AlexModGuy / Ice-and-Fire-Suggestions

For suggestions about my other project, Ice and Fire.
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New mob: The Kelpie #144

Open mser7 opened 6 years ago

mser7 commented 6 years ago

Kelpie are a mythological creature in Scotland folklore. Kelpie, or water kelpie, is the Scots name given to a shape-shifting water spirit inhabiting the lochs and pools of Scotland. They also known as "the Lowland name of a demon in the shape of a horse". There was a story of two boys who mistake Kelpie for a normal horse and go pet them, then got stuck to its body, dragged into the bottom of river.

Ice and Fire Kelpie can spawn in deep water in swampland, or near watery area. First look like a normal horse, but those who go near it receive a surprise attack. The Kelpie then drag the player into the water then damage them to death. Kelpie can't swim despite living in water, but more like a bottom feeder.

To deal with them, you need to attack first, far range preferably, then the Kelpie will realize that their planned has failed and retreat, or if you bring a pet Hippocampus along, it can come and save you from the beast and can chase them away since Hippocampus are more agile then Kelpie in the water.

I... have not though of its drop yet, sorry.

LordDecay26 commented 6 years ago

could just be a fun thing to encounter in swamps, just drops lilypads and leather.