Alexays / Waybar

Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada:
MIT License
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hyprland/workspaces do not work #2475

Closed Nyayurin closed 10 months ago

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

image image

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

Add the following to the bottom of ~/.config/waybar/config....

    "hyprland/workspaces": {
        "disable-scroll": true,
        "format": "{name} {icon}",
        "format-icons": {
            "active": " ",
            "default": " "
        "persistent_workspaces": {
            "1": [],
            "2": [],
            "3": [],
            "4": [],
zjeffer commented 1 year ago

@Nyayurn What's your actual hyprland/workspaces config? We can only see you added the "modules-center": ["hyprland/workspaces"] module, but not the config itself. Also please copy paste instead of screenshotting, makes it easier for other people to find similar issues.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

@Nyayurn What's your actual hyprland/workspaces config? We can only see you added the "modules-center": ["hyprland/workspaces"] module, but not the config itself. Also please copy paste instead of screenshotting, makes it easier for other people to find similar issues.

none or

"hyprland/workspaces": {}


Add the following to the bottom of ~/.config/waybar/config....

    "hyprland/workspaces": {
        "disable-scroll": true,
      "format": "{name} {icon}",
      "format-icons": {
          "active": " ",
          "default": " "
        "persistent_workspaces": {
            "1": [],
            "2": [],
            "3": [],
            "4": [],

as the same error

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Which version of Waybar are you using?

celepharn commented 1 year ago

Changing wlr/workspaces to hyprland/workspaces fixed it for me.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

Which version of Waybar are you using?

extra/waybar 0.9.22-1

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

That's so strange. Can you copy paste your entire config? Both config.json and style.css.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

config style.css

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Yeah I don't understand, your config works without issues on my system, with both the latest master and 0.9.22-1 from the extra/waybar package...

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

I also can't understand that others have no problem hyprland/workspaces, but I can only use wlr/workspaces but wlr/workspaces is no longer supported this is my package list paru -Qe paru -Q

stauersbol commented 1 year ago

idk if its helpful or anything, but try running the config.json through a unescape tool online to see if it changes anything. that is just from looking at the warning you are getting, but i could be wrong

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

OK, lets try it in reverse. Rename your existing config to something else eg

mv ~/.config/waybar/config ~/.config/waybar/config.bakup

Then try swapping your config with mine.

Obviously a lot of stuff probably won't work but workspaces should work.

Edit - Sorry, that was the wrong config, its my top bar you want... top.txt

Edit 2 - Actually its probably easier to just rename top.txt to top, drop it in ~/.config/waybar then run waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/top.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

OK, lets try it in reverse. Rename your existing config to something else eg

mv ~/.config/waybar/config ~/.config/waybar/config.bakup

Then try swapping your config with mine.

Obviously a lot of stuff probably won't work but workspaces should work.

Edit - Sorry, that was the wrong config, its my top bar you want... top.txt

Edit 2 - Actually its probably easier to just rename top.txt to top, drop it in ~/.config/waybar then run waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/top.

It still do not work Screen

stauersbol commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

stauersbol commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

How do I do that?

stauersbol commented 1 year ago

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

How do I do that?

Try this tool, it might not work, but it is worth the try

EDIT: Funny, I tried both your config and the one @Dungeonseeker sent and both work just fine for me

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

How do I do that?

Try this tool, it might not work, but it is worth the try

EDIT: Funny, I tried both your config and the one @Dungeonseeker sent and both work just fine for me

I tried it but still do not work

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

Nah, that config is working perfectly for me. At this point I'm stumped. The provided config works for others and a known working config doesn't work for OP.

The only other thing I can think of is trying to install waybar-hypland which states its specifically for workspaces support but I'm running stock waybar 0.9.22 and I have no issues at all.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

Nah, that config is working perfectly for me. At this point I'm stumped. The provided config works for others and a known working config doesn't work for OP.

The only other thing I can think of is trying to install waybar-hypland which states its specifically for workspaces support but I'm running stock waybar 0.9.22 and I have no issues at all.

I already used waybar-nvidia,but it still do not work

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

The only other thing I can think of is trying to install waybar-hypland which states its specifically for workspaces support but I'm running stock waybar 0.9.22 and I have no issues at all.

The waybar-hyprland packages was for wlr/workspaces support, not hyprland/workspaces. That package is now obsolete, of course.

stauersbol commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

Nah, that config is working perfectly for me. At this point I'm stumped. The provided config works for others and a known working config doesn't work for OP.

