Alexey-T / CudaText

Cross-platform text editor, written in Free Pascal
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[Breadcrumbs] shouldn't use `EdTextBg` for background of the bar #5502

Closed pintassilgo closed 1 month ago

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago

I'm testing a theme in which only the editor is dark. Cuda chrome (window UI) still retains default theme.

But one thing feels wrong. While breadcrumbs are using Cuda chrome theme (light gray), the background of breadcrumbs bar is using the same background as the editor (dark in my theme). Look:


My suggestion: In, replace      = colors['EdTextBg     ]['color']

        cls.path_bg = colors['TabBg        ]['color']

by      = colors['TabBg''     ]['color']

        cls.path_bg = colors['TabPassive''        ]['color']

Or something similar. Breadcrumbs bar should align its theme with tabs bar, but currently it's confusing, breadcrumbs follow tabs bar but the background of the bar follows editor background.

Result with my suggestion:


Much better, don't you think?

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago

Edit: moved to

Alexey-T commented 1 month ago

Pls move the 2nd post to a separate suggestion post.

1st post: I agree. will correct as suggested.

Alexey-T commented 1 month ago

Corrected as suggested (in 1st post).

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago

Thanks. Will you release an update for the plugin, right?

Edit: now I see, it was updated, thanks.