AlexWaveDiver / TranslaTale

TranslaTale - An Undertale translation helper!
MIT License
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Flowey Cyriak - Glyph replacement #8

Open AlexWaveDiver opened 8 years ago

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the bug I'm having right now: I don't wanna open another issue just in case

AlexWaveDiver commented 8 years ago

Maybe the base font lacks that character (the TTF file, I mean). In that case I'm afraid that you must edit the font :( (I recommend you FontForge)

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

DotumChe already has that character, plus I created a new font with the width between the characters fixed... and I was using FontForge

AlexWaveDiver commented 8 years ago

I'll check it out as soon as I can. Can you send me your UTfonts file?

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago github apparently doesn't like my zip file :c

AlexWaveDiver commented 8 years ago

Hm, I've been able to use your UTfonts project without any problem :/ (besides the kerning issue) Try to open and save the fonts (both DotumChe and DotumCheSmall), and rebuild the project again.

I'm out of ammo ATM, sorry :( untitled-1

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

I can't seem to get that glyph to show up no matter what. I tried repacking my UTFonts, validating my game cache, editing the font... 8bit operator font works fine with the added glyphs, but DotumChe doesn't want to work. maybe is it because I'm using steam version and there some unknown drm thing blocking it?

AlexWaveDiver commented 8 years ago

Maybe! Try renaming the steam_api.dll library and repackaging the file

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

still nothing... I'll try using a DRM free copy from a totally legitimate, 100% NOT pirate site. I mean I brought the game, it should be legally allright for me to get the DRM-free copy for free... Asked Toby and he gave it to me <3

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

Ok, I finally managed to get it working, but now the flowey text won't advance more than the first line... (and the font looks like total shite) image

sdsesdses commented 8 years ago

How you do that !? please tell me!!

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago

Adding glyphs to a font

And putting them to use in undertale

This is one looong ride, so buckle up cuz you're gonna be here for a while :)

  1. Get FontForge (its free :))
  2. Follow the glyph repack instructions in TranslaTale (here)
  3. Start up GameMaker Studio and FontForge
  4. In GameMaker find & open the UTFonts file you downloaded from the glyph repack wizard (should look like this)
  5. Open the Fonts folder and Double-click the font you wanna edit and start typing in your special characters. If they appear in the same style as the font, great you can skip to step 9 (you might wanna increase the size of the font to make it easier to see but remember to put the original font size back!)
  6. If they do not appear in the same style then go to fontforge and find the font (In C:/Windows/Fonts and usually called the same name as the font*)
  7. Now It's time to get creative: Find the letters you want to add (They are called glyphs for some reason...) and copy the style of the font to your new characters: For example I'll make the ũ character.
  8. Try to copy as much as you can from the original font (Unless you are making something like Russian / Japanese characters it shouldn't be too hard) In my ũ example I can copy the u from the alphabet and the ~ from the ñ character already there. If you need more help google fontforge tutorials.
  9. [Open the font in fontforge and] Look for the last letter that you need in your font and click on it. Look at the number of the character and remember it / write it down somewhere, we will need it later.
  10. Once you're done making the characters change the font name unless you want to override the original font (here then here)
  11. Generate a .ttf version of the font and install (double click) it.
  12. Go back to GameMaker and open up the font again. Select the new font, if you made a new one and test out your brand new characters. If everything works, they should look just like you made them.
  13. Remember that number i was talking about in step 9? Click the plus and type that number in here
  14. Repeat steps 5 to 13 for all the fonts
  15. Make an application installer and install it so it can generate a file.
  16. Use the glyph / project repack wizard from TranslaTale to get a for undertale, and replace the new with the one already in undertale.

The end.

also hey @AlexWaveDiver I think this is the beginnings of a guide :D (if you want the markdown its here)

* DotumChe is in a font called guilm.ttc

AlexWaveDiver commented 8 years ago

@Epic3lite done. Thank you! :D

Epic3lite-zz commented 8 years ago
