨ x = 2 ∨ x = 3 ∨ x = 4 ∨ x = 5 ∨ x = 6 ∨  x = 7
        := by
        intro x
      --这个是能证明的,耗时很长,但是需要用lean4 web版本。
      -- this line can prove , but needs a moment
        -- fin_cases x <;> aesop
        -- done
      · intro h
        cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 0
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 0)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 1
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 1)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 2
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 2)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 3
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 3)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 4
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 4)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 5
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 5)
          exact lem1
        | inr h => cases h with
        | inl h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 6
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 6)
          exact lem1
        | inr h =>
          have h0 : a.1.permute i = a.1.permute 7
            := by exact congrArg (a.1.permute) h
          rw [h0]
          clear h0
          have lem1 := hhh1 (a.1.permute 7)
          exact lem1
      · exact fun a ↦ hhh1 i
    · exact fun i a_1 ↦ rfl
  · exact h2
  have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} a.2.orient = 0
    := by apply hav.right.right
  have h2 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} b.2.orient = 0
    := by apply hbv.right.right
  simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, Prod.snd_mul,
  simp only [ps_mul]
  simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_insert, zero_ne_one, false_or, invFun_as_coe,
    Pi.add_apply, Function.comp_apply]
  simp only [Finset.sum_add_distrib]
  rw [h1]
  clear h1
  simp only [add_zero]
  apply mul_mem'_permuteRemainsSum
  exact h2

-- #check Finset.sum -- #check Finset.sum_add_distrib

@[simp] lemma one_mem' : 1 ∈ ValidCube := by simp only [ValidCube] apply And.intro { apply Eq.refl } { apply And.intro { apply Eq.refl } { apply Eq.refl } }

@[simp] lemma inv_mem'_permuteRemainsSum (apermute : Perm (Fin 8)) (borient : (Fin 8) → Fin 3) (h2: Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7} borient = 0) : (Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7} fun x ↦ borient (apermute x)) = 0 := by have h1:= Equiv.sum_comp apermute borient -- 常见错误:因为没有输入足够的参数 typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables have sumEq2 : ∑ i : Fin 8, borient (apermute i) = ∑ x in {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7}, borient (apermute x) := rfl rw [← sumEq2] clear sumEq2 rw [h1] clear h1 have sumEq1 : ∑ i : Fin 8, borient i = Finset.sum {0, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7} borient := rfl rw [sumEq1] exact h2 done

@[simp] lemma inv_mem' {x : RubiksSuperType} : x∈ValidCube → x⁻¹ ∈ ValidCube := by intro hxv simp [ValidCube, PieceState.inv_def, ps_inv] -- repeat' apply And.intro apply And.intro { apply hxv.left } apply And.intro { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} x.1.orient = 0 := by apply hxv.right.left -- 和“mul_mem'”一样的问题,很容易看出来,不知道怎么写: apply inv_mem'_permuteRemainsSum exact h1 } { have h1 : Finset.sum {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11} x.2.orient = 0 := by apply hxv.right.right -- 和“mul_mem'”一样的问题,很容易看出来,不知道怎么写: apply mul_mem'_permuteRemainsSum exact h1 }

/- Defining the subgroup of valid Rubik's cube positions. -/ instance RubiksGroup : Subgroup RubiksSuperType := { carrier := ValidCube mul_mem' := mul_mem' -- 封闭性质 one_mem' := one_mem' -- 单位1元素 inv_mem' := inv_mem' -- 逆元素 -- 结合律不用证明,父群已经证明。 -- 左乘1=本身不用证明 -- 右乘1=本身不用证明 -- 左乘逆=1不用证明 -- 右乘逆=1不用证明 }

