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AlexStocks's blog
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于雨氏(AlexStocks)'s blog #21

Open AlexStocks opened 6 years ago

AlexStocks commented 6 years ago

jiazhai commented 5 years ago


E18hteen commented 5 years ago

赞一个先。 请问对于2-3GB的实例,数据频繁修改与读取,在compaction期间出现概率性的性能大幅抖动(70%下降),这块优化上,有没有建议呢?

hellocodeM commented 5 years ago

25 禁用 WAL 时,DB::Flush() 只对单个 Column Family 的数据固化操作是原子的,对多个 Column Family 的数据操作则不是原子的,官方考虑将来会支持这个 feature;


hellocodeM commented 5 years ago


AlexStocks commented 5 years ago

@HelloCodeMing 找到了,不过他们仍然没有是实现这个功能。


hellocodeM commented 5 years ago

Q: I disabled write-ahead-log and rely on DB::Flush() to persist the data. It works well for single family. Can I do the same if I have multiple column families?

A: No, currently DB::Flush() is not atomic across multiple column families. We do have a plan to support that in the future.

lance6716 commented 4 years ago

有没有 RSS,如何才能订阅博客更新呢

AlexStocks commented 4 years ago

@lance6716 有没有 RSS,如何才能订阅博客更新呢

我一年产量也不足十篇,没必要 RSS 了。或者你加我微信好友【微信号在博客里】,关注我朋友圈也好。

1wendywu commented 2 years ago

Hi 大神,可以加个微信吗?wyq18098126191

Hugh0Me commented 2 years ago

大佬 《微信架构.doc》文档 还有么

Jacklijames commented 2 years ago