AlexTheGre4t / MCTNG

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FTB Config files #42

Open Xariyl opened 9 years ago

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

@AlexTheGre4t , check the file structure with the FTB distribution. The "Config" folder has the mod-default configs in it, and a sub "Config" folder for all the changed pack config files. This caused a few hiccups when we first updated the server (mob spawns, AE2 meteor generations, and such).

@Ryuben , check your local files also, it may be set up the same way. When I fixed mine, in single-player, the AE2 items grouped up and abbreviated properly when over 1K items. I'll be on the server in a minute to test, see if it helps this issue:

Xariyl commented 9 years ago

btw, the sub-Config folder seems to have the beta2 files; I noticed the login screen is different.

Xariyl commented 9 years ago


@Ryuben , that look better? I noticed the Shift-? from NEI is working now, too. So looks like there was some discrepancy or conflict with the local vs server files.

ryuben commented 9 years ago

that looks 100 times better - and that terminal looks familiar....

good job man

ryuben commented 9 years ago

i have a config inside my config.....

AlexTheGre4t commented 9 years ago

That. Is very strange. I didn't expect the file structure to derp. Anyway, curse just opened up their system. I'm gonna be migrating over to there in the next couple of days, from testing everything seems fine and it's almost impossible to derp :P. Plus I'm scrapping ATL. Their support is useless.