AlexTheGre4t / MCTNG

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Pipes breaking glitch #11

Closed ryuben closed 9 years ago

ryuben commented 9 years ago

if i break a pipe with a tinkers tool i.e. pickaxe it will break but then reappear breaking with hands or anything else doesn't cause this

AlexTheGre4t commented 9 years ago

Are you sure this isn't just server lag? That can sometimes happen

ryuben commented 9 years ago

happens 100% of the time if i try to break a pipe with my tinkers pickaxe

AlexTheGre4t commented 9 years ago

Does the tinkers pickaxe break it instantly?

ryuben commented 9 years ago

pretty much - then i can break a block behind it - pipe will come back then i can break it with the pick

ryuben commented 9 years ago

this fixed?

AlexTheGre4t commented 9 years ago

After doing a little testing. It seems its just a generic minecraft issue that's been round forever. I doubt much can be done.

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

Might be a problem specific to the TiC tools? I remember a while back, a few other mods had issues when their blocks were broken with non-vanilla tools.

Ryuben, you have a BCA multitool? Do you have any issues breaking pipes with that?