AlexanderTirik / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти інтро #4

Closed AlexanderTirik closed 4 years ago

AlexanderTirik commented 4 years ago

Скласти інтро (вступ), де в 2-4 реченнях описати, що замовник робить, що подобається робити, що хочеться робити краще, що важливо робити, тощо.

TirikAlexander commented 4 years ago

The real-life Iron Man. Got the full 6-month Commodore manual in 3 days, made a game, sold it for 500$. At age 12. Lived on 1$/day during college, eating mostly hot dogs to learn money doesn't really matter. Gave 3 engagement rings to my wife Tallulah, one of which I designed.

AlexanderTirik commented 4 years ago

The real-life Iron Man. Got the full 6-month Commodore manual in 3 days, made a game, sold it for 500$. At age 12. Lived on 1$/day during college, eating mostly hot dogs to learn money doesn't really matter. Gave 3 engagement rings to my wife Tallulah, one of which I designed.