AlexModGuy / AlexsMobs

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[Bug/Compat] Crows don't consume/destroy crops #2033

Open goldrat1 opened 1 month ago

goldrat1 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I've noticed that in my modpack Crows will not break crops that they land on. They circle the crops and fly down onto them, but they just stand there... menacingly... MobGriefing is on and so is the config for Crows breaking crops. I can only presume this is a mod conflict because I've got quite a few, however I can't find which mod in my list would do this. Is there any known conflicts with this mechanic? I'd like to avoid doing a binary search if possible but I will if it's necessary.

Playing on latest version, Forge 1.20.1, v1.22.8 Mod list is in my latest.log: latest.log

Please help me fix! I really want crows to eat stuff for the farming gameplay of my modpack :(