/- Defining the intuitively valid set of Rubik's cube positions. -/ inductive Reachable : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | Solved : Reachable Solved | FT : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, FaceTurn x → Reachable x | mul : ∀x y : RubiksSuperType, Reachable x → Reachable y → Reachable (x * y) | inv : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, Reachable x → Reachable x⁻¹

inductive Reachable_TWGroup1 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | Solved : Reachable_TWGroup1 Solved | FT : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, FaceTurn_TWGroup1 x → Reachable_TWGroup1 x | mul : ∀x y : RubiksSuperType, Reachable_TWGroup1 x → Reachable_TWGroup1 y → Reachable_TWGroup1 (x * y)

inductive Reachable_TWGroup2 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | Solved : Reachable_TWGroup2 Solved | FT : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, FaceTurn_TWGroup2 x → Reachable_TWGroup2 x | mul : ∀x y : RubiksSuperType, Reachable_TWGroup2 x → Reachable_TWGroup2 y → Reachable_TWGroup2 (x * y)

inductive Reachable_TWGroup3 : RubiksSuperType → Prop where | Solved : Reachable_TWGroup3 Solved | FT : ∀x : RubiksSuperType, FaceTurn_TWGroup3 x → Reachable_TWGroup3 x | mul : ∀x y : RubiksSuperType, Reachable_TWGroup3 x → Reachable_TWGroup3 y → Reachable_TWGroup3 (x * y)

end RubiksGroup

/- The widget below was adapted from kendfrey's repository. -/ section WIDGET

inductive Color : Type | white | green | red | blue | orange | yellow

instance : ToString Color where toString := fun c => match c with | Color.white => "#ffffff" | => "#00ff00" | => "#ff0000" | => "#0000ff" | => "#ff7f00" | Color.yellow => "#ffff00"

/-- 为每一个List类型定义了一个成员变量,只需要.vec就可以调用出来。 将 List 变成Vector-/ def List.vec {α : Type} : Π a : List α, Vector α (a.length) | [] => Vector.nil | (x :: xs) => Vector.cons x (xs.vec)

-- #check List.vec {1,2,3,4,5}

def corner_map : Vector (Vector Color 3) 8 := [ [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.white,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec, [Color.yellow,,].vec ].vec

def edge_map : Vector (Vector Color 2) 12 := [ [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.white,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [Color.yellow,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec, [,].vec ].vec

def corner_sticker : Fin 8 → Fin 3 → RubiksSuperType → Color := fun i o cube => (corner_map.get (cube.1.permute⁻¹ i)).get (Fin.sub o (cube.1.orient i))

def edge_sticker : Fin 12 → Fin 2 → RubiksSuperType → Color := fun i o cube => (edge_map.get (cube.2.permute⁻¹ i)).get (Fin.sub o (cube.2.orient i))

open Lean Widget

def L8x3 : List (ℕ × ℕ) := ( (fun x => (x, 0)) (List.range 8)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 1)) (List.range 8)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 2)) (List.range 8)) def L12x2 : List (ℕ × ℕ) := ( (fun x => (x, 0)) (List.range 12)) ++ ( (fun x => (x, 1)) (List.range 12))

def cubeStickerJson : RubiksSuperType → Json := fun cube => Json.mkObj --??? ( ( (fun p => (s!"c{p.fst}{p.snd}", Json.str (toString (cornersticker p.fst p.snd $ cube)))) L8x3 ) ++ ( (fun p => (s!"e{p.fst}_{p.snd}", Json.str (toString (edge_sticker p.fst p.snd $ cube)))) L12x2 ) )

-- @[widget] -- def cubeWidget : UserWidgetDefinition where -- name := "Cube State" -- javascript :=" -- import * as React from 'react';

-- export default function (props) { -- return React.createElement( -- 'div', -- { -- style: { -- display: 'grid', -- gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(12, 20px)', -- gridTemplateRows: 'repeat(9, 20px)', -- rowGap: '2px', -- columnGap: '2px', -- margin: '10px', -- }, -- }, -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.c_0_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.e_0_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '1', backgroundColor: props.c_1_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: props.e_3_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: '#ffffff'}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '2', backgroundColor: props.e_1_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.c_3_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.e_2_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '3', backgroundColor: props.c_2_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_0_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.e_3_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '3', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_3_2}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_8_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: '#ff7f00'}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '3', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_11_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '1', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.c_7_2}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '2', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.e_7_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '3', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.c_4_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_3_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.e_2_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '4', backgroundColor: props.c_2_2}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_11_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: '#00ff00'}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '5', backgroundColor: props.e_10_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.c_4_2}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '6', backgroundColor: props.e_4_1}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: 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backgroundColor: props.c_4_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '7', backgroundColor: props.e_4_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '7', backgroundColor: props.c_5_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '8', backgroundColor: props.e_7_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '8', backgroundColor: '#ffff00'}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '8', backgroundColor: props.e_5_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '4', gridRow: '9', backgroundColor: props.c_7_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '5', gridRow: '9', backgroundColor: props.e_6_0}}), -- React.createElement('div', {style: {gridColumn: '6', gridRow: '9', backgroundColor: props.c_6_0}}), -- ); -- }"

