AlexModGuy / Ice-and-Fire-Suggestions

For suggestions about my other project, Ice and Fire.
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Better Ender Dragon #1061

Open knightfury3000 opened 3 years ago

knightfury3000 commented 3 years ago

Now before you scrap this, hear me out. This is a popular idea I've noticed, and could even be a standalone mod if you wanted, but here's the idea. Remember that first time you fought the ender dragon? Back in 1.7? When you just think, jeez I was not prepared for this, and you scramble to figure out how to kill this absolutely massive beast? Well, I want to bring back that feeling. How? We go bigger, we go badder, and we give it even more teeth. Now, yes, this monstrosity would be difficult, but interesting as well. what I am thinking is making the ender dragon similar to the ice and fire dragons, BUT, it's bigger than anything you've ever seen. Standing as high as the towers of the end, with around 1000 health, and a magical power beyond normal capability, this beast would be a stage 6 with the power to teleport while on top of that, getting regenerated by the great towers of this dimension. No one knew a creature like this could even exist, it would be an unstoppable beast. A dragon of this size would be able to decimate entire countries and blot out the sun with its wings. But then again, no one knew you would become a force of nature. Now, this is up for debate, but here's what would happen AFTER you've defeated this creature. just like in vanilla, it would slow, and begin to implode, until exploding with experience, giving you its scales and flesh, even its skull(possibly replaces the vanilla dragon head). Blood would be found either in chests in end citys/ships, or the dragon would just drop a ton for you to make ender dragon steel stuff, and an ender dragon bone sword(if you wanted). But that wouldn't be the real prize, would it? No, as everyone remembers, the dragon is a female... meaning it just gave you the last ender dragon egg in existence, to hatch, raise, tame, and fell entire kingdoms with. The egg would be restyled to be black with purple specks, with the potential to be any color of all the dragon species. How to hatch it? Simple, you create an altar made from endstone, obsidian, and 4 ender crystals(or whatever they're called). once this daunting altar is finished, just place the egg in the center, and watch the magic happen. The sky darkens, beams come from the ender crystals, and egg seems to be imbued with the power of another realm beyond the veil. It hatches, and it immediately looks at you, and starts nuzzling you. You've just tamed the last of a nearly extinct race of celestial, godlike creatures, and it is bigger than any of you're others. It can grow to stage 6, yes, but at a much slower rate. it would take 600 in-game days(100 days for each stage) to grow, and become the beast of power you so will. It would get every normal thing a dragon would get as it grows, the ability to breathe (void fire? ender fire? idk, whatever you call the stuff the ender dragon shoots at you) at stage 2, the ability to be ridden at stage 3, and of course ultimate power at stage 5. But that's not the end for your dragon, no no, once you get it to stage 6, it will have the power to call upon all the dragons in a large vicinity and make them fight for it. This would immediately make all wild dragons docile to you, and even some of them would have a 25 to 75 percent chance to be tamed, again, this could maybe be configured. This skill would be called, call of the dragon king/queen, you guys pick. But yeah, that about wraps up my idea, so tell me if you think it's cool or not. And I'm just now seeing how long this is, and if you read this all the way through, provs to you. And if the devs see this, I just wanna say thank you, and that you have made us an amazing mod. Seriously, I don't think any of us can be more grateful. You're awesome guys. Keep your head up kings.

1Melone commented 3 years ago

I don't know what to say to this idea... It's GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHOWHANBOY commented 3 years ago

this is the best suggestion I've ever damn heard, if it won't be added ill make a god damn addon for this, of course, if it won't be added, and I literally doubt the devs won't add this, I mean cmon imagine not adding this

1Melone commented 3 years ago

Thanks for thinking about making an addon. I love the idea.

1Melone commented 3 years ago

This dragon would ruin every Speedrunner's day xD

CHOWHANBOY commented 3 years ago

Dream will have a hard time it seems like