AlexShkarin / pyLabLib

Python package for device control and experiment automation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorrect camera attribute limits #42

Closed bhathawayML closed 1 year ago

bhathawayML commented 1 year ago


While using pylablib.devices.IMAQdx, I've noticed that the camera attribute limits for exposure are being read as [0.5, 250] ms rather than the actual camera limits which are [0.1, 2000] ms (determined by using the manufacturer's software). This particular camera is from AmScope and I have found online that they have some incompatibilities with IMAQdx. Is it possible to set these parameters manually? Even when I delete the icd camera file IMAQdxOpenCamera recreates the same one, so I'm assuming these values are hard-coded somewhere...

I know this is more of a particular problem with the IMAQ library and not necessarily an issue in pylablib, but thank you in advance for any help :)

AlexShkarin commented 1 year ago

To override the truncation in the pylablib code you can supply truncate=False to the setting function. That is, instead of writing




(both are equivalent), you can write


This migh help if IMAQdx reports incorrect parameter limits (using IMAQdxGetAttributeMinimum and IMAQdxGetAttributeMaximum), but allows values outside these limits in IMAQdxSetAttribute. However, if setting this parameter causes an error directly from IMAQdx (i.e., IMAQdxLibError), there's, unfortunately, nothing you can do. As far as I can tell, IMAQdx does not allow overriding its internal limits.

bhathawayML commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I got the IMAQdxLibError error, but thank you anyways for the insight!