Alexays / Waybar

Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada:
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waybar displaying wrong timezone #3024

Open Kommynct opened 8 months ago

Kommynct commented 8 months ago

timedatectl outputs the following:

               Local time: Sun 2024-03-17 20:16:08 EDT
           Universal time: Mon 2024-03-18 00:16:08 UTC
                 RTC time: Mon 2024-03-18 00:16:09

System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no

However, after v0.10.0, waybar is now saying it is currently midnight.

ordy commented 8 months ago

Don't know if you have a timezone set in your config file, but maybe try to first set your time zone with timedatectl because it looks like your output isn't reporting any.

Kommynct commented 8 months ago

it is set, I just removed it for privacy, should've said that

also, it worked perfectly before the most recent update. I currently have the timezone force set in waybar as a workaround, but I don't think I should have to set the timezone.

ndcontini commented 8 months ago

I'd like to chime in an say that I'm also facing this issue. It was working perfectly up until the update and now it only displays UTC instead of my timezone.

itaranto commented 8 months ago

Same here, clock displays UTC instead of my local timezone.

It used to work just fine in the previous version.

vdpbl commented 8 months ago

same, waybar-clock displays hwclock (utc by default but responds to time/date changes in uefi)

itaranto commented 8 months ago

same, waybar-clock displays hwclock (utc by default but responds to time/date changes in uefi)

I didn't know that.

But I have my hwclock synced with my OS clock anyway, both are set to my local timezone but Waybar still displays UTC.

Kommynct commented 8 months ago

this is not correct, my hwclock is not displaying UTC and waybar still does not display the correct timezone unless manually set.

jsaern commented 8 months ago

I have the opposite challenge using Waybar v.0.9.9 on Ubuntu 22.04. I only see my timezone's time when I want to see UTC.

I have tried the following timezone settings:

  1. "timezone": "UTC"
  2. "timezone": "Universal"
  3. "timezone": "GMT"
  4. "timezone": "UCT"


Kommynct commented 8 months ago

Try updating to v0.10

Pablo1107 commented 7 months ago

Issue still remains with Waybar v0.10.2. Workaround is manually set the timezone in ~/.config/waybar/config:

    "clock#date": {
        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
        "format": "{:%A %b %d}",
        "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}",
        "tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
        "interval": 60
    "clock#time": {
        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
        "format": "{:%H:%M:%S}",
        "interval": 1
itaranto commented 7 months ago

Issue still remains with Waybar v0.10.2. Workaround is manually set the timezone in ~/.config/waybar/config:

    "clock#date": {
        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
        "format": "{:%A %b %d}",
        "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}",
        "tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
        "interval": 60
    "clock#time": {
        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
        "format": "{:%H:%M:%S}",
        "interval": 1

Yup, this should be marked as a regression IMO.

malmerri42 commented 3 months ago

This issue still persists with 10.4-2

Blazing-Blast commented 2 months ago

Even with "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam", I still only see UTC, and not UTC+2. On waybar 0.10.4-2 (Arch).

alxchk commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

samuelcordero commented 2 months ago

I'm currently facing the same issue: 2024-09-08-134609_hyprshot

Although I'd swear this behavior wasn't there last week and the time displayed my timezone, I'm not sure. Maybe this bug only appears when certain time conditions are met? This issue had been silent for months, but today there are three reports of it. I'll post updates if it resolves itself without any specific updates addressing the issue.

adnanzareef commented 2 months ago

Mine is not working either, the debug log is saying : [2024-09-08 17:55:58.688] [warning] Timezone: Asia/Dhaka. std::chrono::tzdb: cannot locate zone: Asia/Dhaka

SimeonVutov commented 2 months ago

I am also facing the same problem. Waybar clock is using Universal time instead of my local time

Fennix900 commented 2 months ago

Same issue here:

Waybar v0.10.4

i tried following configs "timezone": "Europe/Vienna" "timezone": "Europe/Vienna (CEST, +0200)"

and i also tried to reconfigure hwclock

no success

timedatectl Local time: Sun 2024-09-08 15:47:00 CEST Universal time: Sun 2024-09-08 13:47:00 UTC RTC time: Sun 2024-09-08 13:47:00 Time zone: Europe/Vienna (CEST, +0200) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no


i remember waybar showing the correct time some weeks ago

itshog commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

I have the same issue on Arch Linux, and I can confirm that downgrading the package tzdata from 2024b-1 to 2024a-2 fixes the problem. I suggest this as a temporary workaround for now.

itshog commented 2 months ago

Here's the changelog from 2024a to 2024b. It seems that something changed in the naming of the timezones, as in the changelog it says

System V names are now obsolescent. The main data form now uses %z.

