SigProfilerMatrixGenerator creates mutational matrices for all types of somatic mutations. It allows downsizing the generated mutations only to parts for the genome (e.g., exome or a custom BED file). The tool seamlessly integrates with other SigProfiler tools.
I just started trying to deploy the SigProfilerCluster you posted on github, and I got the following error when executing the
genInstall.install('GRCh37', bash=True)
Beginning installation. This may take up to 40 minutes to complete.
??? Linux ? Windows ?????????????
?????? Microsoft Store ??????:
??? Linux ? Windows ?????????????
?????? Microsoft Store ??????:
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open 'D:\Python\Anaconda\envs\sig\Lib\site-packages\SigProfilerMatrixGenerator/references/chromosomes/tsb/GRCh37.tar.gz'
The ensembl ftp site is not currently responding.
I just started trying to deploy the SigProfilerCluster you posted on github, and I got the following error when executing the genInstall.install('GRCh37', bash=True)
Beginning installation. This may take up to 40 minutes to complete. ??? Linux ? Windows ????????????? ?????? Microsoft Store ??????: ??? Linux ? Windows ????????????? ?????? Microsoft Store ??????: tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open 'D:\Python\Anaconda\envs\sig\Lib\site-packages\SigProfilerMatrixGenerator/references/chromosomes/tsb/GRCh37.tar.gz' The ensembl ftp site is not currently responding.
hoping to get your answer!