The only other thing I can think of is trying to install waybar-hypland which states its specifically for workspaces support but I'm running stock waybar 0.9.22 and I have no issues at all.

Yeah waybar is just fine, as @zjeffer just pointed out waybar-hyprland is obsolete now.

@Nyayurn did you try manually compiling and seeing what it does?

There is a short guide on the hyprland wiki if you want to try that out.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

I input these command, but it throw some error

sed -i -e 's/zext_workspace_handle_v1_activate(workspace_handle_);/const std::string command = "hyprctl dispatch workspace " + name_;\n\tsystem(command.c_str());/g' src/modules/hyprland/workspaces.cpp
meson --prefix=/usr --buildtype=plain --auto-features=enabled --wrap-mode=nodownload build


zjeffer commented 1 year ago

That wiki should be updated, the first command is not necessary anymore.

I use this to compile:

# in the Waybar git repo (make sure you pull the latest version)
git clean -dxff

meson setup --reconfigure --prefix=/usr \
          --buildtype=debug \
          --auto-features=enabled \
          --wrap-mode=nodownload \
          -Dexperimental=true \
          -Dcava=disabled \
          -Dcpp_std=c++20 \
          -Dtests=enabled \

ninja -C build

Then run waybar using ./build/waybar --config <path-to-config.json> --style <path-to-style.css>

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

Also what is the output of hyprctl monitors and hyprctl workspaces ?

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

It still do not work

Try removing the keyboard-state module and see what happens, unless it is actually something you are using.

still do not work Screen

Did you try running it through an JSON unescape tool online? If you didn't could you try doing that, just to see what happens?

Nah, that config is working perfectly for me. At this point I'm stumped. The provided config works for others and a known working config doesn't work for OP. The only other thing I can think of is trying to install waybar-hypland which states its specifically for workspaces support but I'm running stock waybar 0.9.22 and I have no issues at all.

Yeah waybar is just fine, as @zjeffer just pointed out waybar-hyprland is obsolete now.

@Nyayurn did you try manually compiling and seeing what it does?

There is a short guide on the hyprland wiki if you want to try that out.

It's still do not work Screen

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

Also what is the output of hyprctl monitors and hyprctl workspaces ?

❯ hyprctl monitors Monitor DVI-D-1 (ID 0): 1920x1080@60.002998 at 0x0 description: TXD \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd 0x00000001 (DVI-D-1) make: TXD model: \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd
serial: 0x00000001 active workspace: 7 (7) special workspace: 0 () reserved: 0 0 0 0 scale: 1.00 transform: 0 focused: yes dpmsStatus: 1 vrr: 0

❯ hyprctl workspaces workspace ID 1 (1) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df2cacbd0 lastwindowtitle: QQ

workspace ID 2 (2) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df246ec30 lastwindowtitle: hyprland/workspaces do not work · Issue #2475 · Alexays/Waybar - Vivaldi

workspace ID 3 (3) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 1 lastwindow: 0x560df24885a0 lastwindowtitle: Windows [正在运行] - Oracle VM VirtualBox

workspace ID 4 (4) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df247b8a0 lastwindowtitle: 备忘录 - Obsidian Vault - Obsidian v1.4.5

workspace ID 5 (5) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df461d680 lastwindowtitle: Celeste

workspace ID 6 (6) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df466fb60 lastwindowtitle: OBS 29.1.3-1 - 配置文件: Untitled - 场景: Untitled

workspace ID 7 (7) on monitor DVI-D-1: windows: 1 hasfullscreen: 0 lastwindow: 0x560df56d3120 lastwindowtitle: Yurn@SakuraArch: ~/Waybar

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

Just as a last ditch throw anything at the wall and hope something sticks attempt, try renaming your style.css file and see if that changes anything.

Its weird its saying there is an escape error, that makes no sense since workspaces is a built in module.

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Try this config:

  "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
  "position": "top", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
  "height": 32, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
  "width": 0, // Waybar width (0 == auto)
  "spacing": 0, // Gaps between modules
  "modules-left": [

and /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css as the style file.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

Try this config:

  "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
  "position": "top", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
  "height": 32, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
  "width": 0, // Waybar width (0 == auto)
  "spacing": 0, // Gaps between modules
  "modules-left": [

and /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css as the style file.


zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Ok this is weird: it's still reporting something wrong with line 6, column 14, just like before...