Maybe this is useful to debug the issue?

itaranto commented 2 months ago

Mine is not working either, the debug log is saying : [2024-09-08 17:55:58.688] [warning] Timezone: Asia/Dhaka. std::chrono::tzdb: cannot locate zone: Asia/Dhaka

I don't even see any log message, not even with --log-level trace. I'm on Arch Linux.

Nick82285 commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

Yeah, This is it. Arch homies should downgrade too, until there's some more communication on this bug. I don't know which package contains/modifies timezone data on Arch though, as it might be subsumed in a larger package. I just downgraded the package on Gentoo and restarted waybar.

alexlnkp commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

I have the same issue on Arch Linux, and I can confirm that downgrading the package tzdata from 2024b-1 to 2024a-2 fixes the problem. I suggest this as a temporary workaround for now.

Can confirm, works like a charm after the downgrade!

themarcman314 commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

I have the same issue on Arch Linux, and I can confirm that downgrading the package tzdata from 2024b-1 to 2024a-2 fixes the problem. I suggest this as a temporary workaround for now.

Same here, downgrading to 2024a-2 fixes the issue.

ronasimi commented 2 months ago

Same issue on arch, downgrading 2024b to 2024a-2 fixes - Arch Linux

grimwaldr commented 2 months ago

Also confirming that on Arch tzdata is the culprit - downgrade to fix.

Spoljarevic commented 2 months ago

Same Issue here after executing "doas pacman -Syu" on Arch Linux

Nikola13377 commented 2 months ago

Also confirming that downgrading tzdata is the way to fix it on Arch

hariseldon78 commented 2 months ago

another workaround is a custom module:

"custom/clock": {
          "exec": "date +\"%F %H:%M\"",
          "interval": 10
7sev7nsev7n7 commented 2 months ago

adding on that downgrading tzdata solves the issue on arch, hope this can be looked into soon

Linuxadmn4718 commented 2 months ago

Seeing the same issue this morning. RTC is set to UTC and clock is only displaying UTC.

❯ timedatectl
               Local time: Mon 2024-09-09 13:33:07 PST
               Universal time: Mon 2024-09-09 05:33:07 UTC
               RTC time: Mon 2024-09-09 05:33:07
               Time zone: Asia/Manila (PST, +0800)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
              RTC in local TZ: no

Can confirm downgrading tzdata resolves issue.

user354015 commented 2 months ago

Also here to confirm, downgrading tzdata works.

Kurumi0007 commented 2 months ago

hello, same here. After downgrading, it works correctly

enabwds commented 2 months ago

I was facing the same issue. It seems that the only way to fix it is to downgrade tzdata. I use arch btw.

itaranto commented 2 months ago

I don't think downgrading a package is a good idea. But anyway, we aren't discussing Arch Linux here.

In my case I've been having this issue for several months, are we sure this is just tzdata?

Also, I have another machine running Fedora 40 and I experience the same issue, the tzdata version here is 2024a.

enabwds commented 2 months ago

I'm not entirely sure about Fedora as i have no experience with it or it's derivatives. In my case the only fix that worked was to downgrade tzdata from 2024b-1 to 2024a-2. I have no clue about why you would be having the issue for several months as i had only experienced the issue after updating a few hours ago.

furadnik commented 2 months ago

@itaranto You might have a different issue then? I'm also running Arch, downgraded tzdata, and it's working. Also it stopped working at the same time I upgraded tzdata to 2024b-1.

itaranto commented 2 months ago

@itaranto You might have a different issue then? I'm also running Arch, downgraded tzdata, and it's working. Also it stopped working at the same time I upgraded tzdata to 2024b-1.

Yes, it's most likely a different issue.

