Alexey-Tsarev / WiFi_Watt_Meter

WiFi Watt Meter (ESP8266)
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Project images #1

Open Alexey-Tsarev opened 7 years ago

Alexey-Tsarev commented 7 years ago

img_20161114_151146 img_20161224_140131

zlo2k commented 7 years ago

Простите, а можно чуть больше информации про подключение ?

Alexey-Tsarev commented 7 years ago

From my side, - watt meter has marked contacts CLK and SDO. You can see them on the last photo. So, you solder them to the ESP8266 contacts (for my case - pins 5 and 4). Source code config:

define configPinCLK 5

define configPinSDO 4

And you also should connect ground on ESP8266 and SGND (see photo). But, there an ELECTRIC SHOCK WARNING! Please read "source" articles: