AlexeyAB / darknet

YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
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High values of avg loss and low mAP training small objects #3426

Closed Lepiloff closed 5 years ago

Lepiloff commented 5 years ago

@AlexeyAB hi!!! I am training my own dataset with only one class. Dataset contains of 1k labeled images and 1k unlabeled(empty .txt file). Each images contains from 1 to 600 small objects. For train I made new yolov3.cfg file with such changes (in accordance with the recommendations for training small objects

max_batches = 2000
layers = -1, 11
filters = 18
classes = 1
add max=700 to each yolo layers
recalculate anchors for all yolo layer
anchors = 14,30,  25,25,  22,49,  38,37,  30,73,  50,54,  45,97,  77,73,  73,133
add random=1 to last yolo layer

My cf file And start train with command ./darknet detector train data/ yolov3j.cfg darknet53.conv.74 After 2000 iteration I got avg loss 8.593376, 12.742638 and mAP Screenshot from 2019-06-17 11-37-35

I tried to train 300 more iterations but the results got worse

After getting these bad results, I tried to do Fine-Tuning instead of Transfer-Learning using new yolov3-openimages.conv.81 and yolov3-openimages.cfg with the same parameters as last time but with stopbackward=1 After 2000 iterations the avg loss is about the same (~10) but the mAP is worse Screenshot from 2019-06-17 11-41-12

Why is this so? Could you help me choose the right settings for this task?

AlexeyAB commented 5 years ago

@Lepiloff Hi,

Since there are 600 objects on one image - it seems there are very small objects. It's a good mAP = 59% for such small objects.

Just try to train with higher width=608 height=608

Or if you will use only this repository, you can try to train new model with width=832 height=832 batch=64 subdivisions=64 random=0 (or 608x608) especially for such small objects:


Use the same pre-trained weights darknet53.conv.74

After getting these bad results, I tried to do Fine-Tuning instead of Transfer-Learning using new yolov3-openimages.conv.81 and yolov3-openimages.cfg with the same parameters as last time but with stopbackward=1

Objects in openimages dataset are much larger than in your dataset, so there stopbackward gives bad result.

Lepiloff commented 5 years ago

@AlexeyAB , thanks. More then 100 objects contains only about 15-20% of images.
1.I am trained with width=832 height=832 , is training with width=608 height=608 would be better for small objects?

  1. Why my avg loss mach more bigger as required value - 0.5 , is this normal? which parameter is more important avg loss or mAP?
  2. Was the right decision to add to all yolo layers max=600, at documentation you recommended add only at last layer?
  3. About yolo_v3_spp_pan.cfg , all I need is to make only the specified settings (width=832 height=832 batch=64 subdivisions=64 random=0)? No additional specific changes (anchors, anything else)?
AlexeyAB commented 5 years ago
  1. width=832 height=832 is better

  2. this is normal, you have very small objects. mAP is more important

  3. yes

  4. set width=832 height=832 batch=64 subdivisions=64 max_batches = 4000 steps=3200,3600 random=0 also classes= and filters=(classes+5)x4 in each yolo-layer

Lepiloff commented 5 years ago

@AlexeyAB Thank you, I will try