Alexays / Waybar

Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada:
MIT License
6.52k stars 704 forks source link

[HELP] couldnt see workspaces number in waybar after update after long time, did something chnage related to that #2868

Closed Greatz08 closed 8 months ago

Greatz08 commented 8 months ago

{ "layer": "top", "position": "top", "mod": "dock", "exclusive": true, "passthrough": false, "gtk-layer-shell": true, "height": 50, "modules-left": ["custom/launch_wofi","wlr/workspaces","cpu","memory","disk","hyprland/window"], "modules-center": ["custom/lock_screen","custom/updates","clock","custom/power_btn"], "modules-right": ["temperature","battery","backlight","pulseaudio","pulseaudio#microphone","tray","cava","custom/light_dark","network"],

"hyprland/window": {
    "format": "{}"

"custom/launch_wofi": {
    "format": "HAKAI",
    "on-click": "pkill wofi; wofi -n",
    "tooltip": false

"custom/lock_screen": {
    "format": "",
    "on-click": "sh -c '(sleep 0.5s; swaylock)' & disown",
    "tooltip": false

"custom/light_dark": {
    "format": "󰐾",
    "on-click": "~/.config/waybar/scripts/baraction light",
    "tooltip": false

"custom/power_btn": {
    "format": "",
    "on-click": "sh -c '(sleep 0.5s; wlogout --protocol layer-shell)' & disown",
    "tooltip": false

"cpu": {
    "interval": 10,
    "format": " {usage}%",
    "max-length": 10,
    "on-click": "kitty --start-as=fullscreen --title btop sh -c 'btop'"

"disk": {
    "interval": 30,
    "format": "󰋊 {percentage_used}%",
    "path": "/",
    "tooltip": true,
    "tooltip-format": "HDD - {used} used out of {total} on {path} ({percentage_used}%)",
    "on-click": "kitty --start-as=fullscreen --title btop sh -c 'btop'"

"memory": {
    "interval": 30,
    "format": " {}%",
    "max-length": 10,
    "tooltip": true,
    "tooltip-format": "Memory - {used:0.1f}GB used",
    "on-click": "kitty --start-as=fullscreen --title btop sh -c 'btop'"

"wlr/workspaces": {
    "disable-scroll": true,
    "all-outputs": true,
    "on-click": "activate",
    "persistent_workspaces": {
        "1": [],
        "2": [],
        "3": [],
        "4": [],
        "5": [],
        "6": [],
        "7": [],
        "8": [],
        "9": [],
        "10": []

"custom/power_profile": {
    //shows the current power profile and switches to next on click
    "exec": "asusctl profile -p | sed s:'Active profile is'::",
    "interval": 30,
    "format": "󰈐{}", 
    "on-click": "asusctl profile -n; pkill -SIGRTMIN+8 waybar",
    "signal": 8

"custom/weather": { //shows the current weather and forecast "tooltip" : true, "format" : "{}", "interval" : 30, "exec" : "~/.config/waybar/scripts/", "return-type" : "json" },

"tray": {
    "icon-size": 18,
    "spacing": 10

"clock": {
    "format": "{:%I:%M %p}",
    "tooltip": true,
    "tooltip-format": "{: %A, %B %e %Y}"

"backlight": {
    "device": "intel_backlight",
    "format": "{icon} {percent}%",
    "format-icons": ["󰃞", "󰃟", "󰃠"],
    "on-scroll-up": "brightnessctl set 1%+",
    "on-scroll-down": "brightnessctl set 1%-",
    "min-length": 6

"battery": {
    "states": {
        "good": 95,
        "warning": 30,
        "critical": 20
    "format": "{icon} {capacity}%",
    "format-charging": " {capacity}%",
    "format-plugged": " {capacity}%",
    "format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
    "format-icons": ["󰂎", "󰁺", "󰁻", "󰁼", "󰁽", "󰁾", "󰁿", "󰂀", "󰂁", "󰂂", "󰁹"]

"pulseaudio": {
    "format": "{icon} {volume}%",
    "format-muted": "",
    "on-click": "pamixer -t",
    "on-click-right": "pavucontrol",
    "on-scroll-up": "pamixer -i 5",
    "on-scroll-down": "pamixer -d 5",
    "scroll-step": 5,
    "format-icons": {
        "headphone": "",
        "hands-free": "",
        "headset": "",
        "phone": "",
        "portable": "",
        "car": "",
        "default": ["", "", ""]

"pulseaudio#microphone": {
    "format": "{format_source}",
    "format-source": " {volume}%",
    "format-source-muted": "",
    "on-click": "pamixer --default-source -t",
    "on-click-right": "pavucontrol",
    "on-scroll-up": "pamixer --default-source -i 5",
    "on-scroll-down": "pamixer --default-source -d 5",
    "scroll-step": 5

"temperature": {
    "thermal-zone": 1,
    "format": " {temperatureF}°F",
    "critical-threshold": 70,
    "format-critical": " {temperatureC}°C",
    "on-click": "kitty sh -c 'btop --utf-force'"


"network": {
    "interval": 2,
    "format-wifi": " {bandwidthDownBytes:>} {bandwidthUpBytes:>}",
    "format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) no_entry",
    "format-disconnected": "Disconnected"

 "cava": {
    "cava_config": "/home/hakaishin/.config/cava/config",
    "framerate": 60,
    "autosens": 1,
    "sensitivity": 100,
    "bars": 14,
    "lower_cutoff_freq": 50,
    "higher_cutoff_freq": 10000,
    "method": "pulse",
    "source": "auto",
    "stereo": true,
    "reverse": false,
    "bar_delimiter": 0,
    "monstercat": false,
    "waves": false,
    "noise_reduction": 0.77,
    "input_delay": 2,
    "format-icons" : ["▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█" ],
    "actions": {
               "on-click-right": "mode"


Previously could see workpsace number 1,2,3 etc in top left as per above conf but now i cant so please guide to fix it

jernejmarcic commented 8 months ago

yes now (since you are using hyprland) you have to use hyprland/workspaces Eg my config (don't judge)

   "hyprland/window": {
        "format": "{}"
    "hyprland/workspaces": {
        "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1",
        "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1",
    // Icons for 20 workspaces? Why wou may ask, Why not I anwser.
    "1": "1",
    "2": "2",
    "3": "3",
    "4": "4",
    "5": "5",
    "6": "6",
    "7": "7",
    "8": "8",
    "9": "9",
    "10": "10",
    "11": "11",
    "12": "12",
    "13": "13",
    "14": "14",
    "15": "15",
    "16": "16",
    "17": "17",
    "18": "18",
    "19": "19",
    "20": "20",

        "all-outputs": true,
        "on-click": "activate",
        "format": "{icon}",
        "format-icons": {
      "1": "1",
      "2": "2",
      "3": "3",
      "4": "4",
      "5": "5",
      "6": "6",
      "7": "7",
      "8": "8",
      "9": "9",
      "10": "10",
      "11": "11",
      "12": "12",
      "13": "13",
      "14": "14",
      "15": "15",
      "16": "16",
      "17": "17",
      "18": "18",
      "19": "19",
      "20": "20",

            "urgent": "<span color='#dd532e'></span>", // The explamation point is now red to draw more attention to it
            // "active": "",
            "default": ""
Greatz08 commented 8 months ago

@jernejmarcic thanks buddy now its showing workspace number :-))