AlexLavoie42 / Nuxt-Mapbox

Elegant Mapbox integration with Nuxt
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Support for MapLibre? #85

Open Creatium opened 6 months ago

Creatium commented 6 months ago


This looks like a very nice implementation for Mapbox GL JS. I was wondering if there are any plans to maybe add support for MapLibre GL JS? Its an open-source fork of Mapbox (developed after Mapbox GL JS 2.0 was paywalled).

By the idea it should not be a lot of work to add the support or to develop a similar plugin. Most of the functionality is the same, only the function names are different. Obviously long term there will be more differences.

AlexLavoie42 commented 6 months ago

I have thought of this before, but I think in the long run it will be too complicated to support both in the same module. I think creating a new fork of the module that is designed for maplibre would be the better approach. Perhaps a similar approach could be taken for Google maps as well (although the API is quite different).

I don't think I have the time to work on both however, the reason I created this module is that we primarily use Mapbox internally. Of course if anybody is interested in taking this on I am more than happy to help support! I think this module is pretty close to a point that I am happy with where it is and I am not planning any major changes soon.