AlexanderTonn / SolarPowerhouse

Solar balkony power plant, which includes control logic for switching between micro inverter and battery depending on the state of charge. The repository containing any drawings and manuals.
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[NEW] Use Touch_Interrupt pin #19

Closed AlexanderTonn closed 8 months ago

AlexanderTonn commented 10 months ago

 :rocket: Please describe your feature request

 :pencil2: Describe the solution you'd like

 :pushpin: Describe alternatives you've considered

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AlexanderTonn commented 10 months ago

Touch IRQ will not work for some reason with this code. Wiring is definitely correct

constexpr static uint8_t TOUCH_IRQ = 2; // Touch Interrupt
constexpr static uint8_t TOUCH_CS = 3; // Touch Chip Select

Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);
XPT2046_Touchscreen touch(TOUCH_CS, TOUCH_IRQ);

  // Detecting touch
  if (touch.tirqTouched())
    TS_Point touchPoint = touch.getPoint();
    touchPoint.x = map(touchPoint.x, TOUCH_X_MIN, TOUCH_X_MAX, tft.width(), 0);
    touchPoint.y = map(touchPoint.y, TOUCH_Y_MIN, TOUCH_Y_MAX, 0, tft.height());
    Serial.print("(x: ");
    Serial.print("(y: ");
    Serial.print("Touch Pressure: ");

    detectTouch(touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y, byPageId);