AlexandreArcil / QuestionsTime

Ask questions and gain prize for the winner !
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Chat Bugs #5

Closed bleihof closed 4 years ago

bleihof commented 5 years ago

I found the following bug:

With me is in the chat with each you win, even with the one who won nothing. It happens that he did not win, player xyz won.

The one who did not win: Who won where:

In addition I have set in the config the message should not be sent in the public chat. As you can see above with the scrennshots it will be anyway.

I use the latest version of the questions plugin. Sponge Version: spongeforge-1.12.2-2825-7.1.6-RC3716

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

If I have understood correctly, personalAnswer doesn't work and the message You win is send to everybody ? I will check !

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

Ok I solved the first bug but I didn't achieved to reproduce the second (it's 2 Minecraft opened on the same server, with the same sponge forge version than you) Can you give me your config.conf please ? (without the questions if you want)

bleihof commented 5 years ago

Have actually the standard config. The only thing I've changed is the cooldowns, so every minute there is a question to test. I have other plugins on it but I have previously disabled all times. But bug is still coming.

Here are the desired files.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

hum... I made a little change. I will post a beta version today if I can, or tomorrow.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

I didn't know why but I can't create a new channel. The first time, Ore said he has an error. The second time, the channel isn't created. I will post the plugin later if I can, sunday otherwise.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

I posted the new version. If the bug is still here, please send the debug.log. If not, I will close this issue and start to add new feature !

bleihof commented 5 years ago

I will test it today or at the latest tomorrow

bleihof commented 5 years ago

The Chatausgabe who wins votes. But the message the other player wrote is still in the chat.

Where can I send the debug.log, I do not want to be here, do not want that everyone has it.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

You can't send a private message in Github, so what you can do is to send me only the lines which contains [questionstime].

bleihof commented 5 years ago

Will not be able to send it before Sunday.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

Ok. The bug where messages were sent in the chat even if it was disabled in the config is still present in your side ? An other person had this bug and it was fixed in the version 1.1.6.

bleihof commented 5 years ago

With the version 1.1.6 I had the bug still. I test it again on Sunday and send the logs if it would not work again.

AlexandreArcil commented 5 years ago

Is the bug still relevant ?