AlexeyAB / darknet

YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
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Self-adversarial training - data augmentation #5117

Open AlexeyAB opened 4 years ago

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

I added Self-adversarial training. How to use:

#attention=1  # just to show attention

Note for Classifier: it seems it makes training unstable for high learning rate, so you should train 50 of iteratios the model as usual, then add adversarial_lr=0.05 and continue training.

Explanation: If we run attention-algorithm or adversarial-attack-algorithm, then we find that network looks only at rare areas of the object, since it considers them to be the most important, but often the network makes mistakes - these parts of the object are not the most important or do not belong to the object at all, and the network does not notice other details of the object.

Our goal: to make the network take into account a large area

A way to achieve the goal: during training, for every second iteration, the network conducts an Adversarial attack on itself:

  1. In the first forward-backward pass, the network tries to remove from the image all the details that relate to the objects, and makes it believe itself that there is not a single object in the image.
  2. In the second run forward-backward, the network teaches its weights that there are still objects here, despite the fact that it seems to it that it is not here.
For example: default yolov3.cfg/weights Adversarial attack Attention during training Attention during training on Adversarial-attacked image
train already trained model for 500 iteration, but optimize the input image instead of weights (weights are freezed) [net] adversarial_lr=0.05 attention=1 the network sees dog/bicycle/car [net] adversarial_lr=0.05 attention=1 (image from the first column) the network sees cat here, without dog/bicycle/car
77472580-375e6580-6e25-11ea-8179-ae95d674e844 image image

As you can see in the edited image (adversarial attack) in the 1st/3d column, the network doesn't pay attention on dog/bicycle/car, because network thinks that that there are no dog/bicycle/car, and there is a cat instead of a dog. So network should be trained on this augmented image to pay attention to the more obvious details, as here you can clearly see the dog/bicycle/car.

Train on this small dataset for 10000 iterations:

--- default model [net] adversarial_lr=0.05
1st try chart_simple_1 chart_adversarial_with_burnin
2nd try chart_simple2 chart_adversarial_without_burnin
AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu You can try to train some small model f.e. yolov3-tiny-prn.cfg with [net] adversarial_lr=0.05 and compare the mAP.

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB OK, i will also add this into ablation study waiting list.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu I improved Self-adversarial training in the latest code:

So use the latest code and [net] adversarial_lr=1 in cfg-file


WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB OK, i will retrain the model.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu What model do you train?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB yolov3-tiny-prn.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Sorry, another one fix ) Please run training again.

Is training of CSResNext/Darknet + PANet + MISH currently in progress?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB OK. 512x512: 42.3/64.2/45.8 - a little bit lower than w\o mish.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago


512x512: 42.3/64.2/45.8 - a little bit lower than w\o mish.

Is it CSResNext-Panet or Darknet-PANet? Is it trained by using top model from ? Is it trained with higher subdivisions (lower mini-batch) than without mish?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


Model (all with optimal setting) Size AP AP50 AP75
CSPResNeXt50-PANet-SPP 512×512 42.4 64.4 45.9
CSPResNeXt50-PANet-SPP (better imagenet) 512×512 42.3 64.3 45.7
CSPResNeXt50-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) 512×512 42.3 64.2 45.8
CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP (better imagenet) 512×512 42.4 64.5 46.0
CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) 512×512 43.0 64.9 46.5
AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Thanks!

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago


So at the moment it is unclear whether such features as CBN, Dropblock and Adversarial-training improve accuracy:

  1. How long does it take to train yolov3-tiny-prn with Adversarial-training? Currently added display of the remaining training time image

  2. You can try to train

    • csdarknet53-omega-mi.cfg.txt = (better imagenet+mish) + weighted-[shortcut]-multi-input-softmax

    • csdarknet53-omega-mi-db.cfg.txt = (better imagenet+mish) + weighted-[shortcut]-multi-input-softmax + dropblock (since weighted-[shortcut]-multi-input-softmax works very well with csresnext50, we will see if the dropblock works really well)

  3. Then you can try to train CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) + CBN + May be Adversarial-training with the best backbone of: csdarknet53-omega.cfg.txt / csdarknet53-omega-mi.cfg.txt / csdarknet53-omega-mi-db.cfg.txt

  4. Does training of csresnext50morelayers-spp-asff-bifpn-rfb-db.cfg go well?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


  1. 85~90.

