AlexTeixeira / Askmethat-Aspnet-JsonLocalizer

Json Localizer library for .NetStandard and .NetCore projects
MIT License
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Invalid Culture when using I18N mode JSON Files #129

Open ahofman opened 2 years ago

ahofman commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm using a set of JSON files with localised strings, for example:


Where localization.json is the fallback locale (en-US) and is Dutch.

When the request locale is nl a CultureNotFoundException is thrown with the message

Culture is not supported. (Parameter 'name')
localization is an invalid culture identifier.

from here:

The issue is that the default localization.json file is being treated as a locale file, and the string.split()[^2] resolves to localization, which it then tries to create a CultureInfo from, which is invalid.