If you remove hyprland/workspaces from the config (basically having an empty config). Does it still give the error?

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

What's your locale?

EDIT: Oh, I can see in the screenshot it's using zh_CN. Try running waybar with LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ./build/waybar and see if it makes a difference

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

If I remove hyprland/workspaces it will not show Screen en_US.UTF-8 still error Screen

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Which version of Hyprland are you using? Maybe there's a problem with the IPC communication?

Dungeonseeker commented 1 year ago

Is there anything weird showing with journalctl -b0 |grep 'hyprland' or sudo dmesg |grep 'hyprland'?

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

I'm using hyprland 0.29.1-1 Screen

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Can you try removing all code inside the constructor in src/hyprland/workspaces.cpp, so it looks like this:

Workspaces::Workspaces(const std::string &id, const Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config)
    : AModule(config, "workspaces", id, false, false),
      box_(bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) {

Then recompile with ninja -C build, and run waybar. The module wouldn't do anything but it also shouldn't throw the error.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

It's do not throw error but still do not work Screen

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

Try this config:

  "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
  "position": "top", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
  "height": 32, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
  "width": 0, // Waybar width (0 == auto)
  "spacing": 0, // Gaps between modules
  "modules-left": [

and /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css as the style file.

This is no any error but still do not work Screen

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Great, now we can debug further. Try instead of removing everything from the constructor, only remove all the gIPC->registerForIPC() function calls from the constructor. Let's see if that throws any errors (it probably stll won't show any workspaces on the bar but it would bring us closer to a solution).

EDIT: also remove the init() call and the creation of gIPC, so remove all of this:

if (!gIPC) {
    gIPC = std::make_unique<IPC>();


  gIPC->registerForIPC("workspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("createworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("destroyworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("focusedmon", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("moveworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("renameworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("openwindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("closewindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("movewindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("urgent", this);
Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

It's fine, no any error Screen

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Now try it with init() and creation of the gIPC object, but without the registerForIPC calls.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago
if (!gIPC) {
    gIPC = std::make_unique<IPC>();


is still error

if (!gIPC) {
    gIPC = std::make_unique<IPC>();

will not show any error

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago
if (!gIPC) {
    gIPC = std::make_unique<IPC>();


  gIPC->registerForIPC("workspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("createworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("destroyworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("focusedmon", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("moveworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("renameworkspace", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("openwindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("closewindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("movewindow", this);
  gIPC->registerForIPC("urgent", this);

will not show any error on start but show the same error when I switch workspace

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Ok, so the issue is definitely in the IPC communication: maybe in the parsing here or the communication itself here

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Revert all the changes you made and now try replacing the getSocket1JsonReply method with this:

Json::Value IPC::getSocket1JsonReply(const std::string& rq) {
  std::string response;
  try {
    response = getSocket1Reply("j/" + rq);
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    spdlog::error("Hyprland IPC: Couldn't get JSON reply: {}", e.what());
    return {Json::nullValue};
  spdlog::info("Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: {}", response);
  try {
    return parser_.parse(response);
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    spdlog::error("Hyprland IPC: Couldn't parse JSON: {}", e.what());
    return {Json::nullValue};

and see what it outputs.

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

❯ ./build/waybar --config ~/waybar.config --style /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css [2023-09-11 00:01:30.564] [info] Using configuration file /home/Yurn/waybar.config [2023-09-11 00:01:30.564] [info] Using CSS file /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css [2023-09-11 00:01:30.568] [info] Hyprland IPC starting [2023-09-11 00:01:30.574] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: { "id": 5, "name": "5", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df4811380", "lastwindowtitle": "./build/waybar --config ~/waybar.config --style /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css" } [2023-09-11 00:01:30.574] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 0, "name": "DVI-D-1", "description": "TXD \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd 0x00000001 (DVI-D-1)", "make": "TXD", "model": "\xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd ", "serial": "0x00000001", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "refreshRate": 60.002998, "x": 0, "y": 0, "activeWorkspace": { "id": 5, "name": "5" }, "specialWorkspace": { "id": 0, "name": "" }, "reserved": [0, 38, 0, 0], "scale": 1.00, "transform": 0, "focused": true, "dpmsStatus": true, "vrr": false }] [2023-09-11 00:01:30.574] [error] Hyprland IPC: Couldn't parse JSON: * Line 6, Column 14 Bad escape sequence in string See Line 6, Column 17 for detail.

