AlexModGuy / AlexsCaves

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caves dont generate. #1027

Open GreenForzeGaming opened 3 months ago

GreenForzeGaming commented 3 months ago

made a cave map too the dinos on version 1.1.4 1.20.1 on forge. this has happend on EVERY version of the mod that ive used, and ive looked around and i dont see any fix on it.... what did fix it in the past was too remove the config for some reason which makes no sence. i just hope that the world me and my family have spent hours on isnt broken.

JustAnotherBugReporter commented 3 months ago

Did you update from below 1.0.8? If you have, you'll need to remove the world generation configs for them regenerate and properly function.

GreenForzeGaming commented 3 months ago

no i started with 1.1.4 if i made a second map somewhere else it gave me a new location that did indeed have the cave... but the first map off every cave was faulty, kinda wierd

JustAnotherBugReporter commented 3 months ago

I think you were just unlucky

GreenForzeGaming commented 3 months ago

that makes no sence. if the map shows me a location to a place that dosnt excist, somethings clearly wrong.

JustAnotherBugReporter commented 3 months ago

Probably unfixable, minecraft bug, /locate also has this issue, You can regenerate maps by going to the middle of the cave map and waiting for 30 seconds