-- end WIDGET

-- #widget cubeWidget -- #eval (cubeStickerJson Solved)

-- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson Solved) -- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson TPerm) -- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson AlteredYPerm) -- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson CornerTwist) -- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson EdgeFlip)

-- #widget cubeWidget (cubeStickerJson MyTestActions)

/- Useful predicates for the SolutionAlgorithm, as well as for some minor proofs. -/ section SolutionState

def CornersSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => -- 定义需要满足: c.fst.permute = 1 ∧ c.fst.orient = 0

def EdgesSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => -- 定义需要满足: c.snd.permute = 1 ∧ c.snd.orient = 0

def IsSolved : RubiksSuperType → Prop := fun c => -- 定义需要满足: CornersSolved c ∧ EdgesSolved c

-- 这3个instance的作用是? instance {c} : Decidable (CornersSolved c) := by apply And.decidable instance {c} : Decidable (EdgesSolved c) := by apply And.decidable instance {c} : Decidable (IsSolved c) := by apply And.decidable

end SolutionState `

AlexDuchnowski commented 3 months ago

How is the "orient" defined in a practical sense in "plus_mul"? Clockwise or counterclockwise? Which direction of edge block and corner block is 0,1,2?

Hi @chenjulang, my apologies for the delay in responding, and thank you for calling attention to the relationship between the definition of ps_mul and ps_inv. My understanding of the representation I've set up is that the permutation component explains where each piece is. For example, the output of mapping 0 through the permutation function results in the location of the White/Orange/Blue corner piece, and the image of 1 is the location of the White/Blue/Red corner. The corner pieces are numbered (0-indexed) starting at White/Orange/Blue and moving clockwise around the white face, then continuing from the Yellow/Orange/Green corner and going clockwise about the yellow face. The orientation function indicates the orientation of the piece in each slot. For example, the output of mapping 0 through the orientation function gives the orientation of the piece in the 0 slot (which is White/Orange/Blue when the cube is solved, but can vary otherwise). 0 indicates that a corner piece has its white/yellow sticker (whichever is applicable) aligned with the white/yellow face (whichever face it is on). An orientation of 1 indicates a clockwise rotation from what a 0 would indicate in the given context, and a 2 is a counterclockwise (or double clockwise) rotation from the 0 state. These ideas are extended similarly to the edge pieces. Given this representation, I realized I needed to change the ps_inv definition, so I have updated the definition and completed the proofs that were remaining in RubiksCube\RubiksCubeFunc.lean. Please let me know if anything remains unclear. Thanks so much for your help in clarifying the issues!

chenjulang commented 3 months ago

If you interested, check this proof of "valid_reachable" , too. I am stuck here at lemma31, it aims at proving "any 3-corner-cycle is reachable". I cannot find a easy/elegant way to prove all 3-cycle conditions. So in my code, i only prove three conditions that are representative enough. And check lemma32 too , it is about "any 3-edge-cycle is reachable".

And also the Thistlethwaite's Algorithm ...

chenjulang commented 3 months ago

(And you may find this lemma useful too if you proceed on, N1+N2=N3

AlexDuchnowski commented 3 months ago

Hi @chenjulang, apologies for the delayed response. At this point, I'd like to leave this repo as it is, and I plan to focus more on other projects now. That being said, I'd be happy to start a new, more collaborative repo where you and I can both add more proofs and improve each other's code. I would be working on this pretty rarely, but it would allow us to see each other's work more directly, and I would gladly help with other proofs however I can on the few occasions when I contribute. Would this interest you, or would you prefer to simply keep working in your own repository?