  2. OK, i will get some free gpus after 1 week.

  3. i will design experiments according to ablation studies. by the way, due to the training process of darknet is really slow, i may develop new methods using pytorch, if it works, then move it to darknet.

  4. currently 30k epochs.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago


It's just that most Pytorch models have accuracy that is noticeably lower than in Darknet, based on these tables:

I think these are the last 2 models that we can train on Darknet before reproduce them back on Pytorch:

  1. Classifier - csdarknet53-omega-mi.cfg.txt
  2. Detector - CSPDarknet53-omega-mi-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) + CBN + May be Adversarial-training + without-iou_thresh

Then we can use Darknet just for low-level optimizations xnor-models/..., or for new-recurrent-layers (changed gru/lstm/... layers), ...

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


I will modify some code of ultralytics and examine the performance. Due to training time of Pytorch is about 1 week while Darknet takes more than 1 month, I think I can check if new features are suitable for our models faster. For example, anchor-free based methods, instance segmentation, simultaneously detect and track... Then move new features which perform well into Darknet.

OK, will do these experiments as soon as possible.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Hi,

Why did you use leaky instead of mish for the PANet-head of CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) ? There is used mish for backbone, and leaky for PANet-head:

I think Mish can get better accuracy.

When you will train CSPDarknet53-PANet-SPP (better imagenet+mish) + CBN batch_normalize=2 + May be adversarial-training adversarial_lr=1 + May be label_smooth_eps=0.1 that is based on csdarknet53-omega-mi.cfg.txt , try to train with Mish-activation instead of Leak for PANet-head too.

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago

OK, thanks.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Also I added iou_thresh_kind= parameter to the [yolo] and [Gaussian_yolo] layers. Now you can use it without changing source code:

iou_thresh_kind=giou  # by default: iou
AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Hi, Have you finished training yolov3-tiny-prn model with [net] adversarial_lr=1 and what result did you get?

WongKinYiu commented 4 years ago


will finish training in 10 min, currently the ap50 of val data is 30.22%

update: with adversarial: 29.83% val ap50. without: 32.78% val ap50.

update: finetune adversarial: 30.03 val ap50.

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Thanks.

So Self-adversarial training decreases ~ -3% AP50, at least for the small model.

Have you checked the CBN again on the small model like Tiny-PRN?

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

@WongKinYiu Can you share cfg and weights file of yolov3-tiny-prn with Self-adversarial?

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

The model that is trained with Self-adversarial training (data augmentation) is more robustness for Self-Adversarial attack and requires much more image changes than default model:

adversarial-trained yolov3-tiny-prn-adversarial.weights default yolov3-tiny-prn.weights
image image
Click image to enlarge image Click image to enlarge image
sisrfeng commented 4 years ago

ck and requires much more image change

I can see some noise on the left cat. Could you please explain the difference between these two cats? What does the not atttacked image look like?

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

A non-attacked image looks without any noise.

sisrfeng commented 4 years ago

Many thanks! Since the left cat is under the default yolov3-tiny-prn.weights curve, I thought it as the one you explained as RIGHT. On the right cat, the noise is mainly in this part , right? image On the non-attacked image, a cat rather than a person can be detected, right?

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

The captions for the drawings were mixed up, I fixed it)

sleepfin commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB Did you use adversarial_lr in yolov4 training ? I can't find any source code or cfg related to adversarial_lr. Can anyone help me.

dereyly commented 4 years ago

How can i visualise SAT while training? Write images with predicted boxes in path

AlexeyAB commented 4 years ago

Set in cfg-file

JasonRuan5 commented 4 years ago

@AlexeyAB What value of adversarial_lr should be set for yolov4-tiny and yolov4-custom? Is it data-set dependent or how the value will affect self adversarial train? Thanks!

yelantf commented 3 years ago

In the first forward-backward pass, will the network try to add objects when there is no objects in the image?

AlexeyAB commented 3 years ago

@yelantf No, it will only try to remove objects.

So in general, it is a good idea - try to add objects to the image randomly (the number and size of objects - through configurable parameters).

KuoEuran commented 3 years ago

Hi all, so use this mechanism to train will improve the model's accuracy or some other advantages? I am curious about it. tks