AlexModGuy / Ice_and_Fire

Minecraft mystical mod
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Dangerous Worldgen Distance From Spawn not working as intended #4398

Open Tskuno opened 2 years ago

Tskuno commented 2 years ago

Before the most recent update I was using the config above to keep dangerous things away from the players for a bit as they go through the world and level up. And for a while it worked fine, dragons didn't spawn, etc unless you went (what I had it at and still have it at is 300,000) blocks away, however, now it seems they ignore this rule. Is there some config change that happened or? As this seems odd to me that it all of a sudden would stop working? If there's some setting I have to change to true, I do not see it, but could just be missing it. I hope that this is able to be addressed as it's a little sad that it's doing this as it definitely messes with the world progression I was aiming for.

DigitalWendigo commented 2 years ago
  1. What version are you using? In case it's 1.12.2, that's unfortunately no longer supported.
  2. What mods are you using allongside ice and fire?
  3. What version of ice and fire are you using?

Furthermore, if you are using a mod that alters terrain generation, like for example Terraforged, then the structures/roosts/dens will not function as intended as the terrain generator usually takes over how things spawn in the world. Please provide more information.

Tskuno commented 2 years ago
  1. 1.12.2 isn't supported anymore?
  2. Um, listing all the mods I use would be a hassle, I have a modpack I've been making,I wanted to have mystical creatures but have them be incredibly rare, like the dying remains of a mystical world. Here is the modpack:
  3. The latest version of ice and fire for 1.12.2. I don't think anything I'm using should alter generation aside from extra biomes?
DigitalWendigo commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately 1.12.2 is no longer supported so no more bug fixes and updates will be made for it.

Your pack contains at least two mods that influence world generation, if selected as world type. (Quark and Biomes O Plenty) Most world generation altering mods influence how dragons spawn and often times break certain conditions. It's been reported a few times that dangerous world settings seem to stop working if a terrain generator or custom world type is used.