AlexIIL / LargeCurvedRails

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Ascending/descending tracks #7

Open AlexIIL opened 8 years ago

AlexIIL commented 8 years ago



NitroxydeX commented 8 years ago

Under some circumstances the 1/12 grade ascending track disappears:

2016-02-08_22 17 39 2016-02-08_22 17 42

AlexIIL commented 8 years ago

Its an annoying bug that I am aware of, basically it happens as minecraft expects block models to fit perfectly into a 1x1x1 cube and no more, and only checks to render them if you can see the origin block. Basically I'll get to it later, when I have got the mod to a stage that other people can start contributing models.

(You can reproduce it if you place any track that is longer than 1 block across a chunk boundary)

AlexIIL commented 8 years ago

Thanks for taking a look through this :)

A few helpful things to know (that won't be in the final version, so are dev stuff):

AlexIIL commented 8 years ago

Another thing: you can create different materials by giving the ascending track a different damage value (so you could do "/give @a traincraft:ascending_track_12_long 0 4" for material number 5.) I don't think I have got the item ID right though.

NitroxydeX commented 8 years ago

Yeah, ID was wrong but that's what auto-complete is for.

Spawning works but the Cart not the Loco is just standing still. Is this right?

AlexIIL commented 8 years ago

One of them doesn't have an engine so it wont move. Unless you place it on a hill, in which case it will (under the act of gravity) begin to CLIMB the hill.