[2023-09-11 00:01:30.574] [error] Monitor 'DVI-D-1' does not have an ID? Using 0 [2023-09-11 00:01:30.574] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 1, "name": "1", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df2cacbd0", "lastwindowtitle": "QQ" },{ "id": 2, "name": "2", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df246ec30", "lastwindowtitle": "hyprland/workspaces do not work · Issue #2475 · Alexays/Waybar - Vivaldi" },{ "id": 3, "name": "3", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": true, "lastwindow": "0x560df24885a0", "lastwindowtitle": "Windows [正在运行] - Oracle VM VirtualBox" },{ "id": 4, "name": "4", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df247b8a0", "lastwindowtitle": "备忘录 - Obsidian Vault - Obsidian v1.4.5" },{ "id": 5, "name": "5", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df4811380", "lastwindowtitle": "./build/waybar --config ~/waybar.config --style /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css" }] [2023-09-11 00:01:30.579] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 1, "name": "1", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df2cacbd0", "lastwindowtitle": "QQ" },{ "id": 2, "name": "2", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df246ec30", "lastwindowtitle": "hyprland/workspaces do not work · Issue #2475 · Alexays/Waybar - Vivaldi" },{ "id": 3, "name": "3", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": true, "lastwindow": "0x560df24885a0", "lastwindowtitle": "Windows [正在运行] - Oracle VM VirtualBox" },{ "id": 4, "name": "4", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df247b8a0", "lastwindowtitle": "备忘录 - Obsidian Vault - Obsidian v1.4.5" },{ "id": 5, "name": "5", "monitor": "DVI-D-1", "windows": 1, "hasfullscreen": false, "lastwindow": "0x560df4811380", "lastwindowtitle": "./build/waybar --config ~/waybar.config --style /etc/xdg/waybar/style.css" }] [2023-09-11 00:01:30.601] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 0, "name": "DVI-D-1", "description": "TXD \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd 0x00000001 (DVI-D-1)", "make": "TXD", "model": "\xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd ", "serial": "0x00000001", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "refreshRate": 60.002998, "x": 0, "y": 0, "activeWorkspace": { "id": 5, "name": "5" }, "specialWorkspace": { "id": 0, "name": "" }, "reserved": [0, 70, 0, 0], "scale": 1.00, "transform": 0, "focused": true, "dpmsStatus": true, "vrr": false }] [2023-09-11 00:01:30.601] [error] Hyprland IPC: Couldn't parse JSON: * Line 6, Column 14 Bad escape sequence in string See Line 6, Column 17 for detail.

[2023-09-11 00:01:30.601] [info] Bar configured (width: 1920, height: 32) for output: DVI-D-1 [2023-09-11 00:01:46.572] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 0, "name": "DVI-D-1", "description": "TXD \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd 0x00000001 (DVI-D-1)", "make": "TXD", "model": "\xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd ", "serial": "0x00000001", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "refreshRate": 60.002998, "x": 0, "y": 0, "activeWorkspace": { "id": 2, "name": "2" }, "specialWorkspace": { "id": 0, "name": "" }, "reserved": [0, 70, 0, 0], "scale": 1.00, "transform": 0, "focused": true, "dpmsStatus": true, "vrr": false }] [2023-09-11 00:01:46.572] [error] Hyprland IPC: Couldn't parse JSON: * Line 6, Column 14 Bad escape sequence in string See Line 6, Column 17 for detail.

[2023-09-11 00:01:49.016] [info] Hyprland IPC: Got JSON reply: [{ "id": 0, "name": "DVI-D-1", "description": "TXD \xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd 0x00000001 (DVI-D-1)", "make": "TXD", "model": "\xc7\xe5\xbb\xaa\xcd\xac\xb7\xbd ", "serial": "0x00000001", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "refreshRate": 60.002998, "x": 0, "y": 0, "activeWorkspace": { "id": 5, "name": "5" }, "specialWorkspace": { "id": 0, "name": "" }, "reserved": [0, 70, 0, 0], "scale": 1.00, "transform": 0, "focused": true, "dpmsStatus": true, "vrr": false }] [2023-09-11 00:01:49.016] [error] Hyprland IPC: Couldn't parse JSON: * Line 6, Column 14 Bad escape sequence in string See Line 6, Column 17 for detail.

zjeffer commented 1 year ago

Looks like your monitor description and model are not parsable with json. Probably an upstream issue?

Nyayurin commented 1 year ago

wait, it's still error but work Screen