Open lucas33620 opened 2 years ago
Hello, I would like to create an odometry with Lidar Hokuyo. I run ros2_laser_scan_matcher and i launch urg_node2 for the communication with Lidar. The topic of Lidar is /scan
However, i don't have an Odom in topic list. I see in rqt graph :
Can you help me plz ?
line 68 in laser_scan_matcher.cpp add_parameter("publish_odom", rclcpp::ParameterValue(std::string("odom"))
Hello, I would like to create an odometry with Lidar Hokuyo. I run ros2_laser_scan_matcher and i launch urg_node2 for the communication with Lidar. The topic of Lidar is /scan
However, i don't have an Odom in topic list. I see in rqt graph :
Can you help me plz ?