AlexModGuy / AlexsMobs

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(1.18.2) When I edit the config to make seagulls not steal, the Prismlauncher instance doesn't launch. #2029

Open CircusSeal opened 1 month ago

CircusSeal commented 1 month ago

I went into the config to change the seagulls stealing food option to false, but it caused Minecraft to crash a few seconds after launching (it also caused the Minecraft logo to have some squares above it, if that helps?). I tried redownloading the mod, deleting the config file, trying again, and using the Configured mod to edit it instead; when I started up my world again, the player was invisible, and so were particles, dropped items, etc.

I even changed it back to true and tried again to run, but it still didn’t. The only way to make it run again was to delete the config file entirely and then run Minecraft.


P.S. Let me know if uploading the log didn't work! I've never submitted a log on LibreOffice Writer before.

CircusSeal commented 1 month ago

I tried changing the seagull spawn weight from 21 to 0, and the same thing happened.

To see if I could alter the .toml file at all or if the problems only happen with seagulls, I tried increasing the maximum height that blobfish can spawn by 1. The loading bar got a little bit filled before crashing again.