My environment is
Ubuntu 16.04
GPU nvidia GTX1080ti
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 125G 8.5G 13G 827M 104G 115G
Swap: 975M 62M 913M
First I used darknet19 to classify the cropped license plates format into 8 classes like
ab-1234 is 2-4, ABC-123 is 3-3
It can be detected perfectly by yolov2 since I choose the whole image like a bounding box.
but I failed when I tried to do the classification by ./darknet classifier train
I used darknet19.cfg flip =0 ;filter=8;
I modified the code a little to parse the txt file
void fill_truth_class(char *path, char **labels, int k, float *truth)
int id;
//1.generate txt path
char classpath[4096];
find_replace(path, ".jpg", ".txt", classpath);
// txt file
FILE *file = fopen(classpath, "r");
if(!file) file_error(classpath);
float x, y, h, w;
while ( fscanf(file, "%d %f %f %f %f", &id,&x,&y,&h,&w)==5){
// the class of the license plate
memset(truth, 0, k*sizeof(float));
truth[id] = 1;
and I printed the the truth variable and there is nothing wrong with it
but during the training the loss dropped a little and converged immediately.
I tried to tune the learning rate lower but it is always the same.
the result is all wrong the predict class id is always 1.
So since the label part is OK, I tried to close the augmentation in this function
matrix load_image_augment_paths(char **paths, int n, int use_flip, int min, int max, int size, float angle, float aspect, float hue, float saturation, float exposure)
int i;
matrix X;
X.rows = n;
X.vals = (float**)calloc(X.rows, sizeof(float*));
X.cols = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
image im = load_image_color(paths[i], 0, 0);
image crop = random_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
//image crop = copy_image(im);
int flip = use_flip ? random_gen() % 2 : 0;
if (flip)
random_distort_image(crop, hue, saturation, exposure);
show_image(im, "orig");
show_image(crop, "crop");
the augmentation parameters of random_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
but I still tried to
justimage crop = load_image_color(paths[i], 0, 0);
or return imin random_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
then it showed Segmentation fault after a few iterations
I printed the messages
matrix load_image_augment_paths(char **paths, int n, int use_flip, int min, int max, int size, float angle, float aspect, float hue, float saturation, float exposure)
int i;
matrix X;
X.rows = n;
X.vals = (float**)calloc(X.rows, sizeof(float*));
X.cols = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
image im = load_image_color(paths[i], 0, 0);
image crop = random_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
//image crop = copy_image(im);
int flip = use_flip ? random_gen() % 2 : 0;
if (flip)
random_distort_image(crop, hue, saturation, exposure);
show_image(im, "orig");
show_image(crop, "crop");
X.vals[i] =;
X.cols = crop.h*crop.w*crop.c;
return X;
My environment is Ubuntu 16.04 CUDA10.0 GPU nvidia GTX1080ti total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 125G 8.5G 13G 827M 104G 115G Swap: 975M 62M 913M
First I used darknet19 to classify the cropped license plates format into 8 classes like ab-1234 is 2-4, ABC-123 is 3-3 like It can be detected perfectly by yolov2 since I choose the whole image like a bounding box. but I failed when I tried to do the classification by ./darknet classifier train I used darknet19.cfg
flip =0 ;filter=8;
I modified the code a little to parse the txt fileand I printed the the
variable and there is nothing wrong with it but during the training the loss dropped a little and converged immediately. I tried to tune the learning rate lower but it is always the same. the result is all wrong the predict class id is always 1. So since the label part is OK, I tried to close the augmentation in this functionthe augmentation parameters of
random_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
use_flip:0,min:256,max:512,size:256,angle:0.000000,aspect:1.000000but I still tried to just
image crop = load_image_color(paths[i], 0, 0);
orreturn im
inrandom_augment_image(im, angle, aspect, min, max, size);
then it showed Segmentation fault after a few iterationsI printed the messages
then it showed
so can someone who is familiar with the source code of classification help?