AlexModGuy / Ice-and-Fire-Suggestions

For suggestions about my other project, Ice and Fire.
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Creature Suggestions #55

Open Wolf7104 opened 7 years ago

Wolf7104 commented 7 years ago

It's what the title says it is! Here I (and other people if they want) will suggest different creatures for the mod.

Creatures I made up:


Apperance: 20170318_213053

I am not going to color the pictures of the creatures, because I suck at coloring. The Highflier is 2.5 meters(blocks) long and has a wingspan of 6 meters. Subspecies: Grey Highflier, White Highflier, Sky Blue Highflier, Silver Highflier

Where they live: The Highfliers live mostly around high mountain peaks. They make nests around the mountain's top or in caves. They evolved for the low air density that the higher altitudes of the mountains give them, so they come close to the ground only if in desperate need for food. The Highfliers' main source of food are sheep and cows, living in the Extreme Hills biome.

Eggs and hatching: Highfliers are unusually (for reptiles) good parents. They work in pairs to protect the eggs and later - the hatchlings. They lay the eggs in their nests, which are almost always safe from the wind. The female wraps herself around the 2-5 eggs she lays, while the male hunts for food. If the player approaches the mother she would get aggressive. The only way to take the eggs from the mother is to either kill her (cruel) or give her treasures. This way she may decide to give you one or two eggs. The only way you can tame a Highflier is by standing at most 3 blocks away from the egg when it's hatching. The only way you can get a Silver Highflier egg is by breeding a tamed female Grey Highflier with an untamed White Highflier. The tamed Highflier will give her eggs to the player without need for bringing her treasures.

Treasures: Highfliers appreciate silver more than anything. The only other thing you can find in Highflier's treasury is iron and books, some of them very valuable. If a Highflier sees a player holding or wearing something made from silver, he will grab any item from the player's hand and will try to get off the armor. The same he will do with iron armor and books, but with less effort. The Highflier can see silver from 40 blocks away, iron from 30 and books from 20.

Dragonic Vulture

Appearance: (Sorry, no picture) The Dragonic Vulture, often referred to as Drature, is a one legged vulture-like bird with sharp beak to be able to get through the dragon's scales, one leg with four fingers - three facing forward and one backwards, and a long neck. It's ten meters long from head to tail, five meters high while standing and with 17 meters wingspan.

Subspecies: White Headed Vulture, Black Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Bearded Vulture, African Vulture, Himalayan Vulture.

Where they live: The Dragonic Vulture lives primarily in Savannas, Deserts and rarely can be found in any other biomes. They nest on the ground. The nest may look something like this: 2017-06-26_22 18 00 Hay Bales=Nest Block Bone Block=Bone Piles

Eggs and Hatching: The Dragonic Vulture can mate every two MC weeks. The female lays up to six eggs for each time she mates. The eggs will hatch after a few days and the babies will leave the nest around two hours after hatching. There are two ways of getting Dragonic Vulture's eggs. The first one is by killing the mother, the second is by giving her food in form of dragon meat every day. After seven days she will let you take two or three eggs. If you try to take more she will attack you. There are isn't a Drature subspecies which requires two different kinds of Dragonic Vultures to be obtained.

Growing and Development process: The Dragonic Vulture has five stages of growth and development:

  1. Hatchling - right after hatching to the 7th day from it's birth: The Drature hasn't developed enough yet and needs to learn to fly and be protected by the mother.
  2. Baby - 8th to 14th day after the hatching: The baby learns to fly and eat on it's own. It still lives in it's parent's nest and is protected by them.
  3. Juvenile - from the 15th to the 30th day: The Drature leaves it's parent's nest and makes it's own. If you bring materials for the nest and give them to the Drature, you can tame it.
  4. Adult - 30th to 400th day: The Dragonic Vulture is able to breed. It becomes stronger and with more flight stamina.
  5. Old Age - 400+ days: The creature isn't strong as it was before. It's feather become paler and is easy prey for Hippogriphs, dragons and other predators.

What they eat: The prime source of food for the Drature is dragon's corpses, as it's name suggests. It waits for another creature or player to kill the dragon and eat the leftovers. They can eat all sorts of other dead things, but their most beloved meal is a fresh killed dragon.

Special Abilities: None.

Misc: If you kill a Dragonic Vulture you can get feathers from it. The feathers are valued by the rich personas in villages and towns. It can be used to make capes, which could be attached to a chestplate.


Appearance: img_20170623_010628

The Keralt is 25 meters long, his arms are 10 meters each. It has six eyes.

Subspecies: Green Keralt, Grey Keralt, Snow Keralt, Sand Keralt, Quartz Keralt

Where they live: The Keralts live under ground, making big tunnels under y=50 to y=25. The different subspecies live in different biomes. They show themselves above ground only to hunt. They primary source of food is humans(players, villagers), cows and sheep.

