AlexSatrapa / StarfieldOutpostCLI

A simple calculator to help build outposts in Starfield
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Collect labels and produce them with output specifications #16

Open AlexSatrapa opened 3 months ago

AlexSatrapa commented 3 months ago

Given something like this:

- Landing Pad - Small
- Industrial Workbench
- 3 Wind Turbine - Advanced (25 power)
- Extractor - Copper
- Storage - Solid - Large (copper)
- Extractor - Beryllium
- Storage - Solid - Large (beryllium)

The normalise operation should output something like this:

- Landing Pad - Small
- Industrial Workbench
- 3 Wind Turbine - Advanced (25 power)
- 2 Extractor (beryllium, copper)
- 2 Storage - Solid - Large (beryllium, copper)

Stretch goal:

3 Storage - Copper - Large
2 Storage - Beryllium - Large

Should normalise to:

5 Storage - Solid - Large (2 beryllium, 3 copper)
AlexSatrapa commented 1 month ago

I think a first step here could be to add the specific extractors so that "Extractor - Beryllium" format works.

Adding a new issue to cover that, then I can get back to this one.