I'm having this issue since version v0.10, just like the OP.

charlesneimog commented 2 months ago

same for me. I am on waybar 0.10.4.

DevZiaus commented 2 months ago

I am also having the same issue on arch. I am on waybar 0.10.4 My config:

"clock": {
        "timezone": "Asia/Dhaka",
        "format": "{:%I:%M%p}",
        "tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
        "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}"
Nj0be commented 2 months ago

Same issue on arch linux, downgrading tzdata fixes it.

Erennedirlo commented 2 months ago

Here to confirm downgrading tzdata to 2024a-2 fixes it

J0nnyMak0 commented 2 months ago

In other words time is stuck at GMT. It would be nice if "timzone" supported a plus-minus syntax. So "timezone": -5 would be equivalent to "America/Chicago" etc.

Mahrjose commented 2 months ago

Wait so it's because of the update!! I spent 2 hours trying to fix it. I was going mad :)

nomisreual commented 2 months ago

Looks like waybar doesn't work with sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b, at least have same issue with waybar at gentoo. Masked 2024b until fixed.

Can confirm downgrading tzdata resolved the issue for now.

jeffreymonjacastro commented 2 months ago

Downgrading tzdata resolved the bug for me also.

I installed downgrade with yay yay -S downgrade. Then I run sudo downgrade tzdata, and I selected 2024a-2. After that I restart it with pkill waybar & waybar &.

Hope this bug will be fixed

beeender commented 2 months ago

It seems chrono-tz v0.10.0 fixed this.

   39       ╎ try {                                                                                                                                         
   40       ╎   tzList_.push_back(locate_zone(zone_name.asString()));                                                                                       
   41       ╎ } catch (const std::exception& e) {                                                                                                           
   42       ╎   spdlog::warn("Timezone: {0}. {1}", zone_name.asString(), e.what());                                                                         
   43       ╎ } 
(gdb) p e.what()
$4 = 0x555555a79dd8 "std::chrono::tzdb: cannot locate zone: Asia/Shanghai"
alexlnkp commented 2 months ago

It seems chrono-tz v0.10.0 fixed this.

   39       ╎ try {                                                                                                                                         
   40       ╎   tzList_.push_back(locate_zone(zone_name.asString()));                                                                                       
   41       ╎ } catch (const std::exception& e) {                                                                                                           
   42       ╎   spdlog::warn("Timezone: {0}. {1}", zone_name.asString(), e.what());                                                                         
   43       ╎ } 
(gdb) p e.what()
$4 = 0x555555a79dd8 "std::chrono::tzdb: cannot locate zone: Asia/Shanghai"

The issue is fixed just by having 'chrono-tz' pkg? Even if that's the case, there still is a regression from a previous version, which should be reported ideally. Did anyone do that yet?

michael555444 commented 2 months ago

Same issue Arch Linux: 6.10.9-arch1-1 waybar: 0.10.4-2 tzdata: 2024b-1 waybar config:

        "clock":    {
            "interval":             1,
            "timezone":             "Europe/Moscow",    // Without manual tz set and with
            "tooltip-format":           "<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
            "format":               "{:%H:%M:%S}",
            "format-alt":               "{:%e %B %Y (%A) [%Y.%m.%d]}",
            "calendar": {
                "mode":             "month",
                "mode-mon-col":         3,
                "on-scroll":            1,
                "format":   {
                    "months":       "<span color='#ffead3'><b>{}</b></span>",
                    "days":         "<span color='#ffffff'>{}</span>",
                    "weekdays":     "<span color='#ffcc66'><b>{}</b></span>",
                    "today":        "<span color='#ff6699'><b><u>{}</u></b></span>"
            "actions":  {
                "on-click-right":       "mode",
                "on-scroll-up":         "shift_up",
                "on-scroll-down":       "shift_down",
            "on-click-middle":          "gnome-calendar"
aayan-infosec commented 2 months ago

Downgrading tzdata resolved the bug for me also.

I installed downgrade with yay yay -S downgrade. Then I run sudo downgrade tzdata, and I selected 2024a-2. After that I restart it with pkill waybar & waybar &.

Hope this bug will be fixed

Downgrading did help in my case. Thank you! But, is the bug related to tzdata 2024b or waybar?