AlexandraCasser / rLearnProgramming

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Pick language/purpose of our project #1

Open AlexandraCasser opened 8 years ago

AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

Hello friends,

I suggest we make a JS reddit clone with mongo, express, react, and node.js. I'm happy to discuss other ideas, however, so please reply here. We'll talk for a few days and make a decision.

Best, Alex

PS I realize it was redundant to say "pick the language of our project" since we're doing it in JS. Oh, well.

RunnyYolk commented 8 years ago

Howdy Alex! Thanks for creating this repo for us! This is exciting!

And hi to everyone else!!

I'm down with a reddit clone. I'll have a think about other ideas too, and reply here if I come up with any good ones.


Nick /u/nt57

FlorisWarmenhoven commented 8 years ago

Reddit clone sounds like a fun idea!

I haven't got any experience with Mongo, Express or React though... Is that a problem?

wojo1086 commented 8 years ago

I think a reddit clone could be a fun and exciting project! I have a little bit of experience in Mongo, but none in Express or React. I am pretty well versed in Angular, PHP, and MySQL. I also have a experience in a couple PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter and Laravel 5) as well as some API experience.

I'm down to learn anything though!

Nice to meet all of you!

Sidenote: Should we create a slack channel? I think that would help us keep in touch easier.

jfurukawa4392 commented 8 years ago

I've worked with mongo in python a bit, and have some knowledge of node. Developing something now in Django which follows a similar MVC pattern to Angular.

I think a reddit clone is as good an idea as any. I'm always reluctant to just agree with any idea, but when it comes to coding and learning by doing, doing anything is 1000x better than doing nothing so I'm eager to agree and get to work.

Setting up a slack channel would probably be best. I'll definitely have a lot of questions on the Express.js side, but I think I can pick up stuff in the other components of the stack with some research on my own.

Good to meet you all!

Devin93 commented 8 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm also down with a reddit clone, I don't have much experience in the mentioned tools but hey that's how you learn.

Let's dive in :)

AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

@wojo1086 That's an awesome idea! I just made a slack team, please send me your emails so I can invite you. It's rlearnprogrammingtalk.

@FlorisWarmenhoven I don't think your lack of experience with those particular things is a problem. You'll learn as you go and we'll help. :)

I think it'll be easier to start planning out the project once we're all on slack together.

RunnyYolk commented 8 years ago


I'm super excited to join in but I'm away sailing for a couple of weeks now, so not sure how much solid time I'll be able to contribute for this first bit. I should be able to chip in with the planning without too much trouble, but probably not much actual coding.


AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

@nt57 No worries, we'll figure it out.

jfurukawa4392 commented 8 years ago

you can actually use github's api to get everyone's email:

So if anyone is wondering who to email:

And in the interest of not just exposing someone else's info (though it's technically public), here's mine too:

Please invite me so we can discuss requirements and initial tasks and maybe brainstorming some new interesting take on the reddit clone just to keep things fresh.

AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

@jfurukawa4392 I did not know that! Very cool. I just invited everyone on here who's accepted my invite to join this repo (let me know if you don't get it).

Devin93 commented 8 years ago

Haven't received anything yet

AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

@Devin93 , what's your email so I can invite you?

Devin93 commented 8 years ago

wojo1086 commented 8 years ago

My email is

nqassim commented 8 years ago

hey alex, how much experience do you have with javascript ? Since you said in your post on reddit you wanted to learn the language

AlexandraCasser commented 8 years ago

Was there a slack channel opened up yet? I haven't been invited if there was.