Open RosaShao opened 6 years ago
When I tested, after 23 floor, I got that:
(1)Sorry, it's after 23 layer. (2) I use: ./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg results/yolov3-tiny_27900.weights VOCdevkit/VOC2018/JPEGImages/000390.jpg
Did you train your ownl yolov3 for PascalVOC or for MS COCO? No, I use myself photos like the type of PascalVOC. What classes= are in the yolov3-tiny.cfg? 13 Can you run successfully yolov3-tiny with default model? No, it fails, too. The same result: Total BFLOPS 30.161 CUDA Error: out of memory darknet: ./src/cuda.c:36: check_error: Assertion `0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
Thank you!
I changed width and height to 416, then I can test. But the effect of detecting small objects is much worth than yolov3 with stride= 8 and layers = -1, 4. Could you give me another suggestion? Thank you very much!
I'm trying change width and height to 960, angle=0, saturation = 1.5, exposure = 1.5, hue=.1. Teating and training OK now. I'm waiting results, thank you very much!
How is detection of small objects with yolo-tiny ? Better or worse than yolov3 ?
yolov3.cfg better than yolov3-tiny.cfg for small objects, because yolov3.cfg has a [route] layer to the layer with size 52x52, while yolov3-tiny.cfg has a [route] layer to the layerwith size 26x26 only.
Thanks for your help at first. But I got another OOM. Please help me again, thank you! I can train data when I use: set here stride= 8 and layers = -1, 4.
But after training, I can't test photo. When I tested, after 23 floor, I got that:
Total BFLOPS 30.161 CUDA Error: out of memory darknet: ./src/cuda.c:36: check_error: Assertion `0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
But I use the same yolov3-tiny.cfg.(batch=64, subdivisions=16) I ever try to change (batch=1, subdivisions=1), (batch=32, subdivisions=8),(batch=32, subdivisions=16) or (batch=64, subdivisions=32), but still false. Could you help me? Thank you!