I would like to find a python script which is able to read annotations .json files from COCO dataset in order to convert annotations into YOLO format (many .txt files with bounding boxes like this ).
The purpose is to train a YOLOv3 custom model to build a detector with same accuracy as COCO pre-trained models for person, cars and trucks and add a custom class for special trucks which are not detected with pre-trained models.
I am sure this python script exists but where?
I would like to find a python script which is able to read annotations .json files from COCO dataset in order to convert annotations into YOLO format (many .txt files with bounding boxes like this ).
The purpose is to train a YOLOv3 custom model to build a detector with same accuracy as COCO pre-trained models for person, cars and trucks and add a custom class for special trucks which are not detected with pre-trained models.
I am sure this python script exists but where?