Successfully updated an image field type in Dataverse using the toolkit with
( 'cds_field_name' => base64_encode('/path/to/file.ext')) )
(file is checked for mime, etc. first, but that gives you the basic version)
Tried the same with a file field type (testing with a .png file) and get the error "The file attribute value sent ... is not a valid Guid".
Are file submissions supported, or have I missed something else?
Successfully updated an image field type in Dataverse using the toolkit with
( 'cds_field_name' => base64_encode('/path/to/file.ext')) )
(file is checked for mime, etc. first, but that gives you the basic version)Tried the same with a file field type (testing with a .png file) and get the error "The file attribute value sent ... is not a valid Guid".
Are file submissions supported, or have I missed something else?