Alexays / Waybar

Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada:
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Applications launched from waybar get closed when the monitor is disconnected #3339

Open guzz46 opened 3 weeks ago

guzz46 commented 3 weeks ago

I've added a video below showing the behavior, the first instance of galculator is launched from the custom launcher, the second instance of galculator is launched from rofi which is invoked by the custom launcher, and the third instance of galculator is launched from rofi via a keyboard shortcut, you can see that when I disconnect and reconnect the monitor only the galculator launched from rofi via the keyboard shortcut is still running.

Also applications launched from rofi via the keyboard shortcut which don't get closed when the monitor is disconnected and reconnected no longer show in the taskbar, sometimes it also happens when I've resumed from suspend too, but disconnecting the monitor is the quickest way to reproduce the bug, sometimes even waybar is closed when I've resumed from suspend.

My custom launcher config is below

"custom/launcher6": { "format": "{} ", "tooltip": false, "on-click": "galculator", },