Eggs and hatching: A Keralt can lay at most six eggs per 60 Minecraft days. If it lays eggs and the 60 days past every tick it has a 0.1% chance to fertilize the eggs in it's body (the Keralt is hermaphrodite) or, if another Keralt is close by, they can fertilize each other's eggs. For a few Minecraft days the eggs stay in the Keralt's womb, in that time it prepares a nest and food for the period of 5 Minecraft days when the eggs are incubating. If you approach a untamed Keralt's nest the mother will attack you. The only way to get a Keralt egg is to kill the mother. After that, when you hatch yourself a tamed Keralt you can harvest the eggs without worries. The only way to get a Quartz Keralt is to breed a tamed Snow Keralt and a tamed Sand Keralt.

Growing process: The Keralt has five stages of growing and development:

  1. Egg: before the hatchling has come out of the egg.
  2. Baby - 0-15 MC days: The Keralt has no tail spike until around the 14th day. In the Baby stage it's arms are considerably smaller.
  3. Juvenile - 15-60 MC days: In this stage the Keralt has a small tail spike, the arms grow to their maximum size, but the body of the Keralt continues to grow. Around 40 days after the hatching the Keralt mother leaves it's children. They often stay together to around 57 days old, when they start maturing enough to be able to hunt for themselves and make their own layer. If you plan on making a pen/house for the Keralt mother (the creature will prefer a home underground tho), make sure she has another room or home for when she leaves the children.
  4. Adult - 60-500 MC days: In this stage the Keralt is fully grown. The Juvenile tail spike falls off and is replaced by stronger and bigger one. The Keralt is now able to reproduce.
  5. Old Age - 500+ MC days: The Keralt isn't as fast and as strong as before. It has increased time between breeding, the skin color becomes paler. The only good thing about it is that the Keralt grows a poisonous tail spike, which falls over time and can be harvested and used for different antidotes or for an armor modification - Poisonous Thorns. The Keralt itself uses the spike to poison it's enemies.

Special Abilities: The Keralt rarely has any other special ability, except the poisonous spike. It's rare in Quartz Keralts to have spikes or Stegosaurus like plates on it's back. The chances of getting one through breeding two Keralts from one owner is 2%, but if you breed a Keralt from one owner and Keralt from another one the chance increases to 6%(I got the idea from Pokemon's breeding for shinies method).

Misc: When the Keralt increases in size you can collect Keralt Skin. Then, to strength up the skin, you have to pour liquid metals(when TiC support is added) on it or inject it with Keralt poison. Then, from three pieces of strengthen Keralt skin you can craft Keralt Armour Skin, with which you can craft armor. In the wild Keralt's layer you can often find human skeletons, which you can rob. They will give you a few gold or silver nuggets, maybe a page or two from the Bestiary. If you want you can harvest their bones. The tamed Keralt will be happier if it's layer/house is under y=50. The Keralt can brake blocks with density smaller than iron.



Creatures from various mythiologies


Wikipedia article

Apperance: The hatchlings have brown wing and body feathers, with beige underbelly and tail feathers. Throughout it's life, the feathers will become lighter and lighter and when it is adult, it will have pastel beige-light-yellow feathers. Note: There is no record of how the Thunderbird looked in mythologies, or at least I couldn't find any, so I am actually describing the Thunderbird from Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

Subspecies and their sizes: Parvus Tonitrus avis(latin for Small Thunderbird. I don't know why I use latin, the Thunderbird is originally from North American mythology. Oh, well): 3 meters long from head to tail, 4 meters wingspan. (Others coming soon)

TheLastCookie11 commented 7 years ago

nice idea maybe they could rlly add this

Wolf7104 commented 7 years ago

@TheLastCookie11 Thanks!

LordDecay26 commented 7 years ago

as much as i love all of these ideas, i do see a few issues with them.

1.) all of the creatures in i/f are based off of creatures of pre-existing mythologies, namely greek mythos. 2.) the "highflier" while cool, is very draconic and is too similar to a new species of dragon, which, as stated by both alex and raptorfarian multiple times, there will be no new species of dragon or draconic esque creatures.

Wolf7104 commented 7 years ago

1) I don't see why they don't add something that isn't from any mythologies. 2) The Highflier IS a dragon. I didn't know the devs had said that they won't add any more dragons. Nevertheless, it's cool and I'll leave it to the them to decide if anything from my suggestions will be added, that's why they are suggestions.

Also I plan on making another Issue where I suggest mythological creatures.

KristofPlayz commented 6 years ago

Maybe someone will make these creatures in an addon