Alexays / Waybar

Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada:
MIT License
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Weather widget wont open unless I manually run it waybar #3352

Closed 4j0x closed 2 weeks ago

4j0x commented 2 weeks ago

captura-2024-06-11-1718090495 The screenshot shows me running waybar twice (once by the autostart on top and the 2nd by me manually in the terminal)

the commands run is waybar & both times no difference

When I run way waybar myself in terminal the logs do not show any errors or anything of note

apiraino commented 2 weeks ago

Autostart from which window manager? Please post your waybar config. It must be something in the way the weather widget is started.

4j0x commented 2 weeks ago

Autostart from hyprland with the command waybar &


  "custom/weather": {
    "exec": "wttrbar --fahrenheit --location Dallas",
    "restart-interval": 300,
    "tooltip": true,
    "format": "{}°",
    "return-type": "json",
    "on-click": "kitty --hold --class center-float wttr Dallas",
    "on-click-right": "kitty --hold --class center-float wttr -v2 Dallas",
    "on-click-middle": "xdg-open"


  "include": [
  "modules-left": ["custom/arch", "hyprland/workspaces", "custom/cava"],
  "modules-center": ["custom/music"],
  "modules-right": [
4j0x commented 2 weeks ago

most likely an issue with wttr but not 100% sure