AlexanderPro / SmartSystemMenu

SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system
MIT License
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Issues with Windows Key As Shortcut Modifier #101

Closed AaronKnowls closed 1 year ago

AaronKnowls commented 1 year ago

I'm having issues setting windows key as a modifier.

For example, to use it to minimize windows to tray. I set the hotkey to windows key left or right and the letter T; I close it all, start the software and the window I want to minimize, but it doesn't work. I tried many combinations with the windows key with no luck. It does work if I use other keys.

May it be related to the fact that my keyboard has only one windows key instead of left and right windows keys? Although I guess this is not the issue.

It would be very useful for me being able to use the Windows key since ctrl alt and shift combinations are mostly used by other apps.

Sorry for the long explanation and thank you so much for this amazing software that I use every day.

AlexanderPro commented 1 year ago

Hi AaronKnowls,

I have only one keyboard with one windows key "Logitech MX Keys" and everything works correctly for left windows key. Maybe you have some truble with your OS. Does Win+L combination work well with your keyboard?

AaronKnowls commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your answer.

I have the same keyboard actually :) That gave me hope to keep trying. I did manage to make it work, even thought I didn't figure out why exactly the old shortcuts don't work anymore. Indeed the WinL works correctly.

Thanks, AlexanderPro.