Alexey-T / CudaText

Cross-platform text editor, written in Free Pascal
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[Qt Wayland] Cuda existing window is not focused when you open text file #5514

Open pintassilgo opened 1 month ago

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago
  1. Wayland session.
  2. Launch Cuda Qt (both official Qt5 and Flatpak Qt6 are affected).
  3. Minimize Cuda and open a text file externally. For instance, by doubleclicking the file from desktop or from your file manager, or by terminal /path/to/cudatext "/path/to/textfile.txt".


The already open Cuda window should jump to the front, displaying the file you opened.


The file opens, but Cuda window is not focused, you need to manually switch to it to read/edit.

Gtk is not affected.

I use KDE Plasma, but hopefully any DE running Wayland session is affected when you run Qt Cuda.

Currently, I run Cuda with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb set to avoid this issue. By doing this, I'm launching Cuda as xwayland window instead of native Wayland, so I shouldn't do it. And Cuda xwayland has its own bugs like #5132.

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago

Is this one Lazarus bug too?

Alexey-T commented 1 month ago

I guess yes, I will try to make repro-demo later.

pintassilgo commented 1 month ago

Thanks.. Offtopic: did you forget to release here on GitHub? I'm notified of Cuda updates though GitHub, but I happened to go to SourceForge then I realized I was using an outdated version.

Alexey-T commented 1 month ago

I made the release on GH now, thanks.

Alexey-T commented 1 month ago

Lazarus bugreport: